undefined, object
copy deck
- sighet
- small town on the border of romania and hungary
- transylvania
- region in the carpathian presently part of romania in 1940 the northern part of trans. including the ton of sighet was given to hungary. in 1945 it was returned to romania
- auschwitz
- nazi concentration camp in southern poland near the czech. border
- buchenwald
- nazi concentration camp in germ. near the city of weirmar
- budapest
- capital of hungary. radio communication to sighet came from budapest
- facist
- party aligned w/ hitler. radio comm.
- antisemitic
- refferring to prejudice against jews
- passover
- jewish religious feast lasting 7 days
- ghetto
- a section in a city inhabited chiefly by a minority group that cannot live elsewhere b/c of racial or social prejudice
- stoke coal
- keep fire burning by shovling coal into it
- red army
- soviet unions army
- gestapo
- nazi secret police
- pentecost
- jewish religious festival 50 days after the first day of passover
- avid
- eager
- deportation
- forced to move from a country
- truncheons
- short heavy sticks or clubs
- synagouge
- jewish church
- Kaschau
- a little town on the czech. frontier
- hermetically sealed
- sealed airtight
- abyss
- bottomless pitt
- pestilential stench
- disease containing
- barometer of confidence soared
- the atmosphere improved, they became more confident that their situation would improve
- abonimable odor
- horrible smell
- SS
- most brutal branch of the gestapo; secret police
- tommy gun
- thompson sub machine gun
- doctor mengele
- nazi war criminal, medical doctor that performed experiments on concentration camp prisoners
- devoid
- without
- monocle
- eye glass for one eye, held by a chain or leather strap around the wearer's neck
- unremittingly
- without stopping
- lorry
- a cart with four sides but no top usually on a truck bed
- kapos
- guards
- gypsies
- minority group which has been in europe for the last 500 years
- colic
- severe stomach pain resulting from muscle spasms
- clout
- hit
- humane
- kind, civilization
- congealing
- liquid becoming solid
- blandishments
- flattering words designed to coax another to perform in a way desired by the flatterer
- buna
- labor camp in germany
- well-clad
- comfortably dressed
- quarantine
- isolation
- hooligan
- gangster
- conscientious
- determined to complete a job
- bespectacled
- wearing glasses
- cynical
- sarcastic, distrusting
- slacking
- not showing maximum effort
- reckon
- answer to
- cauldron
- large cooking pot
- unawares
- without warning
- birkenau
- death camp
- zionist
- referring to a group of european jews who wish to resettle in palistein
- haifa
- port city in what is now israel. during war part of palistein
- bennediction
- prayer
- prostrated
- lying with face to the ground
- tempest
- violent wind storm
- mystic
- one who understands mysteries in this case the mind of god
- implored
- begged
- profoundly
- deeply
- solitary
- single
- deed
- action
- lamentation
- greiving
- yom kippur
- jewish day of atonement on which they ask god to forgive their sins. the faithful pray and fast for 24 hours
- fast
- abstain from some or all food
- great void
- feeling that there was nothing worth believing in
- "achtung"
- german for attention
- wallowing in your own despair
- enjoying your own hopelessness
- meager
- small
- elapsed
- gone by
- crucible
- a heat resistant vessel for melting metals
- anguish
- deep suffering that can be physical or mental
- despair
- hopelessness
- din
- loud noise
- morale
- enthusiasm
- sage
- person recognized for his/her great learning
- cavalry
- place of execution; jesus christ was crucified on cavalry
- faltering
- pausing
- automatons
- robots
- a blind destiny
- a power thought to determine ones future
- indeterminate
- from an unknown source
- fatigue
- exhaustion mental or physical
- reel
- spin
- stupified
- stunned
- bereaved
- depreived of hope
- semblance
- resemblance
- gleiwitz
- a town in poland
- vigilance
- gaurd
- charred
- burned to ashes
- extinguished
- put out as a fire
- appeasing
- satisfying quenching thisrst
- embarkation
- act of getting out of a vehicle
- convoy
- formation of military trains; in this case cattle cars
- apathy
- lack of emotion; indifference
- inert
- not moving
- dregs
- remains; coarse worthless leftovers(ex; coffee grounds)
- parisienne
- female resident of paris
- grimace
- distorted facial expression
- rattle
- series of sharp noises in rapid succession
- robust
- healthy and strong
- tether
- rope for controlling animalS
- dysentery
- diarrhea and fever resulting from inflamation of the large intestine
- balm
- anything which makes someone more comfortable
- fortnight
- 2 weeks
- front
- combat zone
- summarily
- without delay
- trodden
- walked upon
- mountebanks
- people who sould quack medicines at fairs in eur.; these peeps often dressed on all of their clothing incase they had to quickly escape from customers who they had swindled
- bafoons
- clowns people who act or dress like clowns
- knell
- tollingg of a bell to announce death
- tremors
- severe tremblings
- visionary
- as if seeing a vision/ having a waking dream
- riveted
- fastened firmly as if with a stake abuse; attack verbally
- spasmodically
- violently and irregularly
- liquidated
- to do away with; remove all traces of
- encumbered
- to burden
- perilous
- risky, dangerous
- expelled
- to drive or force out
- abstraction
- an abstract or general idea
- decree
- official order
- anecdotes
- short and entertaining stories
- premonition
- forboding
- pathetic
- pitiful
- pious
- religious obligations
- petrified
- parylized with fear
- incite
- to arouse
- notorious
- widely and unfavorably known
- convulsively
- violent muscle spasms
- bestial
- beast like
- remorse
- deep sense of guilt
- reverie
- daydreaming
- innumerable
- unable to be counted, many
- queue
- a line or file
- reprieve
- temporary relief
- meddle
- to interfere
- imperceptibly
- very slight gradual or subtle
- lividly
- a bruise, consumed with rage
- decisive
- conclusive
- repentive
- to feel remorse for what one has done
- annihilate
- to destroy completely
- monochrome
- shades of one color
- deriving
- to obtain
- plaintive
- expressing sorrow or melancholy
- beseeching
- to beg implore plead