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AST3043 Exam III

AST3043 University of Florida Exam III


undefined, object
copy deck
the first accurate pendulum clock was invented by
Christiaan Huygens
which of the following is not a possible orbit in the gravitational two-body problem?
figure-eight or hippopede
the regression of the moon's nodes is caused by
the sun's tidal forces trying to pull its orbit plane into the ecliptic plane (plane of earth's orbit)
the first scientific research journal was the
journal des savants, france
the work that summarized the advances in celestial mechanics over the course of the eighteenth century was
Laplace's Treatise on Celestial Mechanics
the earth's precession is caused by
the tidal forces of the sun and moon trying to pull the earth's equatorial buldge into alignment with the ecliptic plane
the approximate date of newton's principia is
which of the following is not an advantage of the keplerian or astronomical refractor over the Galilen refractor?
an erect (upright) image
the work in which kepler presented the first two of his laws of planetary motion for the case of mars was
new astronomy
the tides that occur when the moon is at the quarter phases (first and third/last) are the ones called
neap tides
the champion of instruments with telescopic sights for measuring positions against those who claimed that naked-eye instruments were more accurate was
which of the following was an advantage the Galilean refractor had over the Keplerian or astronomical refractor?
erect (rightside-up) image
Roemer measured which equatorial coordinate using a sidereal pendulum clock?
right ascension
which of the following was not part of francis bacon's program for 'experimental philosophy'?
deductive method
as a result of the letter to the grand duchess christina and galileo's travel to rome,
on the revolutions was banned by the catholic church until it could be 'corrected' and galileo was warned not to defend the copernican theory
the speed of light was first determined by
olaus roemer
the first proof that the earth goes around the sun was
the discovery of the aberration of starlight
newton's first law of motion states that in the absence of a net external force a body moves with
constant velocity
the 'aerial' telescope designed by christiaan Huygens consisted of
an objective lens and eyepiece lens connected by a rope with no tube
which of the following telescopic discoveries by Galileo was not first reported in his book The Starry Messenger?
the fact that venus goes through all the phases that the moon does
newton's version of kepler's third law is important because it allows the determination of
the sum of the masses of the two bodies
the critical speed for a body to escape another body's gravity is termed the
parabolic or escape velocity
in the principia newton used which method?
a combination of inductive and deductive methods
according to newton's second law of motion, if two bodies having different masses are acted on by the same amount of force,
the less massive will have the greater acceleration
with the transit telescope as developed by Roemer, a star's right ascension is measured
on an accurate clock that keeps sidereal time when the star transits the celestial meridian
if the earth is prolate, the length of a degree of latitude
decreases as one goes from the equator to the pole
the use of instruments without telescopic sights for positional measurements was championed by
newton showed that white light is split up by a glass prism into the colors of the rainbow. Because the different colors are bent to different degrees by the glass, his result explained the colored fringes around images formed by refractors in what is knowns as
chromatic aberration
the method of studying nature by observation and experimentaion in order to infer broad general principles was championed by
francis bacon
newton's explanation of the tides was that they are caused by
differences between the gravitational acceleration due to the moon (and sun) at various points and the acceleration of the earth as a whole
Newton's methodology in his Principia was based on
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
Which statement is true?
Copernicus placed the Sun more or less at the center of the Universe
titan, saturn's largest moon, was discovered by
christiaan huygens
in his original correspondence with Kepler in 1597, Galileo wrote that he
was a Copernican but chose not to go public because he didn't wish to be bothered about it
the earth's precession is caused by
the sun's and moon's tidal forces trying to pull the earth's equatorial buldge into the ecliptic plane
in the general sense used in the course, as contrasted to everyday language, the term acceleration means
the rate at which an object's velocity is changing, both its amount and its direction
the planet uranus was discovered by
William Heschel
which of the following is an advantage of the galilean refractor over the keplerian (astronomical) refractor?
upright image instead of inverted
the tychonic theory of the solar system had
all the planets except earth going around the sun, which goes around the earth
the approximate date of newton was
the return of halley's comet was successfully predicted using newton's theory of gravitation by
Clairaut and Madame Lepaute
which of the following is a characteristic of the Galilean but not the astronomical or Keplerian refractor?
the iamge is upright, not inverted
Kepler's second law of planetary motion says that
an imaginary sun-planet line sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals
the speed of light was first successfully measured
by roemer using timings of eclipses of jupiter's moons
the gravitational force
is proportional to the inverse square of the distance and thus has infinite range
who of the following was an advocate of the deductive method?
the kind of aberration in which rays that come in at an oblique angle to the central axis of a paraboloidal mirror are focused in a comma-or teardrop-shaped region at the edge of the field of view is
kepler's account of his 'war' with mars and his discovery of what would be his first two laws of planetary motion is in his book
astronomia nova (New Astronomy)
the first scientific society (dealing with 'natural philosophy') was the
accademia dei lincei
which of the following is a possible form of the orbits in the gravitational two-body problem not found by Kepler?
the prediction of the return of halley's comet based on newton's gravitational theory, which confirmed the theory in addition to disproving Descartes' idea about comets, was made by
Clairaut and Lepaute
the largest satellite of saturn, titan, was discovered by
on a prolate earth a degree of latitude is
a larger distance near the equator than near the poles
according to newton's first law of motion, an object moving with constant velocity is being acted upon by
no net external force
the method used by descartes in constructing his philosophical system, going from general principles which he considered beyond any doubt to specific consequences using reason, is what is termed the
deductive method
the first evidence that the earth revolves around the sun came with the discovery of the aberration of starlight in 1728 by
james bradley
the approximate date of newton's principia was
which of the following is an advantage of the keplerian or astronomical refractor over the galilean refractor?
larger field of view
the research journal published by the royal society of london is
philosophical transactions
according to the law of univesal gravitation, the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to
the product of their masses m_A times m_B
with the transit telescope, a star's declination is found by
calculation from its measured altitude, correcting for the observer's latitude
The advocate of the inductive method in natural philosophy was
Francis Bacon
which of the following discoveries with the telescope was not reported in Galileo's little book Starry Messenger?
Venus has the same phases as the moon
the first determination of the speed of light was by
Roemer using eclipses of Jupiter's moons
which of galileo's discoveries with the telescope is more an argument against Aristotle than it is an argument against Ptolemy?
the moon's surface is rough, with craters and mountains
The Epitome of Ptolemaic astronomy was a collaboration between Georg Peurbach and
Regiomontanus (Johannes Mueller)
galileo's dialogue on the two great world systems was actually a discussion and comparison of the 'systems' of
aristotle and copernicus
'experimental philosophy' and the inductive method, reasoning from specific observations and/or experiments to general principles, were promoted as a new approach to understanding nature by
the astronomical or keplerian refractor has the advantage over the Galilean refractor in which of the following respects?
a real image, which can be viewed simultaneously with wires at the focus, as with crosshairs
venus goes through all the phases that the moon does, which proves that
the ptolemaic system is wrong
according to newton's second law of motion, if two bodies having different masses are acted upon by identical forces
the less massive one will have a greater acceleration
the type of reflector which has a concave primary mirror and a flat secondary mirror at the front that reflect light to a focus at the side is the
Tycho Brahe introduced the use of transversals (zigzag patterns of dots) on angular scales in order to
increase the precision of the measurement
Galileo's real opponent in his dialogue on the two great world systems was
aristotle and his dynamics
in its final form, kepler's second law of planetary motion states that for any given planet
the imaginary line from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals
in his principia newton determined the masses of jupiter and saturn using his version of kepler's
third or harmonic law
the repeated return of halley's comet disproved whose theory of comets?
the largest moon of saturn, titan, was discovered by
the reflector having a solid primary mirror (i.e., no hole in the center) and a flat secondary mirror that reflects light to the side is the
newtonian reflector
galileo first challenged the roman catholic church to take a position on the relation of copernicus' ideas to church doctrine by writing his
letter to the grand duchess christina
the newtonian reflector has a
solid primary mirror and a flat secondary mirror that reflects light to a focus out to the side
expeditions were sent out from france and england to observe the venus transits of 1761 and 1769 in order to determine
the length of the astronomical unit (through solar parallax)
the planet neptune was discovered by
Galle and d'Arrest
the first scientific research journal was the
journal des savants in france
the definition of acceleration is
rate at which velocity changes
Huygen's 'aerial' telescope and Hevelius' 150-foot telescope were made very long in order to
minimize the chromatic and spherical aberrations
according to newton's law of universal gravitation, the force of gravity
gets smaller and smaller as the distance is increased but never disappears
the reflector made by newton had
a concave primary mirror and a smaller flat mirror at the front which reflects light to a focus on the side
the return of Halley's comet disproved whose theory of comets?
the type of reflector having a fairly strongly curved paraboloidal primary mirror with a hole in the center and a convex secondary mirror that reflects the light to the back through the hole is the
cassegrain reflector
the earth's oblateness is caused by
the centrifugal 'force' due to its rotation
according to newton's laws of motion, an object not being acted on by any external force moves with
constant velocity
the copernican theory was officially declared to be heresy by the roman catholic church
in 1633, as a result of galileo's trial resulting from his publication of the dialogues on the two great world systems
which of the following is not a possible orbit form in the gravitational two body problem?
figure eight
the first planetary tables based on an essentially correct description of the planets' orbits were the
Rudolphine Tables
Transversals, the zig-zag patterns of dots such as those on his mural quadrant, were used by Tycho to
increase the precision of angular measurement
in the gravitational two-body problem, which of the following is not a form for a bound orbit?
the first set of planetary tables to be based upon an essentially correct description of the planetary orbits was the
Rudolphine Tables
the failure of a lens to focus rays of light of different colors at the same point is called
chromatic aberration
the first european to map the stars of the southern hemisphere was
newton's version of kepler's third law (harmonic law) is very important in astronomy because it can be used to estimate
masses of bodies
the definition of acceleration that we have used in discussing newton's dynamics is
the rate at which the velocity changes
the tidal acceleration caused by the moon at the point on the earth midway between the nearest point and the farthest point (hint: draw a diagram)
is directed inwards, towards the earth's center
The Treatise on the Sphere was
Sacrobosco's basic textbook on the celestial sphere (John of Holywood)
the mechanical clock was made into a precision instrument useful in astronomy when the first successful pendulum clock was built by
Christiaan Huygens
the failure of a refractor to bring all colors of light to a focus at the same distance from the objective lens is called
chromatic aberration
the first accurate pendulum clock was built by
Christiaan Huygens
a special emphasis was placed on the practical application of scientific knowledge by
francis bacon
transversals were introduced into astronomy by tycho brahe
to measure very small angles more precisely
the instrument used for correcting the altitude of polaris to find one's latitude as well as for telling time at night was the
at his trial in 1633, Galileo's sentence was
house arrest for life, recitation of a penitential psalm once a week, and prohibition on publication
the 'great inequality' an irregularity in the motions of jupiter and saturn, was satisfactorily explained within newtonian theory as a resonance affect by
Besides changing the title of Copernicus' book, what did Andreas Osiander, who oversaw its publication, do to deflect criticism by Protestants?
added an unsigned preface saying that the heliocentric model was not intented to be a true picture but only useful for calculations
a controversy about the use of telescopes in measuring star positions accurately arose between robert hooke and
johannes hevelius
the 'great inequality' was explained as a resonance effect by
pierre simon de laplace
the outcome of galileo's trip to rome in 1616, after publication of his letter to the grand duchess christina, to sell the roman catholic church on the copernican theory was the
the theory was condemned by the church as 'philosophically absurd and erroneous,' and Galileo was instructed not to hold or to defend it, confirmed in writing by cardinal bellarmino
the approximate date of Isaac Newton is
the idea that there are infinitely many planetary systems and many planets with living beings was suggested by
Giordano Bruno
the reflector that has a paraboloidal primary mirror with a hole in the center and convex secondary mirror reflecting the light to the back is the
Cassegrain reflector
the failure of a spherical lens or mirror to bring rays at different distances from the central axis to the same focus is called
spherical aberration
according to newton's first law of motion, an object which is not acted on by any external force
moves with constant velocity
the critical speed for an object to go into earth orbit is termed the earth's
circular or orbital velocity
which of the following is not a bound orbit in the gravitational two-body problem?
newton's claim of the earth's being oblate was first confirmed, though not very accurately, by
Maupertuis' expedition to Lapland
newton's methodology in principia was
combination of inductive and deductive
titan, the largest moon of saturn, was discovered by
christiaan huygens
the earth's oblateness, namely its being broader across the equator than from pole to pole, was predicted by newton because
it is rotating, and the centrifugal 'force' opposing earth's gravity is greatest at the equtor
the surface gravity of a planet is greater when
the planet's radius is smaller
the fact that the gravitational force depends on the inverse square of the distance between two bodies implies that its range is
descartes' theory that comets are one-time visitors to the solar system was convincingly disproved when the return of Halley's comet was accurately predicted by
Clairaut and Madame Lapaute
galileo's discourses on two new sciences showed in the law of falling bodies that the language of dynamics would be
the problem of different colors being brought to a focus at different points with the refractor, which led to the creation of the reflector, is called
chromatic aberration
the idea of an infinite universe with countless inhabited planets originated with
giordano bruno
the first lunar theory that was good enough to be used for finding longitude was
Tobias Mayer's semiempirical theory
the corret shape of the earth, though with an inaccurate value for the oblateness, was first found using measurements made by the expedition led by
Galileo's book which led to his trial before the Inquisition, in which he defended the Copernican theory a little too effectively, was
Dialogue on the Two Great World Systems
the approximate date of newton's principia (fist edition) is
with the transit telescope, right ascension is determined
by observing the time of transit with a clock keeping sidereal time
According to Kepler's Second Law (Law of Areas), a given planet moves fastest in its orbit at
the tides that occur when the sun, earth, and moon are at syzygy (along a straight line), so that their tidal forces are reinforcing each other, are called
spring tides
Roemer introduced the transit telescope to the measurement of a star's equatorial coordinates. The right ascension is measure
as the time on a sidereal clock (based on the sidereal day, not ordinary day) at the instant the star crosses the celestial meridian
according to newton's law of universal gravitation the gravitational force depends on the
product of the masses of the two bodies
the title of newton's greatest work, philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, is translated as
mathematical principles of natural philosophy
the person who was most responsible for the publication of newton's principia (other than newton himself) was
titan, the large moon of saturn, was discovered by
Christiaan Huygens
the real importance of tycho brahe's position measurements of planets was that
for the first time the data were sufficiently accurate that the planet's orbital motions could be worked out
newton's version of kepler's third (harmonic) law, is very important mainly because it is used to
estimate masses of stars and galaxies
the university professors who were aristotelians were most upset by galileo's telescopic observation that showed
craters and mountains on the moon
galileo's discovery that venus goes through all the phases that the moon does
disproved the ptolemaic theory
by demonstrating that white light is dispersed by a glass prism into the colors of the rainbow, newton provided an explanation of
chromatic aberration
the publication cost of newton's principia was paid mainly by
newton's friend halley
the phenomenon that results when the tidal forces of the sun try to pull the moon's orbit plane into alignment with the ecliptic plane is
the methodology used by Newton in his principia was
a combination of inductive and deductive
the phenomenon that results from the tidal forces due to the sun and moon trying to pull the earth's equatorial bulge into the ecliptic plane is the one called
Kepler's work in which he first 'explained' the planets' distances from the Sun using the regular solids (cube, tetrahedron, etc.) was
Cosmographic Mystery
the first reasonably accurate measurement of the earth's oblateness came from the expedition of
Bouguer and La Condamine to Peru
the earth's oblateness is caused by
centrifugal force arising from its rotation
the fact that stars shift their positions on the celestial sphere (i.e., proper motion) because of their own space motion and not just precession or parallax was discovered by
Edmond Halley
the return of Halley's Comet in 1759 was accurately predicted (with an error estimate, no less) by
Clairaut and Mme Lepaute
in the gravitational two-body problem, which of the following shape is not possible, at least in principle, for the orbits?
figure-eight, like the hippopede
the lunar tidal force at a point on the earth's surface midway between the side facing the moon and the side facing away from the moon acts
inwards, toward earth's center
Philosophers in the medieval European universities believed that the correct model of the cosmos was that of
Galileo made the serious tactical error of placing Pope Urban VIII's pet argument against the Copernican theory in the mouth of the Aristotelian in his Dialogue on the Two Great world systems, a character named
Simplicio, after the commentator on Aristotle
newton showed that kepler's second law (law of areas) is a geometric expression of the physical principle of conservation of
angular momentum
which of the following scientific societies was formed first?
accademia dei lincei
the first research journal published by a scientific society was
journal des savants
the Cassegrain type of reflector has
a paraboloidal primary mirror with a hole in the center, a convex secondary mirror, and a focus behind the primary
the paris observatory was founded by
G. D. Cassini = Cassini I
the reason why the venus transits of 1761 and 1769 didn't give as accurate a value for the astronomical unit as Halley had predicted was because
the 'black drop' effect made timing the transit extremely tricky
the weaker tides that occur when the moon is at the quarter phases (first and third or last) are called
neap tides
which of the following discoveries with the telescope was not announced in Galileo's Starry Messenger?
saturn is in triple form (looked weird)
which of the following was the advocate of the inductive method in natural philosophy?
Galileo's discovery that Venus goes through all the phases that the Moon does
proved that the Ptolemaic model was wrong
How did Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's four large moons support the Copernican theory? (best argument)
It showed that moons could orbit something that was itself moving without being left behind, countering one argument against Earth's motion.
the main advantage of the galilean refractor over the keplerian or astronomical refractor is
it gives an upright image instead of an inverted (upside-down) one
the expedition whose measurements gave the first accurate measurement of the earth's oblateness was led by
Bouguer and La Condamine
the approximate date of Johannes Kepler is
the fact that light moves at finite speed was first established by
jupiter's mass is approximately 0.001 that the sun. the center of mass of the Sun-Jupiter system (considering just those two) is located
very near the Sun's center
the approximate date of newton is
if two bodies have the same mass but one is half as large (in radius) as the other, the surface gravity will be
greater on the smaller body
the second astronomer royal was
the earth's rotation and the centrifugal force associated with it cause the earth's shape to be
oblate, i.e. larger through the equator than through the poles
the first determination that the earth is actually oblate was based on data obtained by
Maupertuis' expedition to Lapland
the tidal force due to the moon at a point on the earth's surface midway between the points closest to and farthest from the moon is in which direction?
towards the center of the earth
Tycho Brahe was by birth a
Danish nobleman
the type of reflector having a paraboloidal primary mirror and a flat secondary mirror reflecting the light to a focus out to the side near the front is the
Copernicus's dissatisfaction with the ptolemaic theory was primarily because
ptolemy hadn't strictly followed his own basic assumptions
kepler's work in which he first put forward the idea that the distances of the planets from the sun can be obtained by fitting the regular solids (cube, tetrahedron, etc.) inside each other was the
Cosmographic Mystery
Tycho Brahe was a
Danish nobleman
according to the law of universal gravitation, the attractive force
inversely proportional to the square of the distance
the largest gap in saturn's ring system was discovered by
G. D. Cassini (Cassini I)
the founder of the royal greenwich observatory and first astronomer royal was
john flamsteed
Tycho Brahe showed the 'new star' of 1572 to contradict Aristotle by
demonstrating that it had no measurable geocentric parallax
the so-called 'great inequality' is
a near-resonance between jupiter and saturn
tycho brahe's measurement of the 'new star' of 1572 showed that, in defiance of Aristotle, it was
much farther away than the moon, almost as far as the fixed stars
the most accurate measurement of star positions made without benefit of telescopic sights were those of
Johannes Hevelius
the advantage of the reflector over the refractor is that
it has no chromatic or spherical aberration
according to newton's first law of motion, an object not being acted upon by an external force moves with
constant velocity
the organization that formally (if not financially) sponsored newton's principia and indirectly led to its being written was
the royal society of london
the first known scientific society was the
academia dei lincei in italy
according to newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object for a given force is
inversely proportional to its mass
the planetary tables directly based on copernicus' work were the
prutenic tables
Tycho Brahe was
a Danish aristocrat
the earth's oblateness is the result of
centrifugal 'force'
the 'aerial' telescope, with only a rope between the objective lens and the eyepiece lens, was devised by
christiaan huygens
the 'aerial' telescope invented by Huygens took its name from the fact that
it had no tube or supporting frame between the objective and the eyepiece
the first four medium-sized moons of saturn were found by
G. D. Cassini = Cassini I
the pendulum clock was made into a precision instrument that could be used in astronomy by
newton's version of kepler's harmonic law (third law) is extremely important in astronomy because it enables the determination of
masses of many stars and galaxies
Which of the characters in Galileo's Dialogue on the Two Great World Systems presented Pope Urban VIII's argument at the end?
copernicus' model had the earth's orbit centered on
the mean sun, which revolved around the real sun
The idea that comets are burnt-out stars passing from one vortex to another and can only pass through the Solar System one was due to
Rene Descartes
the first determination that the earth is oblate rather than prolate, as newton and huygens had predicted, was that of
maupertuis and the lapland expedition
according to Kepler's first law of planetary motion, the orbits of the planets are
ellipses with the sun at one focus and nothing at the other
the aberration in which light rays of different colors are brought to a focus at different distances from the objective lens is called
chromatic aberration
the plenum was
descartes's idea of a universe that is nowhere empty
the earth's precession is caused by
the tidal forces of sun and moon trying to pull its equatorial bulge into the ecliptic plane
conservation of angular momentum in the gravitational two-body problem causes the orbital speed to be greatest
when the distance from the center is smallest
after having been ordered in 1616 not to teach the copernican theory, why did galileo think it was safe to write the dialogue on the two great world systems?
his friend cardinal barberini was elected pope
the method used by newton in his principia was
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
what we call 'surface gravity' is actually
the acceleration of gravity at the earth's surface, caused by the earth's gravitational force
which of galileo's works was his first challenge to the theologians regarding copernicus and the interpretation of scripture?
letter to the grand duchess christina
according to newton's first law of motion, the natural state of motion of a moving body (i.e., in the absense of any external force) is one of constant
In Tycho's theory of the solar system,
the sun and moon orbit the earth, while the remaining planets orbit the sun
in its emphasis on experimentation, practical application of 'natural philosophy' (science), and organized research, the royal society clearly drew much of its inspiration from
francis bacon
the first fairly successful lunar theory for the purpose of navigation was
tobias mayer's semiempirical theory
the first research journal was
journal des savants
the innovation introduced by Tycho Brahe that improved the accuracy of measurements with the astronomical sextant was
turning it around so that two observers could use it simultaneously rather than one
the gravitational force depends on the
product of the masses of the two bodies
the shape of an elliptical orbit is specified by its
the approximate date of newton is
there were two occasions when Kepler corresponded with his great contemporary Galileo, in a very one-sided correspondence. On was when Galileo's book Sidereus nuncius (Starry Messenger) was being criticized. The other was
after Kepler sent Galileo a copy of his book Mysterium cosmographicum (Cosmographic Mystery)
Kepler's law of areas (second law) is a geometric statement of which physical law which applies?
conservation of angular momentum
the tidal force due to the moon at the point on the earth directly beneath the moon is in the direction
towards the moon
the speed of light was first measured using observations of eclipses of Jupiter's satellites by
which of the following is an advantage of the astronomical (keplerian) refractor over the galilean refractor?
compactness (everything else being the same)
the earth's shape is primarily
oblate, because of its rotation
Galileo's first discoveries with the telescope were reported in his book
Starry Messenger
in his little book on the new star about the star of 1572, Tycho showed that
its geocentric parallax was too small to measure; therefore it was at least as far away as the moon, thus contradicting Aristotle
the first scientific society seems to have been the
accademia dei lincei (academy of the lynx-eyed)
the significance of tycho brahe's observations of the 'new star' of 1572 was that
they showed that it had to be in the superlunary (celestial) region, thus contradicting aristotle's claim that nothing ever changes there
in descartes' system, comets are bodies which
only pass through the solar system one time
the first scientific society was the
accademia del lincei (academy of the lynx-eyed)
the speed of light was first successfully measured by
according to newton's second law of motion if the same force is applied to two objects, one more massive than the other,
the less massive one is accelerated more
the first asteroid was discovered by
Piazzi, by accident
the first map of stars in the southern sky made by a european was that of some 350 stars by
edmond halley
in his principia, newton used
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
the tides that occur at the times of the quarter moon are called
neap tides
the parties involved in the controversy over naked-eye versus telescopic position measurements were Halley, Hooke, and
the copernican theory
was only gradually accepted because proof was lacking
according to kepler's first law, a planet's orbit is
an ellipse with the sun at one focus
titan, the largest moon of saturn, was discovered by
christiaan huygens
the approach to natural philosophy by reasoning from specific experiments or observations to general principles is called the
inductive method
the 'aerial' telescope was invented by
Christiaan Huygens
the critical speed at which an object can break free of the gravity of another object and go to an infinite distance is termed
escape velocity
the irregularities -- speeding up and slowing down -- of jupiter and saturn were explained by Laplace as
the effect of a third-order resonance in their periods, which are in a ratio 2:5
the first truly accurate pendulum clock was built by
christiaan huygens
the first astronomer royal and director of the royal greenwich observatory was
the person who persuaded newton to write the principia, mediated a quarrel newton got into about priority, supervised the printing of the book, and paid for its publication was
the speed of light was first measured, based on eclipses of jupiter's satellites, by
Clairaut and Lepaute successfully
predicted the date of return of Halley's comet
the unsigned preface to copernicus' on the revolutions, which claimed the work was only hypothetical was written by
osiander, a lutheran minister
newton's version of kepler's third (harmonic) law, is important because
it gives us most of our knowledge of the masses of stars and galaxies
the first reasobly good estimate of the earth-sun distance came from a measurement of mar's geocentric parallax at opposition made by picard and
G. D. Cassini = Cassini I
the invention of the highly accurate pendulum clock by Huygens enabled Roemer to use a transit telescope to measure
right ascensions of stars and planets
The first reasonably correct determination of the length of the astronomical unit (AU) was obtained through measurement of Mar's geocentric parallax at opposition by
Giovanni Domenico Cassini
which of the following is not a possible orbit shape in the two-body problem?
figure eight
which of the following discoveries made by Galileo with the telescope was not reported in his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger)?
saturn has a triple form (turned out to be rings)
if the earth is oblate, the distance corresponding to one degree change in latitude
increases from the equator to the pole
the person who was responsible for the publication of principia (though he could never have written it himself) was
which of the following statements is correct?
galileo showed that sunspots are on the sun's surface and that it rotates
the methodology of newton's principia was
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
The first planetary tables based on the Copernican theory, the Prutenic Tables, were produced by
Erasmus Reinhold
the first scientific society was the
accademia dei lincei (academy of the lynx-eyed), italy

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