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ss Unit 8, Chapter 23, Lesson 3


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Niagra Falls
waterfalls on the boundary between the US and Canada; provides a portion of the nergy needs of the Canadian province of Ontario
geothermal energy
energy that is produced from super-hot, underground water
site in Ukraine of a nuclear power plant accident in 1986
hydroelectric energy
electricity produced by using the energy of flowing water
fossil fuel
a fuel formed long ago deep in the earth from prehistoric plants and animals
the use of resources carefully and wisely
Iguacu Falls
a waterfall on the border between Argentina and Brazil; a major source of hydroelectricity in South America
renewable resource
a natural resource that can be replaced
nonrenewable resource
a resource that cannot be replaced
George W. Bush
1946 - 43rd president of the US who began a campaign toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
group formed in 1973 when many of the world's biggest oil producers joined together to cut petroleum production and raise oil prices

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