literature 11R
undefined, object
copy deck
- importunate
- insistent
- munificent
- generous
- equivocal
- having more than one possible interpretation
- appellation
- name or title
- specious
- seeming to be good or sound without actually being so
- anomalous
- abnormal
- sentience
- capacity of feeling
- obeisance
- gesture of respect
- craven
- very cowardly
- blithe
- carefree
- connate
- innate, existing naturally
- chaos
- disorder of matter and space, supposed to have existed before the ordered universe
- aversion
- object arousing an intense dislike
- suffrage
- vote or voting
- divines
- clergy
- radiant
- shining brightly
- tumultuous
- rough, stormy
- bastions
- fortification
- dilapidated
- disrepair
- sublime
- noble, majestic
- superfluous
- excessive, not necessary
- evitable
- avoidable
- mananimity
- generosity
- expedient
- resource
- posterity
- all succeeding generations
- alacrity
- speed
- dilipidated
- disrepair
- magnanimity
- generosity
- cornice
- projecting decorative molding along the top of a building
- surmised
- guessed
- oppresses
- weighs heavily on the mind
- finite
- having measurable or definable limits
- infinity
- endless or unlimited space, time, or distance
- abeyance
- temporary suspension
- effuse
- pour out
- precipitate
- cause to happen before expected or desired
- aggregation
- group of distinct objects or individuals
- inscrutable
- impossible to see
- disdainfully
- showing scorn or contempt
- glade
- open space in a wood or forest
- oppressed
- kept down by cruel or unjust power
- smite
- to kill by a powerful blow
- etiquette
- appropriate behavior and ceremonies
- deference
- respect, courtesy, regard
- imperious
- imperative, urgent
- dictum
- formal statement of fact or opinion
- summarily
- promptly and without formality
- effaced
- erased, wiped out
- oscillation
- act of swinging back and forth
- apprised
- informed, notified
- malign
- malicious, very harmful
- ineffable
- too overwhelming to be spoken
- expatriated
- deported, driven from one\'s native land
- anathema
- curse
- bellicose
- quarrelsome
- recumbent
- resting
- equanimity
- composure
- vociferation
- loud or vehement shouting
- vituperative
- spoken abusively
- querulous
- inclined to find fault