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Math 407 review


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Linear function

A linear function on R^n is any function of the form

 f(x) - a^t*x = a_1*x_1 _ ... + a_n*x_n

 where a = [a1,....,an]^t E R^n

Linear Inequality

an ienequality that can be written in one of th e following two ways


a^T*x <= b or a^T*x >= b

where a E R^n and b E R 

The solution set of a system of linear inequalities

Given A E R^{m*n} and b E R^{m*n} we write Ax<=b to denote the system of linear inequalities


SUM a_{ij}*x_{j} <= b_i    i = 1, .. m


 The set of the solutions of this system is

Linear Programming 
  • Study of linear programs: modeling, formulation, algorithms, and analysis
  • A LP is an optimization problem wherein one either minimizes or maximizes a linear objective function in a
Objective Function 
in an optimization problem is the real-valued function of the decision variables that is to be either maximized or minimized.
Optimal Value
value of the objective function at an optimal solution
optimal solution

min{ f(x) : x E X ( R^n }

 is any point x^* E X s.t. f(x^*) <= f(x) for all x E X

Feasible Solution

min{ f(x) : x E X ( R^n }

is any point x E X. 

Infeasible LP
An LP whose constraint region or feasible set is  empty
Unbouned LP
an LP which there is a sequence of feasible points whose objective value diverges to +Inf in the case of a max and -Inf in the case of a min
Slack Variables

Slack variables are introduced into an LP formulation in order to turn linear inequalities into linear equalities. For example, the constraint region for an LP in standard form is into system of equations involving n + m variables by setting:


LP in Standard Form

max c^T*x

s.t. A*x <= b, 0 <= x 

Inital dictionary for Std. LP


x_n+i     =  sum a_ij * x_j, i = 1,2,..m

z            =  sum c_j*x_j

Feasible Solution for an LP
any point in the feasible region for the LP
Optimal Solution for an LP
An optimal solution for an LP is any solution whose objective value equals the optimal value of the LP
Unbounded LP
any feasible LP whose optimal value is +Inf if Max or -Inf if min
LP with feasible Origin
Lp whose feasible region contains the origin. For an Lp in standard form, this implies that b_i >= 0, i = 1,..,m
Basic Rule for chosing the entering varible
choose any one of the currently non-basic variables whose cost row coefficient is positive
Basic Rule for Choosing the Leaving Varible
choose any one of the currently basic variables whose non-negativity places the greatest restriction on increasing the balue of the entering varible
occurs when a simplex pivot does not change either the current value of the objective or the point identified by the dictornay. A dict is said to be degenerate if one of the currently basic variables in the basic fesiable solution has the value zero.
Degenerate basic solution
any feasible solution identified by a feasible dictionary for the LP. such a solution is said to be degenerate if one of the currently basic variables in the basic feasible solution has the alue zero
Degenerate Simplex Iteration
any simplex iteration that does not change the value of the objective
smallest subscript rule
the entering and eaving varialbes

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