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Japans 388


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rijikaichō (理事会長)
the chairman of the board of directors/trustees
rikujō de (陸上で)
on land, on shore, ashore
rikkyaku suru (立脚する)
to be based
rihō (理法)
a law
rimen de (裏面で/に)
behind [one's back], in secret, behind the scene/curtain
rikkenseiji (立憲政治)
constitutional government
rimen (裏面)
the back, the other/reverse side, the inside; the dark side
rikuun (陸運)
transportation by land
rikushō (陸将)
a general, a lieutenant general
rikkōho suru (立候補する)
to run for, to stand for, [東京から] to run for the Diet representing Tokyo
rikyū (離宮)
a detached palace
rikisaku (力作)
one's laboured work, a great work, a masterpiece
rikugunshō (陸軍省)
the Department of the Army
rikkōhoyoteisha (立候補予定者)
a potential candidate
santōrikui (三等陸尉)
a second lieutenant
rikon suru (離婚する)
to divorce
rikan suru (離間する)
to estrange, to alienate, to separate
rikujōyusō (陸上輸送)
land transport/transportation
rikuage suru (陸揚げする)
to land, [船荷を] to unload, to discharge
rikishi (力士)
a (sumo) wrestler
rikugun no (陸軍の)
army ~, military ~
rikisō suru (力走する)
to run hard
rikoshugisha (利己主義者)
a selfish man, an egoist
rikkenminshuseitai (立憲民主政体)
constitutional democracy
rikisetsu suru (力説する)
to emphasize, to stress, to lay stress on, to put emphasis on
rimawari ga yoi (利回りが良い)
to bear a good interest, to yield a good return
rikonsoshō (離婚訴訟)
a suit for divorce
rikan (離間)
alienation, estrangement
bunmei no riki (文明の利器)
the conveniences of modern life
rikigaku (力学)
dynamics, mechanics
riku (陸)
land, the shore [-> 陸地]
rikimu (力む)
to strain; to boast, to swagger, to bluff
rokubu no rimawari ni naru (6分の利回りになる)
to yield 6%
rikuro de (陸路で)
by land, overland
santōrikusa (三等陸佐)
a major
rikujōkyōgi (陸上競技)
field and track events, athletic sports
rikairyoku (理解力)
understanding, comprehension
rika (理科)
science, the science course; the science department
nitōrikui (二等陸尉)
a first lieutenant
rikonsoshō o okosu (離婚訴訟を起こす)
to file a suit for divorce
rikotekina (利己的な)
selfish, egoistic
rikuseidōbutsu (陸棲動物)
a land animal
rikai suru (理解する)
to understand; to appreciate; to realize
rikkenkunshuseitai (立憲君主政体)
constitutional monarchy
rikutsu o iu (理屈を言う)
to argue, to quibble [-> ~をこねる]
rikutsu ni au (理屈に合う)
to be reasonable, to be logical
ittōrikui (一等陸尉)
a captain
rijun (利潤)
profit, returns
rikugunshikan (陸軍士官)
an army officer
rikusei no (陸棲の)
terrestrial, living on land
rikitō suru (力投する)
to pitch hard
rikai shinai (理解しない)
to do not understand; to cannot appreciate; to do not realize
nitōrikusa (二等陸佐)
a lieutenant colonel
rikutsu ni awanai (理屈に合わない)
to be unreasonable, to be illogical
rijikai (理事会)
the board of directors/trustees
rikōgakubu (理工学部)
the faculty/department of science and engineering
rikuchi (陸地)
the land [-> 陸]
rikoshugi (利己主義)
selfishness, egoism
rikai no nai (理解のない)
rikōna (利口な)
clever, bright, intelligent, wise, shrewd, smart
rikagaku (理化学)
physics and chemistry; physiological chemistry, physico-chemistry
rikutsu o koneru (理屈をこねる)
to argue, to quibble [-> ~を言う]
rikugun ni hairu (陸軍にはいる)
to enter the army, to enlist in the army
rikutsu (理屈)
a reason, theory, logic, an argument, quibbling
rikkōhosha (立候補者)
a candidate
rikō suru (履行する)
to perform, to fulfill, to do, to keep
rikushōho (陸将補)
a major general
riken (利権)
rights, concessions
rikiryō o arawasu (力量を表す)
to display one's ability
rikyūru (リキュール)
ittōrikusa (一等陸佐)
a colonel
rikiei suru (力泳する)
to swim with powerful strokes
rikai no aru (理解のある)
rikugun (陸軍)
the army
riku ni agaru (陸に上がる)
to land, to go ashore
rikutō (陸稲)
dry-land rice
rikkō no shi (力行の士)
a selfmade man
rikka (立夏)
the first day of summer
rikukaikūgun (陸海空軍)
the army, navy, and air forces
rikuungaisha (陸運会社)
a land transportation company
shizen no rihō (自然の理法)
natural laws
rikkyō (陸橋)
a viaduct
riji (理事)
a director, a manager, [学校の] a trustee
rikutsuppoi (理屈っぽい)
prone to arguing
rikujōjieitai (陸上自衛隊)
the Ground Self Defense Force
rihi o ronjiru (理非を論じる)
to make clear the relative merits
rikusen (陸戦)
a battle on land

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