The Present Tense Regular
undefined, object
copy deck
- aceptar
- to accept
- acompanar (n~)
- to go with, accompany
- aconsejar
- to advise
- ahorrar
- to save
- alquilar
- to rent
- apagar
- to turn off, shut off
- arreglar
- to arrange, fix up
- aumentar
- to increase
- averiguar
- to find out
- ayudar
- to help
- bailar
- to dance
- bajar
- to go down, lower, turn down
- besar
- to kiss
- borrar
- to erase
- buscar
- to look for
- cambiar
- to change
- caminar
- to walk
- cantar
- to sing
- celebrar
- to celebrate
- cenar
- to have dinner
- cocinar
- to cook
- colocar
- to put, place
- contestar
- to answer
- cortar
- to cut
- cruzar
- to cross
- dejar
- to let, leave
- desear
- to want
- dibujar
- to draw
- disfrutar
- to enjoy
- doblar
- to turn (change direction)
- durar
- to last
- echar
- to throw
- empujar
- to push
- entrar
- to go/come in, enter
- entregar
- to hand in/over
- escuchar
- to listen
- esperar
- to wait, hope, expect
- esquiar
- to ski
- estacionar
- to park
- estudiar
- to study
- explicar
- to explain
- felicitar
- to congratulate
- firmar
- to sign
- ganar
- to earn/win
- gastar
- to spend/waste
- grabar
- to record
- gritar
- to shout
- hablar
- to speak
- invitar
- to invite
- llamar
- to call
- llegar
- to arrive
- llevar
- to carry, wear
- llorar
- to cry
- mandar
- to send, order
- manejar
- to drive
- marcar
- to dial, mark
- mirar
- to look at
- nadar
- to swim
- necesitar
- to need
- pagar
- to pay
- parar
- to stop
- pasar
- to spend (time), pass
- patinar
- to skate
- pintar
- to paint
- practicar
- to practice
- preguntar
- to ask
- preparar
- to prepare
- presentar
- to present/introduce
- quitar
- to take away
- regresar
- to come back, return
- repasar
- to review
- sacar
- to take out
- saludar
- to greet
- tardar
- to be late
- terminar
- to finish, end
- tirar
- to throw
- tocar
- to play a musical instrument, touch
- tomar
- to take, drink
- trabajar
- to work
- trotar
- to jog
- usar
- to use, wear
- viajar
- to travel
- aprender
- to learn
- beber
- to drink
- comer
- to eat
- comprender
- to understand
- correr
- to run
- deber
- ought, must, to be supposed to
- leer
- to read
- meter
- to put in
- prender
- to turn on
- romper
- to break
- toser
- to cough
- vender
- to sell
- abrir
- to open
- anadir (n~)
- to add
- asistir
- to attend
- describir
- to describe
- discutir
- to discuss, argue
- escribir
- to write
- interrumpir
- to interrupt
- ocurrir
- to happen
- recibir
- to receive
- subir
- to go up, raise
- sufrir
- to suffer
- vivir
- to live