undefined, object
copy deck
- civic
- pertaining to a city or citizen
- feign
- to pretend; to fake
- anecdote
- a bried story, oft. humorous
- urban
- relating to a city
- harangue
- a long pompous speech; a speech or piece of writing expressing strong emotion; a tirade
- baroque
- fantastically over-decorated; gaudily ornate
- obstreperous
- noisily and stubbornly defiant
- effect
- to bring about
- amiable
- friendly and agreeable; sociable
- pantomine
- communication by means of gesture and facial expression
- regimen
- a set of rules, usually followed for therapeutic effect
- bizarre
- very odd in manner; grotesque; strange
- undermine
- to weaken
- solemn
- serious; grave
- pedestrian
- done on foot; ordinary; commonplace
- vernacular
- informal speech; native language
- marine
- of the sea or shipping; nautical
- contentious
- always ready to argue; quarrelsome
- metamorphosis
- a transformation, as by magic; a marked change in appearance or function
- congenital
- present since birth; being an essential characteristic
- petulant
- impatient or irritable, esp. over a minor annoyance
- scale
- to climb
- legible
- capable of being read or diciphered
- irony
- a use of words in which the intended meaning is very different from the literal sense; an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs, esp. one that suggests a lesson about human folly
- sullen
- showing silent anger and unwillingness ot be pleasant to people
- intrinsic
- relating to the essential nature of a something
- trek
- to travel or migrate, esp. slowly or with great difficulty
- ruthless
- having no compassion or pity
- liable
- legally obligated; likely (w/ reference to an unfavorable outcome)
- pedantic
- putting unnecessary stress on minor or purely academic knowledge
- belie
- to picture falsly; to contradict
- myriad
- an indefinitely large number
- superfluous
- unnecessary; extra
- deflect
- to bend or turn away
- feat
- an act or accomplishment showing skill
- jurisdiction
- the the extenet of authority or control; the right and power to interpret and apply the law
- specious
- seeming to be turthful on the surface, but actually false
- harass
- to bother; torment
- genre
- a kind, or type
- deploy
- to station or assemble troops or forces in position
- intrepid
- bold; fearless
- municipal
- relating to local government
- parochial
- restricted; limited; narrow; local
- apt
- appropriate; having a natural tendency
- mammoth
- very large; of clumsy or unwieldy size
- voluble
- talkative
- sloth
- laziness
- respite
- temporary relief
- sanguine
- optimistic, cheerful
- ego
- the slef; the indicidual as self-aware; self-love