Vocab Test 2 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- bliss
- perfect happiness
- blithe
- merry, joyous,heedless
- buoy
- keep afloat, rise spritits of, encourage
- complacency
- self-satisfaction, smugness
- convival
- fond of eating/drinking w/ friends, sociable
- gala
- characterized by festivity
- jocund
- merry, cheerful
- jubilant
- showing great joy, rejoicing, exultant
- ascetic
- shunning pleasures, self-denying, living simply
- chagrin
- embarrassment, mortification, disappointment
- compunction
- regret, remorse, qualm, misgiving
- contrite
- showing deep regret and sorrow for wrongdoing, deeply penitant
- dejected
- sad, in low spirits, depressed
- doleful
- mournful
- glum
- moody, gloomy
- lament
- mourn, deplore
- maudlin
- weekly sentimental and tearful
- pathos
- quality in events or art and literature that arouses our pity
- plight
- unfortunate state, predicament
- poignant
- painfully touching, piercing
- throes
- anguish, pangs
- burly
- strongly and heavily built, husky
- buxom
- plump and attractive
- cherubic
- chubby and innocent looking
- obese
- extremely overweight or corpulant
- pudgy
- short and plump, chubby
- attenuate
- make thin or weaken
- emaciated
- made unnaturally thin because of starvation or illness
- haggard
- careworn, gaunt
- lank
- lean, ungracefully tall
- svelte
- slender, lithe
- adulation
- excessive praise, flattery
- blandishment
- word or deed of mild flattery, allurement, enticement
- cajole
- persuade by pleasant words, wheedle, coax
- curry favor
- seek to gain favor by flattery
- fulsome
- offensive b/c of insincerity, repulsive
- ingratiate
- work oneself into favor
- lackey
- servent, one who carries out another wishes
- obsequious
- showing excessive willingness to do soemthing, fawning
- sychophant
- parasitic flatterer
- truckle
- make a doormat of oneself, famn