Biology, Unit 5
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- foram
- member of a group of marine protozoans with porous shells made of organic material and calcium carbonate
- endosymbiosis
- process by which eukaryotic cells may have evolved from small symbiotic prokaryotes that lived within other, larger host cells
- binary fission
- mode of prokaryote asexual reproduction in which each daughter cell receives an identical copy of the parent cell's chromosome
- bacteria
- domain of prokaryotic organisms that are biochemically and genetically distinct from archaea
- yeast
- unicellular fungus that inhabits liquid or moist habitats, including plant sap and animal tissues
- archaea
- domain of prokaryotic organisms that are biochemically and genetically distinct from bacteria
- bioremediation
- use of organisms to remove pollutants from water, air, and soil
- plankton
- mostly microscopic organisms that drift or swim near the surface of ponds, lakes, and oceans
- lichen
- mutualistic pairing of a fungus and an alga
- pathogen
- a disease-causing organism or virus
- vaccine
- dose of a disabled or destroyed pathogen (or part of a pathogen) used to stimulate a long-term immune defense against the pathogen
- absorptive nutrition
- method by which fungi absorb small organic molecules from their surroundings
- imperfect fungi
- informal category of fungi with no known sexual stage of reproduction
- zooplankton
- microscopic animals that swim or drift near the surface of aquatic environments
- retrovirus
- member of a group of viruses such as HIV that carry reverse transcriptase, which catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from an RNA template
- spore
- haploid single cell with a thick wall that functions in the dispersal stage in fungal reproduction
- endospore
- dormant cell formed by certain bacteria that can survive very harsh conditions
- pseudopodium
- temporary extension of a cell's cytoplasm and plasma membrane; used by certain protozoans in movement and feeding
- spirochete
- member of a group of large spiral-shaped bacteria
- mycorrhizae
- symbiotic relationships between fungal hyphae and plant roots
- protist
- eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, a plant, or a fungus
- dikaryotic
- having two haploid nuclei per cell, one from each parent, in a fungal mycelium
- plasmodial slime mold
- member of a group of fungus-like protists that grows in a branching pattern
- euglenoid
- member of a group of unicellular photosynthetic protists with one or two flagella and no cell wall
- diatom
- member of a group of unicellular algae with glasslike cell walls
- cellular slime mold
- protist with both unicellular and multicellular stages in its life cycle; is a decomposer
- stromatolite
- dome-shaped rock composed of thin layers of sediment pressed tightly together
- hypha
- a thread of cytoplasm; many hyphae together make up the body of a fungus
- lytic cycle
- a viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are made within a host cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses
- plasmodium
- mass of cytoplasm, undivided by membranes or cell walls and containing many nuclei; characteristic of certain protists
- phytoplankton
- microscopic algae and cyanobacteria that carry out photosynthesis
- bacillus
- a rod-shaped bacterium
- zygosporangium
- thick-walled reproductive structure formed from the fusion of the cytoplasm of the mycelia of two neighboring fungi
- alga
- plant-like protist; makes its own food by photosynthesis
- mold
- fungus that grows very rapidly on a surface
- seaweed
- a large, multicellular marine alga
- mycelium
- interwoven mat of hyphae that functions as the feeding structure of a fungus
- zooflagellate
- member of a group of protozoans that move by means of one or more flagella
- dinoflagellate
- member of a group of unicellular, photosynthetic algae with cell walls made of cellulose and having two flagella
- sporangia
- reproductive structures on a plasmodial slime mold; also called fruiting bodies (Concept 17.3); spore-forming structures at the tips of fungal hyphae (Concept 18.2)
- cyanobacteria
- group of prokaryotes that generate oxygen as a waste product of their photosynthesis
- fruiting body
- aboveground reproductive structure of a fungus (
- protozoan
- animal-like protist; is a heterotroph
- coccus
- a spherical bacterium
- ciliate
- member of a group of protozoans that move and feed by means of hairlike projections