Spanish Final 1
undefined, object
copy deck
- venga ya
- are you kidding/serious?
- no tener mas remedio
- to have no other choise
- meter la pata
- to make a mistake
- la peripecia
- ups and downs
- consentido
- spoiled
- cotizarse
- to increase in value
- tropezar con
- to bump into
- acurrucarse en
- to curle up in
- inesperado
- unexpected
- por consiguiente
- thus/therefore
- ya que
- since
- la tonteria
- silly/stupid thing
- aguantar
- to tolerate, stand, bear
- caprichoso
- impulsive
- alcanzar
- to reach/catch up with
- desempenar
- to play/preform
- estilizar
- to characterize
- proceder de
- to originate from
- degustar
- to taste/sample
- rechazar
- to reject
- el manjar
- special dish/delicacy
- la muestra
- sample
- la velada
- evening/get together
- tener el alma en vilo
- to be worried
- desamparado
- defenseless/vulnerable
- el acontecimiento
- event
- acontecer
- to happen
- acordar
- to decide
- el tino
- common sense
- atravesar
- to go through
- castigar
- to punish
- suceder
- to occur
- conformarse con
- to be satisfied with
- equivocarse
- to be wrong/mistaken
- madrugar
- to wake up early
- gozar de
- to enjoy
- huir de
- to run away from
- la piedra
- stone
- el portavoz
- spokesperson
- la profundidad
- depth
- el promedio
- average
- el relato
- tale/story
- el rostro
- face
- la sabiduria
- wisdom
- el salon
- living room
- la soledad
- loneliness/ solitude
- el sosiego
- serenity/peace
- el tablon de anuncios
- bulletin board
- el tercio
- one third
- el toque
- touch
- la vista
- view
- la viuda
- window
- asombroso
- amazing/astonishing
- dispuesto
- willing
- sencillo
- simple
- arrancar
- to pull up/our, start
- colgar
- to hang up
- discurrir
- to go by
- lanzar
- to throw
- lograr
- to achieve/obtain
- pretender
- to expect; to try
- provocar
- to cause
- recoger
- to pick up
- recorrer
- to travel, go through
- soler
- to be in the habit of
- surgir
- to come up
- el guion
- script
- el paisaje
- landscape/scenery