English Week Two
undefined, object
copy deck
- cacophony
- Harsh. claching, or dissonant counds, often produced by combinations of words that require clipped, explosive delivery
- catharsis
Aristotle's theory of the power of tragedy to purge emotions of pity and fear that its incidents have aroused
emotional release from veiwing theater - classic
- a work of literature that is universally aknowledged to be superiour to other works of the same type and to be of enduring value and appeal
- cliche
- any expression that has been used so often that is has lost its freshness and precision
- colloquialism
- a word or phrase in everyday use in conversation and informal writting, but sometimes inappropriate in formal essay
- connotation
- the associations, images, or impressions carried by a word, as opposed to the words literal meaning
- context
- the part of the work of literature that precedes or follows a given word, phrase, or passage
- denotation
- percise, literal meaning of a word, without emotional associations or overtones
- denouement
- literally, unravelling, as of a knot- final resolution of the conflicts of a play
- determinism
- a persistent philosophy that people's actions and all other events are determined, or set in motion, by forces over which human beings have no control