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ch 14 marketing


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allactivites involved in selling, renting, and providing goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family, or household use
scrambled merchandising
offering several unrelated product lines in a single retail store
using the telephone to interact with and sell directly to consumers
retailing mix
the goods and sevices, physical distribution, and communivations tactics chosen by a store
breakage and theft of merchandise by customers and employees
multichannel retailers
us a combination of traditional store formats and nonstore formats such as catalogs, televistion, and online retailing
category management
an approach to manageing the assortment of merchandise which maximizes sales and profits
wheel of retailing
a concept that describes how new forms of retail outlets enter the market
retail life cycle
the process of growth and decline that retail outlets, like products, experience over time
merchant wholesalers
independently owned firms that take title to the merchandise they handle
manufacturers agents
work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchanise in an exclusive territory
independent firms or individuals whose main function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales

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