undefined, object
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- anything that has mass and takes up space
- matter
- a visual, verbal, and/or mathematical explanation of data colected from many experiments
- model
- the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes
- chemistry
- a measure nto only of the amount of matter but also of the effect of earth's gravitational pull on that matter
- weight
- a systematic approach used in scientific study
- scientific method
- information that describes color, odor, shape, or some other physical characteristic
- qualitative data
- numerical information
- quantitative data
- seeks to gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself
- pure research
- research undertaken to solve a specific problem
- applied research
- the practical use of scientific information
- technology
- a defined unit ina a system of measurement that is based on an object or event in the physical world
- base unit
- Mass/Volume=?
- density