Vocab 15-16
undefined, object
copy deck
- fallacy
- (a) faulty reasoning; an error in logic (b) a false mistake or notion
- fetish
- (a) an object believed among primitive peoples to have magical powers (b) an object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence
- fatuous
- unconsciously foolish, stupid, or absurd
- equanimity
- calmness or evenness of temper
- feign
- to pretend or give a false appearance of
- exalt
- to elevate in power, position, character, or the like
- entice
- to lead on by arousing hope or desire
- exodus
- a departure, usually of large numbers of people
- feasible
- possible; both doable and workable
- facsimilie
- (a) an exact copy (b) reproduced exactly
- expedient
- (a) advantageous to one's interest or purpose (b) an emergency course of action; a means to an end
- envisage
- to have a mental image of something, especially when the thing does not exist yet; to conceive of
- exploit
- (a) to use to the greatest possible advantage; often selfishly (b) a brilliant or heroic deed
- ethnic
- relating to a small but distinct social group within the population
- felicitous
- agreeably suited to the purpose or occasion; aptly or gracefully expressed
- esoteric
- (a) understood by or intended for only a select few (b) difficult to understand
- expound
- to explain in detail
- equitable
- fair or just
- exigency
- a state of urgency or a situation demanding immediate attention; the pressing needs caused by such a crisis
- fathom
- (a) a unit of length roughly equal to 6 feet and used primarily in the measurement of marine depths (b) to get to the bottom of; to understand
- facetious
- not meant seriously; playful or humorous
- euphenism
- the substitution of a relatively inoffensive term for one that is considered too harsh, unpleasant, or blunt
- ethical
- in accordance with accepted principles or right and wrong
- exemplary
- (a) worthy of imitation (b) serving as a model, illustration, or warning
- erudite
- deeply learned, especially in a specialized area
- fabricate
- (a) to assemble or construct from separate parts (b) to make up with the intention of deceiving
- epithet
- (a) a word or phrase used to describe or characterize someone or something (not deragatory) (b) a term of abuse or contempt
- entreat
- to ask for or petition earnestly
- exotic
- foreign; charmingly unfamiliar or strikingly unusual
- exacerbate
- to increase the bitterness or severity of; to irritate