maribel atienzar
undefined, object
copy deck
- along
- a lo largo de
- beef
- la carne de vaca
- boyfriend
- el novio
- censorship
- la censura
- complejo
- complex
- decietful
- tramposo
- decorative comb
- la peineta
- due to
- debido a
- happy
- dichoso
- having to do with birth
- natal
- having to do with bull
- taurino
- heavenly
- celeste
- hundred
- el centenar
- in spite of
- a pesar de
- indeed
- si que
- perhaps
- acaso
- plentiful, polite
- cumplido
- smiling
- risueno
- sobre todo
- above all
- someone who sticks their noses in other ppls business
- el metiche
- the about
- la acerca
- the applause, plam tree,
- la plama
- the basketball
- el baloncesto
- the blood
- el sangre
- the cast
- el yeso
- the cattle
- la res
- the collarbone,
- la clavicula
- the cornation/ flower
- el clavel
- the courage
- la valentia
- the development
- el desarrollo
- the futuer
- el porvenir
- the gentlemen(provides service)
- el mozo
- the goring
- la cogida
- the gouring by horn
- la cornada
- the government official
- el governante
- the hat of a bullfighter
- la montera
- the height
- la altura
- the leader
- el lider
- the level
- el nivel
- the matter
- el asunto
- the nest/den
- el nido
- the nun
- la monja
- the part of land
- el terreno
- the point, the goal, a certain amount
- el tanto
- the pound
- la libra
- the risk
- el riesgo
- the rope
- la cuerda
- the saddle, blanket
- la mantilla
- the scar
- la cicatriz
- the scorn, contempt, disdain
- el desprecio
- the straw
- la paja
- the swimming(sport)
- la natacion
- the sword
- la espada
- the tail
- el rabo
- to adquire
- procurar
- to agree on
- convenir en
- to become involved in
- meterse
- to behave oneself
- portarse a
- to carry out
- llevar a cabo
- to count on
- contar con
- to court
- cortejar
- to exponse
- exponer
- to fail
- fallar
- to fall in love with
- enamorarse de
- to fault
- la falla
- to go, to come, to turn to
- acudir a
- to insist on
- empenarse en
- to lack something
- carecer de
- to look good
- lucir
- to make one's way
- dirigirse a
- to muzzle
- embozar
- to occupy, to fulfill
- desempenar
- to offer, to dedicate
- brindar
- to persue
- seguir
- to pick up
- coger
- to pray
- rezar, orar
- to prepare, to get ready
- disponerse a
- to puncture
- pinchar
- to release
- soltar
- to rescue
- rescatar
- to risk
- arriesgar
- to scrape
- rajar
- to slice, to split
- rajar
- to smell
- oler a
- to tie down
- atar
- to try to
- procurar
- to underline
- subrayar
- to weight
- pesar
- to worry about
- preocuparse
- to yawn
- bostezar
- tras
- through/throughout
- what the heck
- que va