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La vie sous-marine

"the life under marine"


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le thon
the tuna
l'anchois (m)
the anchovy (g)
le morse
the walrus
la truite
the trout
la palourde
the clam
la raie
the ray
l'escargot (m)
the snail (g)
la tortue
the turtle
la baleine
the whale
l'espadon (m)
the swordfish (g)
le vairon
the minnow
l'anguille (f)
the eel (g)
le calmar
the squid
le homard
the lobster
la morue
the cod
la moule
the mussel
le dauphin
the dolphin
la crevette
the shrimp, prawn
le hareng
the herring
le saumon
the salmon
le maquereau
the mackerel
la sardine
the sardine
le poisson
the fish
la perche
the perch
la pieuvre
the octopus (feminine version)
le phoque
the seal
le banc de poissons
the school of fish
le poulpe
the octopus (masculine version)
la langouste
the crayfish
l'huître (f)
the oyster (g)
le fretin
the small fish
le crabe
the crab
l'hippocampe (m)
the seahorse (g)
la coquille
the shell
le requin
the shark
le mollusque
the shellfish

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