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SS Midterm Review 1


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no railroads, no factories, no navy
South's weaknesses in the Civil War
change in production from hand to machine, home to factory, and barter to money; happened in the North because of available rivers, population and land
Industrial Revolution
called the Anaconda Plan; wanted to gain control of the MIssissippi River, blockade the South, and caputre Richmond
North's Civil War strategy
Union gained control of the MIssissippi River with this battle
Battle of Vicksburg
the desire of the United States to expand to the Pacific Ocean; "sea to shining sea"
manifest destiny
began building the transcontiental railroad form the east
Union Pacific
first place where gold was discovered in the west; caused the Gold Rush
Sutter's Mill
an event that occurred during the reform age that looked to get more rights for women
Seneca Falls Convention
land set aside for native americans
population, factories, control of the navy, railroads
North's strengths before the Civil War
offense, little fighting skill
North's weaknesses before the Civil War
declared that all slaves were property and that the Missouri Compromise was unconsitutional
Dred Scott Decision
a part of the Compromise of 1850 that made it illegal to help runaway slaves
Fugitive Slave Act
allowing people in a territory to decide whether to have slavery or not; tested in Kanas
popular sovereignty
started in 1849 after the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill
Gold Rush
rooted in religious ideas of equality and consitutional ideas of equality to say that slavery was wrong; some wanted to end slavery while others presented ideas like setting up a colony in LIberia
antislavery movement
the desire to get rid of something; in the 1800s abolitionists wanted to get rid of slavery
allowed popular sovereignty in Kansas; led to major disagreements between proslavery and antislavery forces
Kansas Nebraska Act
a dislike of immigrants; factory workers thought that immigrants took their jovs; formed a plitical party called the "Know Nothings'
"separate but equal"; allowed segregation in our country
Plessy v. Ferguson
wanted to tire the North out by staying defensive and depend on Europe for manufactured goods
South's Civil War strategy
first battle of the Civil War; showed that both sides needed training
Battle of Bull Run
paid less than men; wokred in many textile mills like the Lowell Mills
Women Workers
banned slavery in the US
13th amendment
moved west in search of gold
encouraged Native Americans to become farmers and accept Amerian ways (clothes, language, etc.)
Dawes Act
gave farmers 160 acres of land if they promised to farm it for 5 years
Homestead Act
a proposed colony where free blacks could settle in Africa; not very successful although it was created
1803 purchase of land from France; cost 15 million dollars; doubled the size of the US and gave the US control of the Port of New Orleans
Louisiana Purchase
turning point of the Civil War; only battle fought in the North
Battle of Gettysburg
allowed Missouri to become a slave state, Maine a free state, and drew a line separating slave states from free states at 36 30 N; worked to keep the number of free states and slave states equal
MIssouri Compromise
caused problems for the south because it made it difficult to collect taxes
States' Rights
homefield advantage, skilled shooters, good military leaders
South's strengths before the Civil War
granted citizenship to African Americans (and all ohter persons born in the US)
14th amendment
began building the transcontinental railroad from the west
Central Pacific
tried to keep African Americans from voting by requiring payment to vote
Poll Taxes
a railroad that crossed the North American continent
transcontinental railroad
divided the south into five military districts; wanted to reunite the country but also get a little "revenge" on the south
Radical Reconstruction
the first industry affected by the Industrial Revolution; making cloth
textile mills
Chinese, Mexican, and Irish immigrants worked in the brutal conditions to build the transcontinental railroad
immigrants on the railroad
taxes on imported goods; supported by the North before the Civil War
encouraged segregation
Jim Crow Laws
tried to keep African Americans from voting by requiring reading and writing tests
Literacy Tests
invented by Eli Whitney to clean the seeds from the cotton plant; made plantation farming in the south even more profitable
cotton gin
survived life in the plains by using the buffalo for many things
Plains Indians
drove in the golden spike connecting the transcontinental railroad
Leland Stanford
worked for less than Americans
Immigrant Factory Workers
Lincoln's decree that all slaves in states still rebelling were freed; used as a strategy to end the South's cotton diplomacy
Emancipation Proclamation
allowed California to be a free state; allowed the Mexican Cession to use popular sovereignty; outlawed the slave trade in Washington DC; enacted the Fugitive Slave Law
Compromise of 1850
a network of hiding places and routes to the north that led slaves out of slavery and to freedom; most famous conductor was Harriet Tubman
underground railroad
where Lee surrendered and the war ended
Appomattox Courthouse
land grants and money given to railroad companies by the US government
separating things that are different
brought the idea of the factory to the United States
Samuel Slater
a speech given by Abe Lincoln warning of the problems a nation could face if it continued to be half slave and half free
"House Divided"
having a loyalty to your part or section rather than your country as a whole
granted suffrage (voting) to African American men
15th amendment
place where the transcontinental railroad met
Promontory Point
called the 10% plan; wanted to reunite and reubild the country quickly
LIncoln's Reconstruciton Plan
written by Harriet Beecher Stowe; exposed the evils of slavery and encouraged the abolition movement
Uncle Tom's Cabin

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