Marine Mammals 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- Cetacea
- Order of Whales
- Mysticeti
- Suborder of Baleen Whales
- Odontoceti
- Suborder of Toothed Whales
- Carnivora
- Order of meat eaters
- Otarridae
- Family of fur seals and sea lions
- Odobenidae
- Family of walrus
- Phocidae
- Family of seals
- Ursidae
- Family of polar bear
- Mustelidae
- family of sea otter
- Sirenia
- Order with manatees and dugongs
- Trichechidae
- family of Manatees
- Dugongidae
- Family of dugongs
- Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
- pacific white sided dolphin
- trichechus manatus
- west indian or caribbean manatee
- megaptera novaeangliae
- Humpback whale
- balaenoptera musculus
- blue whale
- enhydra lutris
- sea otter
- balaenopteridae
- family of Rorquals; feed by gulping
- delphinidae
- Family of Dolphins
- balaenidae
- family of Right whales; feed by skimming
- lissodelphis borealis
- northern right whale dolphin
- balaenoptera acutorostrata
- minke whale
- phocoena phocoena
- harbour porpoise
- tursiops truncatus
- bottlenose dolphin
- grampus griseus
- risso's dolphin
- apneustic breathing
- pattern of breath holding
- reniculate kidney
- lobed kidney, this increases cortex and medulla areas
- Iniidae
- family of amazon river dolphins
- aeotiocetidae
- family of ancestral mysticiti which had both baleen and teeth
- hydrodamalis gigas
- stellers sea cow
- tapetum lucidum
- light reflecting layer of neatly orientated collagen fibers found in eyes of some marine mammals
- piscivorous dentition
- teeth made for eating fish
- mustelid
- family of the sea otter
- agorophiidae
- family of anscestral odontocetes
- enaliarctos mealsi
- anscestor of pinnipeds
- ziphius caviorostris
- cuviers beaked whale
- berardius bairdii
- bairds beaked whale
- delphinus delphis
- common dolphin
- globicephala macrorhynchus
- pilot whale
- orcinus orca
- killer whale
- eschrichtius robustus
- gray whale
- balaenoptera physalus
- finback whale
- phoca vitulina
- harbor seal
- mirounga angustirostris
- northern elephant seal
- eumetopias jubatus
- stellar sea lion
- phocoenoides dalli
- dall's porpoise
- physeter macrocephalus
- sperm whale
- balaenoptera brydei
- bryde's whale
- California Sea lion
- Zalophus californianus