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ABeka Science 7 - Chapter 2 - Section Reviews


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(p.42,2.3) What three things are required for a seed to germinate?
moisture, favorable temperature, oxygen.
(p.39,2.2) Differentiate between pollination and fertilization.
Pollination is the transfer of polen from the anther to the stigma.
Firtilization is the forming of a seed by uniting an egg cell with a sperm nucleus from a pollen grain.
(p.39,2.2) What structure contains the embryo of a plant?
(p.39,2.2) What is the term for the root of an embryo?
(p.39,2.2) Where does a germinating dicotyledon seed obtain food for its growth?
from the cotyledons
(p.39,2.2) Name the three parts of a typical seed.
embryo, endosperm, seed coat
(p.39,2.2) What is the scientific definition of a fruit?
anything that forms from the ovary of a flower
(p.39,2.2) What is the term for the scattering or distributing of seeds after they are mature?
(p.39,2.2) Differentiate between mechanical dispersal and agent dispersal.
Mechanical dispersal: occurs when the ripened fruit bursts open and scatters its own seeds.
Agent dispersal occurs when animals, wind, or water carries the seeds away from the plant.
(p.42,2.3) What is the term for the food-making process of plants?
(p.42,2.3) What is the name for a plant that no longer depends on the cotyledons for nourishment?
a seedling
(p.42,2.3) How long does it take for an annual to produce seeds?
one growing season.
(p.42,2.3) How do biennials differ from perennials?
Biennials: complete their life cycles in two years.
Perennials: live for several years.
(p.34,2.1) What was Sprengel's goal in his botanical studies?
to show the design of God in green plants and to uncover the divine purpose in the tiniest part of each flower.
(p.34,2.1) Name the main parts of a flower.
1. Sepals
2. Petals
3. Stamens
4. Pistil
(p.34,2.1) What purpose does the flower serve for the plant?
(p.34,2.1) List and define the 3 parts of the pistil.
Ovary-the rounded bottom of the pistil.
Style-the curved-in middle of the pistil
Stigma-the top of the pistil.
(p.34,2.1) Describe the pollen-producing part of a flower.
The stamen, or pollen-producing part of the flower, consits of an anther positioned atop a filament.
(p.34,2.1) Why do you suppose the stigma is sticky?
to hold in the pollen.
(p.39,2.2) What two processes must occur before seeds can form?
pollination, fertilization
(p.55,2.4) What kind of flower is actually a cluster of tightly packed ray and disk flowers?
(p.55,2.4) How do botanists classify plants into families?
by the structure of their flowers and fruits.
(p.55,2.4) How do angiosperms and gymnosperms differ?
Angiosperms: provide flowers.
gymnosperms: do not.
(p.55.,2.4) What is the term for an arrangement of flowers having stems of nearly equal length emerging from a common point on the main stem?
(p.55.,2.4) Which family of plants is involved in the nitrogen cylcle?
pea family or legumes
(p.55.,2.4) How do the stems of the mint family differ from the stems of other plants?
the stems are square
(p.55.,2.4) How do the pods of the pea family differ from those of the milkweed family?
The pods of the pea family split along two sides; those of the milkweed family split along only one side
(p.72,2.7) What is the purpose of respiration?
to release energy for use in other functions of the plant.
(p.62,2.5) How do monocots and dicots differ?
Monocots have long, slender leaves with parallel veins, flower petals in multiples of three, fibrous roots, and one cotyledon.
Dicots have broad leaves with branching veins, flower petals in multiples of four or five, a taproot, and two cotyledons.
(p.62,2.5) To which of the two groups of flowering plants do grasses belong?
monocotyledons or monocots
(p.62,2.5) How do corms and rhizomes differ?
Corms are thick, vertical, underground stems.
Rhizomes are horizontal stems lying along, or just under, the ground.
(p.72,2.7) What does a plant do with excess glucose?
converts it into starch and stores it
(p.72,2.7) What is the difference between producers and consumers?
Producers use photosynthesis to manually facture their own food,
Consumers eat producers (plants) or other consumers (animals)
(p.72,2.7) What kinds of organisms are producers? Consumers?
Producers are plants; Consumers are people and animals
(p.72,2.7) Name the tiny holes in leaves through which air passes.
(p.72,2.7) Name the green pigment of the plants which is necessary for photosynthesis.
(p.62) What are the dominant plants of the meadow?
(p.62) Name the creeping stem of a grass plant
(p.62) At what point is the leaf attached to the stem of a grass plant?
at the node or joint
(p.62) Why are the grasses so important to use?
to provide food crops for people and livestock
(p.66,2.6) List the four basic shapes of leaves.
broad, flat leaves; long, narrow leaves; needlelike leaves; scaly leaves.
(p.66,2.6) List the three most common leaf arrangements around a plant stem.
alternate, opposite, whorled
(p.66,2.6) How can we see God's wisdom in designing plants when we study the arrangement of leaves on a stem?
All of the basic arrangements-opposite, alternate, and whorled-allow the leaves to be positioned so that the greatest amount of sunlight can strike them.
(p.66,2.6) List the three major patterns of leaf veins.
parallel, pinnate, palmate
(p.77,2.8) What two terms desvribe plants by the types of stems they have?
woody and herbaceous
(p.77,2.8) What kind of plant reproduction occurs when a root, stem, or leaf produces a new plant
vegetative reproduction
(p.77,2.8) List the two main kinds of root systems.
taproot, fibrous root.
) What three things are required for a seed to germinate
moisture, favorable temperature, oxygen

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