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BIO 205 Stafstrom section


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Don't have a golgi apparatus, have 2 haploid nuiclei, have several flagella
science of discovering natural or phylogenetics relationships among organisms
both autotrophic and heterotrophic (Euglenoids)
formed by protists to temporarily protect them from harsh environments (heat, dessication, salt, adic, etc)
process of naming organisms
use an undulating membrane and flagella to move around
for aerobic respiration (all eukaryotes have mitochondria) produces a lot of energy by breaking down food (e.g. glucose) in the presence of O2 leading to ATP production -Endosymbiont organalles that came from the once free-living cyanobacteria
part of the Diplomonads kingdom, a human intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea and intestinal discomfort and leaves host in feces. cells survive in harsh enviros b/c of their thick-walled, protective cysts. Hosts include several mammals, l (streams of clear mountain water could be contaminated with these cysts- fillter or boil to get rid of them)
gives structure to the larger cells has microtubules and microfillaments that are used for motility and phagocytosis (engulfing of bacteria as food)
contains DNA and is enclosed in a nuclear envelope. this segregates transcription (in nucleus) from translation (in cytoplasm) -this means fewer mistakes/mutations
movement/locomotion of protists
cilia/flagella; pseudopodia; axopodia; filopodia; undulating membranes, etc
chloroplasts (or called plastids)
convert light energy into chemical energy (sugars) using photosynthesis. They are endosymbiont organelles that come from the once-living cyanobacteria
Trichomonas Vaginalis
part of the parabasalid kingdom- colonizes vaginal tissues and on occasion the male urethra -cells proliferate and caue infections -happen when the normal pH is not maintained in the tissues
is a key enzyme in dark reactions. Occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast, has two subunits. small subunit encoded by nuclear DNA and the large subunit is encoded by chloroplast DNA
ATP synthetase
in mitochondria, and uses a proton gradients to make ATP out of many different proteins (on cytoplasmic ribosomes)
absorb or injest living or dead organic matter
produce their own food (almost always by photosynthesis)
1 and 2 Diplomonida-Parabasala groups
Both groups have a deep excavated oral groove and are called excavates together. the majority are unicellular while some are colonial -don't have functional mitochondria, so they are anaerobic (this happened because of a secondary loss or reduction of mitochondria-not because it never had mitochondria)
(endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus) used to sythesize proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
flagella and cillia
needed for swimming and movement found in all eukaryotes, and higher plants, and most fungi) they are analogous structures in eukaryotes and prokaryotes because thier use and mechanics are completely different for each
a single-celled protist (large cell- 15 um long) Big so that it can eat prokaryotes and other protists)

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