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USH Midterm Vocabulary



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land ordinance of 1785
estab. a plan for surveying the land
john winthrop
puritan, minister and governor of massachusettes bay colony.
valley forge
brits were in philly, washington and his gang went outside philly. spent the winter 1777-1778 here, thousands died of hardshipand disease
Act for Religious Toleration
First law in America to call for freedom of worship for all Christians. Maryland, 1649 to quell disputes between Catholics and Protestants, but failed to bring peace
battle of saratoga
Turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River
declaration of independence
by continental congress, announced split from england, gave reasons why (complaints) written by Jefferson 1776
Middle Passage
voyage between West Africa and the New World slave colonies
A series of military expeditions launched by Christian Europeans to win the Holy land back from Muslim control.
continental army
pro/regular army authorized by second continental congress, better trained and longer sevice than state militiamen
William Pitt
British leader in britain in the French and Indian War (secretary of state?)
New Lights
People who experienced conversion during the revivals of the Great Awakening
Actual Representation
The practice whereby elected representatives normally reside in their districts and are directly responsive to local interests.
British Constitution
the principles, procedures, and precedents that governed the operation of the British government. these could be found in no single written document; Parliament and the king made the Constitution by their actions.
Age of Enlightenment
major intellectual movement occurring in western Europe in 1700. Inspired by recent scientific advances, emphasized the role of human reason in understanding the world and directing its events. placed less emphasis on God's role in ordering world affairs.
Continental Association
Agreement, adopted by the First Continental Congress in 1774 in response to the Coercive Acts, to cut off trade with Britain until the objectionable measures were repealed. Local committees were established to enforce the provisions of the association.
Quartering Acts
acts of parliament... required colonial legislatures to provide supplies and quarters for the British troops stationed in America. Americans considered this taxation in disguise and objected.
3/5 compromise
called each slave 3/5 of a person in population counts
checks and balances
each branch of the national government can check the actions of the oter two branches
Stamp Act
royal law passed in 1765 to raise money in America by requiring taxed, stamped paper for legal documents, publications, and playing cards. Americans opposed it as "taxation without representation." parliament repealed it a year afterwords.
thomas jefferson
3rd pres 1st term = :) second term = :( AND drafted declaration of independence
King Philip's War
conflict New England (1675-1676) between Wampanoags, Narragansetts, and other Indian peoples vs English settlers; sparked by english encroachments on native lands
northwest ordinance of 1787
no slavery in north; a procedure for dividing the land into territories; set requirements for admission of new states
a famous chief of the Shawnee who tried to unite Indian tribes against the increasing white settlement
opponents of a strong central government who campaigned against the ratification of the Constitution in favor of a confederation of independant states
chief of powhatan tribe, father of pocohontas, nearby jamestown
First Continental Congress
meeting of delegates from most of the colonies held in 1774 in response to the Coercive Acts. The Congress endorsed the Suffolk Resolves, adopted by the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, and agreed to establish the Continental Association to put economic pressure on Britain o repeal its objectionable measures. HTe Congress also wrote addresses to the king, the people of Britain, and the American People
House of Burgesses
legislature of colonial Virginia. First organized 1619, was first institution of representative government in the colonies
Enumerated Products
items enumerated in acts of Parliament that could only be legally shipped to England and other destinations within the British empire.
name used by advocates of colonial resistance to British measures during 1760s and 70s.
Virtual Representation
The notion, current in eighteenth-century England, that parliamentary members represented the interests of th nation as a whole, not those of the particular district that elected them
natives in the Valley of Mexico, conquered in 1520 by Spaniard Hernan Cortes
Salutary Neglect
britian, preoccupied with the french, cuts US some slack/pays less attention to them, beginning of colonists realizing they didnt'really need UK after all
French and Indian War
The last of the Anglo-French colonial wars (1754-1763) and the first in which fighting began in North America. The war (which merged with the European conflict known as the Seven Years' War) ended with France's defeat and loss of its North American empire
Derisive term applied to Loyalists during and before the Revolution.
Society of Friends, a radical religious group that arose in the 1650. rejected formal theology and an educated ministry, focusing instead on the importance of the holy spirit. important in founding Pennsylvania.
treaty of Paris 1763
Officially ended French/Indian war, Britain dominated
judicial review
Power of fed courts to review acts of congress and state legislatures and determine if constitutional. in constitution.
Dominion of New England
James II's failed plan of 1686 to combine eight northern colonies into a single large province, to be governed by a royal appointee (Sir Edmund Andros) with an appointed council but no elective assembly. The plan ended with James's ouster from the English throne and rebellion in Massachusetts against Andros's rule
war of 1812
a war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France
articles of confederation
written document setting up loose confederatin of states that comprised the 1st national gvt of US in 1780s
economic system whereby the government intervenes in the economy for the purpose of increasing national wealth. Mercantilists advocated possession of colonies as places where the mother country could acquire raw materials not available at home.
bering strait
between alaska and russia, maybe ppl came across land once there
daughter of powhatan, helped peace between settlers and those who actually belonged in america, married john rolfe
Columbian Exchange
european-native american exchange of plants, animals, and diseases
a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches
monroe doctrine
an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers
shays' rebellion
was led by Daniel Shays it was a protest against the land being taken away and the taxes that they had just worked so hard to get rid of
rights of states to declare federal laws illegal
amerigo vespucci
The italian sailor who corrected Columbus's mistake, acknowledging the coasts of america as a new world. America is named after him
Great Awakening
tremendous religious revival in colonial America. Sparked by English evangelical minister George Whitefield, the struck first in the Middle Colonies and New England in the 1740s and eventually spread to the southern colonies by the 1760s
bill of rights
the first 10 amendments to the constitution(ratified in 1791), Lists such rights as freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly
anne hutchinson
self-made religious leader, held meetings in her home, banished from MA and went to RI
supporters of the stronger central govt. who advocated the ratification of the new constitution
Glorious Revolution
bloodless revolt that occurred in England in 1688 when parliamentary leaders invited William of Orange, a Protestant, to assume the English throne and James II fled to France. James's ouster was prompted by fears that the birth of his son would establish a Catholic dynasty in England
long seige laid by french and continental army, WON by US, brits gve up
era of good feelings
Monroe's presidency was marked by this era of nonpartisanship
american system
a plan presented to Congress by President Madison for making the United States economically self-sufficient: establish a protective tariff , establish a national bank, and improve the country's transporation system
battle of new orleans
after treaty signed for war of 1812, battle in 1815 between american and british troops (they were invading) for control of New Orleans, ending in an american victory by Jackson
marbury vs madison
established judicial review of the courts
whiskey rebellion
during washington's rule, clash between farmers, tax collectors, on alchohol taxation
individuals who believed that Queen Elizabeth's reforms of the Church of England had not gone far enough improving the church. led the settlement of Massachusetts Bay Colony
Boston Massacre
conflict between british soldiers and americans, 4 colonists died
john marshall
American jurist and politician appointed by adams who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801-1835) and helped establish the practice of judicial review.
john rolfe
Husband of Pocahontas; sealed peace settlement of Anglo-Powahatn war; father of tobacco ind. economic, savior of VA colony
Joint-Stock Company
Business enterprise- a group of stockholders pooled money to engage in trade or to fund colonizing expeditions. participated in the founding of the Virginia, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay colonies
townshend duty act
English act: 1767 imposed taxes on tea, lead, paint paper, glass. prompted a successful American nonimportation movement
Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)
Lexington and concord
first battles of revolutionary war
great compromise
compromise at the Constitutional Cov. in 1787 that reconciled the interest of large and small states
spanish armada
huge naval force, sails on England, defeated
Coercive/"Intolerable" Acts
Legislation passed by Parliament in 1774; included the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act of 1774
Dartmouth college v. woodward
Supreme Ct. ruled that a private corporation could not be altered by the state.
Proclamation of 1763
Royal proclamation setting the boundary known as the Proclamation Line, which prohibited settlement west of the Appelachian Mountains
john adams
2nd President of the United States and federalist
alien and sedition acts
Laws that made it harder to become a citizen and created harsh punishments for people who criticize the government, sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies.
george washintong
general of continental army, 1st pres
william penn
quaker, founded PA
mayflower compact
An agreement by those on the Mayflower to make and obey laws for their colony. This is the first example of self-rule by American colonists. (p. 175)
portuguese who sails for Spain, circumnavigates globe
brit commander durin war of independence
belief that God decided at the moment of Creation which humans would achieve salvation
Richard Frethorne
missouri compromise
Set up Maine and Missouri as respective free and slave states, instituted a line for slavery
Pontiac's Rebellion
Indian uprising (1763-1766) led by Pontiac of the Ottawas an Neolin of the Delawares. Fearful of their fate at the hands of the British after the French had been driven out of North America, the Indian nations of the Ohio River Valley and the Great Lakes are united to oust the British from the Ohio-Mississippi Valley. They failed and were forced to make peace in 1766
2nd bank of the US
national bank chartered by congress in 1816 with extensive regulatory powers over currency and credit
roger williams
He founded Rhode Island for separation of Church and State. He believed that the Puritans were too powerful and was ordered to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious beliefs.

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