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cuban missle crisis
The Soviet Union was secretly building nuclear missile launch sites in Cuba, which could have been used for a sneak-attack on the U.S. The U.S. blockaded Cuba until the U.S.S.R. agreed to dismantle the missile silos.
1968 Democratic Convention
Hubert Humphrey was by now the only real candidate left and so most Democrats new that there would be turbulence. During the convention delegates bitterly debated an antiwar plank in the party platform. Outside, however, a bloody riot broke out, hundreds of protesters were injured, they taunted local police with the fact that the violence was being televised. Hubert Humphrey inevitably received his party's nomination.
the berlin wall
- The Soviet Union, under Nikita Khrushev, erected a wall between East and West Berlin to keep people from fleeing from the East, after Kennedy asked for an increase in defense funds to counter Soviet aggression.
office of economic oppurtunity
1965 - Part of the war on poverty, it was headed by R. Sargent Shiver, and was ineffective due to the complexity of the problem. It provided Job Corps, loans, training, VISTA, and educational programs.
malcom X
One-time pimp and street hustler, converted to a Black Muslim while in prison. At first urged Blacks to seize their freedom by any means necessary, but later changed position and advocated racial harmony. He was assassinated in February, 1965.
elementary and secondary education act of `65
extended aid to both private and parochial schools and based the aid on the economic conditions of the students, not the needs of the schools themselves.
commision on civil disorders
created by the president in response to riots, issued a celebrated report in 1968 recommending massive spending to eliminate the abysmal conditions of the ghettos. To many white Americans, however, the lesson of the riots was the need for stern measures to stop violence and lawlessness.
purpose was to push the Viet Cong from particular regions and then pacify those regions by winning the hearts and minds of the people. This strategy eventually gave way to one of massive relocation of civilians.
the tet offensive
1968, during Tet, the Vietnam lunar New Year - Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army raiding forces attacked provincial capitals throughout Vietnam, even seizing the U.S. embassy for a time. U.S. opinion began turning against the war.
James Earl Ray
was convicted of the assassination of American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., which occurred on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Ray had been placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list twice.
JFK 1960 campaign/election
the Democratic Party were united behind him, an attractive and articulate senator who had narrowly missed being the party's vice presidential candidate in 1956. Son of wealthy, powerful and highly controversial Joseph Kennedy, former ambassador to Britain. He promised the nation a shift to liberalism and was able to overcome criticisms of his religion and age to win the election on a small plurality.
Castro/ Bay of pigs
A small army of ant-Castro Cuban exiles were trained and financed by the U.S. in the hope their invasion would lead to a popular uprising to overthrow the Communist government. The invasion force landed at the Bay of Pigs in Southern Cuba, but received no popular support and were quickly wiped out by Castro's forces.
eugene "bull" connor
police commissioner personally supervised a brutal effort to break up the peaceful marches Martin Luther King Jr. led, arresting hundreds of demonstrators and using attack dogs, tear gas, electric cattle prods, and fire hoses, all in view of TV cameras.
1968 election
after all of the turbulent events of 1968, America experienced a conservative backlash. George Wallace gained support as a third-party candidate basing his campaign on conservative grievances. But Nixon, returning from a loss in the last election ran successfully on a vision of stability, law and order, government reattachment, and peace with honor in Vietnam. Despite a last minute serge by Humphrey, Nixon pulled out a slight victory.
congress of racial equality/ freedom rides
Interracial until 1962, when it became predominately Black, after 1964, only Blacks were allowed to join. It concentrated on organizing votes for Black candidates and political causes, successful even in states like Mississippi and Alabama. They practiced Freedom Rides; traveling by bus throughout the South, trying to force the desegregation of bus stations.
department of housing and urban development/ robert weaver
a new cabinet agency developed by LB Johnson, whose first secretary, Weaver, was the first African American to serve in the cabinet.
george wallace
third party ticket candidate for the American Independent party in 1968 that lost against Nixon. He was a former governor of Alabama and had stood in the doorway to prevent black students from entering the University of Alabama. (took votes from humphrey)
medgar evers
Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks; he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
march on washington
August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement.
LBJ/ the great society
A democratic egotist. He was Kennedy's vice president, and became president when Kennedy was assassinated. He escalated the war in Vietnam and the failure to win the war was blamed on him. Johnson had a great domestic policy called "The Great Society" and helped push for the passing of the civil rights act to end discrimination. He also issued all federal contractors to take "affirmative action" against discrimination.
civil rights act of `64
This portion of the Act stated that public accommodations could not be segregated and that nobody could be denied access to public accommodation on the basis of race.
attrition strategy
premised on the belief that the U.S. could inflict more damage on the enemy than the enemy could absorb, this strategy failed because the North Vietnamese were willing to commit many more soldiers and resources than the U.S. predicted.
Lee Harvey Oswald/ Jack Ruby/ The warren commission
November, 22, 1963 - Oswald shot Kennedy from a Dallas book depository building, and was later himself killed by Jack Ruby. Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled that they both acted alone.
black power
A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community.
wattas riot
one of the most serious race riots in Los Angeles, in the midst of a traffic arrest a white police officer struck a protesting black bystander with his club, the incident triggered a storm of anger and a week of violence. 34 people died during the uprising, which was eventually stopped by the National Guard.
green berets
President Kennedy gave enthusiastic support to the expansion of the Special Forces, soldiers who trained specifically to fight guerrilla conflicts and other limited wars.
andrew goodman/ michael schwerner/ James chaney
three of the first freedom workers to arrive in the south, all were murdered, local law enforcement were involved in the crime.
gulf of tonkin resolution
at first Johnson only slightly expanded American involvement in Vietnam, but then American destroyers on patrol in international waters were attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. Johnson portrayed the incident as an act of aggression and both the American people and Congress supported him in preventing further aggression (could send troops)
affirmative action
during the African American battle against job discrimination they called for employers to prove that they were not discriminating by hiring minorities. The concept of adopting positive measures to recruit measures was one LBJ supported.
Nixon 1960 campaign/election
promised moderate reform, lost the election only slightly, he managed to get significant support in the upper South and across the Plains and Mountain States.
alliance for progress
1961 - Formed by Kennedy to build up third-world nations to the point where they could manage themselves.
selma march
King organized this major demonstration in Alabama to press for the right of blacks to register to vote. Selma sheriff led local police in a televised brutal attack on demonstrators. Two northern white marchers were murdered, and the outrage that came after helped LBJ pass the Civil Rights Act of 1965.
birmingham bombing
in September after many conflicts had already taken place due to the civil rights movement, a black church in Birmingham was bombed, killing 4 African American children.
voting rights act of `65
This act, passed in 1965, outlawed literacy tests and sent federal voter registrars into several Southern states. This act did not end discrimination and oppression overnight, but it helped blacks get a foothold on change.
J William Fulbright
along with journalist, this Senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, turned against the war and in January 1966 began to stage highly publicized and occasionally televised congressional hearings to air criticisms of it.
the New Frontier
The "new" liberal and civil rights ideas advocated by Kennedy, in contrast to Eisenhower's conservative view.
woolworth sit in
held in February 1960, black college students in Greensboro, NC staged a sit in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter; and in the following months, such demonstrations spread throughout the South, forcing many merchants to integrate.
student nonviolent coordinating committee/ SCLC
Organized in the fall of 1960 by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. as a student civil rights movement inspired by sit-ins, it challenged the status quo and walked the back roads of Mississippi and Georgia to encourage Blacks to resist segregation and to register to vote.
Diem/ Minh/ Vietminh
the United States had supported Diems decision to not have elections and even though Diem had spent a lot of time in France he was still a nationalist, and for a time his leadership was successful, so the U.S. continued to feed Diem support, helping him fight off religious sects and Vietnamese mafia who challenged his authority. His success led him to begin a campaign to eliminate the supporters of Ho Chi Minh (Vietminh) who stayed in the south.
eugene McCarthy
little known Democratic Senator from Minnesota, he represented the Democratic party in the 1968 presidential election. He was a devout Catholic and a soft-spoken, sometimes poet. He used a group of antiwar college students as his campaign workers. He, with the help of his "Children's Crusade", got 42% of the democratic votes and 20 out of 24 convention delegates.
Barry Goldwater/ LBJ `64 election
Republican senator from Arizona nominated on the Republican ticket for the Presidency in the election of 1964. He ran against Lyndon B. Johnson and lost the election.
war on poverty
Johnson figured that since the Gross National Profit had risen, the country had lots of extra money "just lying around," so he'd use it to fight poverty. It started many small programs, Medicare, Head Start, and reorganized immigration to eliminate national origin quotas. It was put on hold during the Vietnam War.
black panthers
Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.
Bobby kennedy
He ran for President in 1968; stirred a response from workers, African Americans, Hispanics, and younger Americans; would have captured Democratic nomination but was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan after a victory speech during the California primary in June 1968.
National liberation front (vietcong)
Diems plan to eliminate his supporters in the south, caused Ho Chi Minh to resume the armed struggle for national unification. In 1959, the Vietminh cadres in the south created the National Liberation Front, known to Americans as the Vietcong, an organization closely allied with the North Vietnamese government.
robert McNara
even support for American involvement in Vietnam was crumbling in the administration. McNamara, who had done much to help extend American involvement, quietly left the government, disillusioned.
Immigration act of `65
abolished the national-origin quotas that had been in place in the United States since the Immigration Act of 1924. It was proposed by Emanuel Celler, cosponsored by Philip Hart and heavily supported by Senator Ted Kennedy.
freedom summer
campaign where thousands of civil rights supporters spread out through the South to work on behalf of black voter registration and participation, it produced violent responses from southern whites.
Sirhan Sirhan
the convicted assassin of United States Senator Robert F. "Bobby" Kennedy. He is currently serving a life sentence at the state penitentiary in Corcoran, California. A young Palestinian he was apparently enraged by pro- Israeli remarks Kennedy made, and emerged from a crowd to shoot him in the head.
housing act of 1961
offered $4.9 billion in federal grants to cities for the preservation of open spaces, the development of mass transit systems and the subsidization of middle-income housing.

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