Sociology 151
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- Define Positivism
- The belief that the world can best be understood through scientific query
- C. Wright Mills
- Social Imagination, ability to see social patterns; ask good questions
- Functionalist
- Society is stable, orderly system; societies develop insititions that affect each other; merton, Durkheim
- Conflict theory
- Groups in society in a continous struggle for control of scarce resources; max weber, marx, mills
- symbolic interaction
- society is sum of interactions of individuals and groups Mead
- Post modern perspective
- existing theories are unsuccessful in explaining social life in contemporary societies that are characterized by postindustrialization, consumerism, and global communications
- Peter Berger
- Debunking motif
- Social facts
- patterned ways of thinking, feeling, and acting external to the individual. they are coercive and persist
- Norms
- established rules of behavior or standards of conduct; folkways, mores, taboos
- Cooley's looking glass
- refers to way in which a person's sense of self is derived from perception of others
- Mead's role-taking
- process by which a person mentally assumes the role of another to understand world from that point of view
- social interaction
- process by which people interact with eachother; foundation for all relationships and groups in society
- Bureaucracy
- division of labor, heirarchy of authority, rules and regulations, qualification,impersonality,
- systems of stratification
- slavery, caste, class
- What can be stratified?
- Wealth, power, prestige (status)
- Socioeconomic status
- Rank in society is more than just wealth but also assets education and others
- Davis-Moore theorem
- we need some degree of stratification to provide incentives
- Gini coefficient
- statistical measurement of equality
- Life Chances
- Weber's term for the extent to which individuals have access to important resources
- Karl Marx
- influencial conflict theorist
- Bourgeoisie
- the capitol class; consists of those who own means of production
- Proletariet
- working class, consists of those who must sell their labor in order to survive.
- Alienation
- feeling of powerlessness and estrangement from other people and from oneself