- beta
The direct effect of an eta on another eta
effects of dependent variable on another dependent variable
- beta matrix
- effects of eta's on each other
calculating df's
# of variances=p
# of covariances= 1/2 [(p)*(p-1)]
total elements (#of variances plus # of covariances) 1/2[p*(p+1)]
degrees of freedom= number of total elements-#freed parameters
delta vector
- q x 1 vector of measurement errors of x
- determinant
- the product of a diagonal. indicates shared variance. large is bad. if the determinant is zero or less, there is no solution (singular). if larger than zero, matrix is "positive definite"
- disturbances
amount of variance unexplained
epsilon vector
a p x 1 vector of the measurement errors of y
eta vector
m x 1 vector of latent endogenous variables
free v fixed in a matrix
1= free to be estimated
- Gamma
Effect of ksi's on etas
effects of indep variables on dep variables
- gamma matrix
- effects of ksi's on etas
- identification
whether or not you can estimate all freed parameters given the known parameters
identity matrix
matrix with 1s on diagonals and zeros off diagonal
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
implied correlations
- direct path between variables plus the sum of products of indirect paths plus non-causal
just identified model
(saturated model) has no df's
fit is perfect--cant be falsified
- ksi
an exogenous (indep) latent variable
ksi vector
an n x 1 vector of latent exogenous variables
- lambda-x
effects of ksi's on x's
- lambda-x matrix
- effects of etas on x's
- lambda-y
effects of eta's on y's
- lambda-y matrix
- effects of etas on y's
matrix inverse
what you multiply a matrix by to get the identity matrix. to see if your sigma matrix is close to the observed matrix, you multiply by the inverse and hope to get the identity matrix
Model Equations : Structural
- eta= beta (eta) + gamma (ksi)+ zeta
- Model Equations: Measurement (Y)
Y= lambda (eta)+ epsilon
Model Equations: Measurement (X)
X= lambda (ksi) +delta
overidentified model
has enough degrees of freedom to estimate multiple solutions (df=positive)
- Phi
covariance matrix of the ksi's
covariance between independent variables
along the diagonal
- phi matrix
- covariance of ksi's
- Psi
covariance matrix of zetas
covariance of structural error with Psi's on diagonal
- psi matrix
- covariance of zeta
- R^2
- variance explained by whole model
- theta-delta
covariance matrix of the disturbances (deltas) the measurement error of the X's
- theta-epsilon
covariance matrix of epsilon's (measurement error of y's)
includes variances on diagonal (correlation with self) and any correlations between errors
- theta-epsilon matrix
- covariance of errors (epsilons) or deltas
underidentified model
- not enough df's to generate a unique solution
x vector
a q x1 vector of observed exogenous variables
y vector
- a p x 1 vector of observed endogenous variables
zeta matrix
m x 1 vector of residuals representing errors in the equation that relates eta and ksi
part of structural equation
a vector