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Proclamation Line
Boundary of white settlement that limited British colonization tot the east of the Appalachian Moutains
literacy tests
take tests to see if they can read or right
jim crow laws
segragation laws that became common in the south during the 1890s, separated black and white
opposed the federalists were anti government should be in hands of normal ppl
Alien and Sedition Acts
Four Acts that took away rights of foreigner living in America
Compromise of 1850
Utah and Mexico get popular sovergnty. Ended slave trade in Colombia. Rublicans support this. Wanted to prevent expansion of slavery.
presidencial reconstruction
Lincoln-In each confederate state, 10% of white men had to pledge loyalty to the union Johnson-opposed black suffrage and land distribution granted pardons and resoration of property to all who swore loyalty to the US
indentured servitued
individuals who contracted to serve a master for a period of 4-7 years in return for payment of the severnt passage to america
trianglular system
america africa and west indies. America brought africa rum. America also gave west indies lumber and fish etc. Africa gave west indies slaves and west indies gave America slaves
14 amendment
10% plan
In each confederate state, 10% of white men had to pledge loyalty to the union.
marbury v. madison
supreme court decision of 1803 that created the precednt of judical review by ruling as unconstitutional part of the judicuary act of 1789
virginia house of burgesses
the legislature of colonial virginia. 1st institution of representative government in the english colonies
new jersey plan
all states are equally represented
poll taxes
impose taxes on black voters
Federalist Papers
Collection of eighty-five written essays by James Madison, John Clay and Alexander Hamilton
black voting restrictions
disfranchisement, poll taxes, grandfather clause, literacy tests
grandfather clause
required black voters to demonstrate that their grandfathers had been eligible to vote
Stamp Act
Law that all documents needed to have a stamp, caused friction b/w America and English
German mercenaries
southern colonies
those of the west indies
the use of legal means to block blacks from voting
french and indian war
indians v. americans first fight on american soil, indians won canada and land east of the mississippi and florida
Stamp Act Congress
Organized to get the Americans more right and freedom
black codes
southern states started passing laws restricting blacks
Popular Sovernty
When the people get to vote.
treaty of ghent
between british and america to stop fighting
silver rights act
direct response to the black codes specified the civil rights that all US citizens were entitled states that the blacks had the same rights as whites
Committees of Correspondence
Keep Americans informed about the British measures that would effect them
founded by joseph smith under the leadership of patriachal leaders (establish community in great lake)
congressional reconstruction
divided ex-confederate states in 5 military districts and guaranteed universal manhood suffrage, freed men got to vote, southern states were controlled by the republicans and readmissioned by accepting defeat
emancipation proclamation
freed slaves as a punishment to southern states for rejecting the union and rewarded the borders by letting them have slaves
french settlement
untimately ended in failure, but some french fisherman continued to visit the coast, they did begin to establish colonies in the early 17th century
land owners gave labors a house, farm animals and tools in exchange for the laborers crops
lewis and clark
sent out to explore the land that was just purchased
electoral college
each state determinded who the president would be
First Continental Congress
Meting of delegates in response to Coercive Acts, congress endorsed Suffolk Resolves, adopted Declaration of Rights and Grievances and est. Continental association
13 amendment
Fugative Slave Act
If any slave escaped, they would have to be returned
early english settlement
jamestown-gold and northwest passage
Kansas and Nebraska Act
They both have popular sovernty. Kansas wants slaves and Nebraska wants no slaves.
Boston Tea Party
Bostonians disguised as Indians boarded the British ships and destroyed the tea that belonged to the British in an effort to avoid the tax
new england colonies
included plymouth, and the massachusetts bay colony
Non-Importation Acts
Didn't buy European exports to pressure them economically
war of 1812
2nd battle for independence with the british, took place around the great lakes, french were the allies
spoils system
when jackson put friends in office instead of ppl who were right for the job
Treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
mexico surrendered its claim to texas north of the reo grande and alta california and new mexico
when economy is down and the government makes national wealth increase
Abe Lincoln
Afraid of slavery being outlawed so he decides to fight to preserve the union and not to end slavery.
The First Great Awakening
A "religious revival" in the colonies
Hamilton's Economic Plan
Address revolutionary war debts, tax distilled whiskey, charter a national bank, Government should promote industry
2nd great awakening
series of religious rivals in the first half of the 19th century had great emotionalism and large public meetings
great compromise
states would be represented equally in the senate and proportionally in the House of Representatives
Boston Massacre
British troops fired on colonists in Boston
virginia plan
states had to be represented equal to population
mayflower compact
established self government in north america. all adult males were pressed to sign this document
missouri compromise
allowed slavery everywhere
15 amendment
monroe doctrine
between british and america, you mind your own buisness and we will mide ours
colonial slave labor
slaves were used to do back breaking labor in horrible conditions. they were owned and often times treated poorly
Dred Scott Decision
Slave that sued his master for freedom. Overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery everywhere.
manifest destiny
Created by John O'Sullivan
Bill of Rights
A written summary of rights and liberties. First eight ammendments was concerned with individual rights. Assured that the central government would not try to impose on them a uniform rational culture.
Declaration of Independence
Document put together by the second Continental Congress the renounced colonies' friendship with England
louisianna purchase
midwest bought from the french

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