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Chapters 9 & 10


undefined, object
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_____ is the corporation which takes classic fonts and redesigns them making the x-height larger and the fit of the text tighter, makes the consistent drawings of fonts available all over the world
list the features of an Old Style font
- little vertical stress/slanted characters
- lots of bracketing
- little hairline/stem contrast
- small, coarse serifs with slightly concave bases
- small x-heights
list the features of an Egyptian style/slab serif font
- minimal variation of thick and thin strokes
- heavy serifs with squared-off ends
- large x-heights
- vertical stress in rounded strokes
- little to no bracketing
list the features of a Transitional style font
- greater hairline/stem contrast
- wider, gracefully bracketed serifs with flat bases
- larger x-height
- vertical stress in rounded strokes
- numerals are cap height and consistent in size
list the features of a Modern style font
- extreme hairline/stem contrast
- hairline serifs without bracketing
- small x-height
- square serif
- vertical stress in rounded strokes
list the features of a Sans Serif font
- no serifs
- larger x-height
- little to no stress in rounded strokes
- often squared-off terminals
- little to no hairline/stem contrast
list several kinds of decorative fonts
from what line to what line is type measured?
ascender – descender
the height of the body of the lowercase characters, measured from the baseline is called the _________.
what determines the visual appearance of the size of type?
the size of the x-height
how many points are in an inch?
how many picas in an inch?
how many points in a pica?
from what line(s) is leading measured?
baseline - baseline
_______ ___________ helps readability more than increased point size
increased leading
the graphic designer has more control of the ____________ of the type
Which is easier to read?
- all uppercase
- upper and lower
upper and lowercase
_________ _______ is used in headlines to close up the space between lines of type and give a compact headline.
negative leading
white type on a black background is called ________
reversed type
the TYPE designer has more control over the __________ of the type
when setting the text type, what is the goal of the designer?
to create an even gray tone on the page
what is an optimal line length for text type?
1.5 - 2 inches
what do you do to a title of a book in text for emphasis?
when using shades of gray in type, how far apart should the percentages be to assure optimum readability?
40% - 50%
what are prime marks?
straight quotes, used to indicate a measurement of distance
when you design with just two families of fonts, what should those families be?
a serif and sans serif family
how do prime marks differ from curly quotes?
prime marks are straight
curly quotes have a "66" or "99" shape
which alignment of type is the easiest to read?
flush left/ragged right
________ are enlarged word spaces that align vertically through a column of justified type; they are undesirable and distracting for the reader
the design of a typeface, that an h can be distinguished from an n, a or c from an o, etc. directly affects ____________
the selection of a typeface, the tracking, point size, leading and line length, directly affects _____________
symbol used to show the word "to"
en dash
the symbol used to attribute a quote to an author, and when there are dashes in sentences in text.
em dash
_________ are straight quotes that are used to indicate feet or inches
prime marks
_________ is more closely spaced than three periods and will not give as great a break in the text as period space period, etc
___________ is the and symbol, &
AM and PM should always be set as ________
small caps with no periods
under a bullet, type that runs onto a second line (called runovers) should be flush with the ___________
text, not the bullet
_______________ the title of a book in text for emphasis; never bold it.
use __________ only in callouts - followed by a definition
__________ are when either the first or last line of a paragraph is separated in a different column from the other lines of the paragraph. The worst kind is when one line of a paragraph is less than half the column width.
________ are when the last line of a paragraph is less than half the column width
____________ means that the point size of the text and the point size of the leading are the same, meaning there is very little white space between the lines. Such type is particularly hard to read.
Set solid
use a ____________ before a definition, always with a space before the first letter of the definition. They are also used when you have a long series of phrases in a list that are separated by semi-colons.
use a ______________ to separate two clauses that are each full sentences on their own, but whose meaning is so closely connected that joining them makes them appear more immediate.
use a ______ at the end of a declaratory sentence.
use a ___________ to give a pause in a sentence, or before quotes, or to separate thoughts in a sentence or elements in a list.
use a _________ to separate years as in 1993/94 or and/or or his/her
use ___________ to indicate elements that are long in a list format where order or hierarchy is not important. Always align runovers under the text, Option 8 on the keyboard.
Use a ___________ to indicate a interrogative.
question mark
use an ______________ to show intensity or immediacy or anger in a statement
exclamation point
an __________ is used to replace the word "number" or pound
the symbol used in place of the word "at" - often used to show quantity at a price.
at symbol
petite escargo
the symbol used to show the break of syllables over two lines of text

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