Analog 1-4
undefined, object
copy deck
- persiflage
- light, frivolous, flippant style in speaking or writing; banter, raillery
- prude
- a person who is overly modest or proper
- parochial
- narrow, limited, provincial
- elliptical
- resembling an eclipse or flattened circle; having a word or wordes omitted without being unintelligible
- deleterious
- harmful, injurious
- piquant
- agreeably pungent or stimulating to the taste
- indigenous
- native, growing or produced naturally in a country or a region
- bucolic
- rustic, rurual, pastoral
- laity
- all people not included in the clergy; all people not included in a given profession
- frugal
- not wasteful, thrifty
- nebulous
- cloudy, misty, vague
- cadaver
- a corpse or dead body, especially of a person
- enjoin
- to order officially, to forbid or prohibit
- carp
- to talk in a peevish, grumbling, or accusing manner; to find fault pettily or unfairly; cavil----a fresh water fish
- mandate
- an authoritative order or command, the wishes of constituants expressed to their legislature or representative; to order a nation to govern a geographical area
- gourmand
- a lover of good food; a glutton
- fortuitous
- happening by chance, accidental; lucky
- candid
- sincere, honest, impartial
- corroborate
- to support with evidence or authority; to make more certain
- parable
- simple story from which a moral lesson may be drawn
- deciduous
- shedding leaves annualy; shedding antlers or insect wings
- incognito
- with true identity not revealed, under disguise, with an assumed name; a person who is under disguise
- epicure
- a connoiseur of food and drink; a person devoted to luxury and sensous pleasure
- debacle
- an overthrow; a rout; a sudden great disaster; a breakdown or collapse
- minx
- a pert and saucy girl
- punctilious
- scrupulous, exact
- nefarious
- wrong, wicked, villainous
- mull
- to grind; to cogitate or ponder; to hear, sweeten, and flavor with spice
- cursory
- superficial, passing rapidly over something without attention to detail
- dupe
- to deceive, to cheat----a person easily fooled
- parsimonious
- miserly, stingy
- bellicose
- showing readiness to quarrel of fight
- pliable
- easily bent or molded; easily influenced
- dirge
- a lament with music, a funeral hymn
- chimerical
- imaginary, fantastic, unreal, absurd, impossible
- millenium
- a thousand, especially a thousand sand years
- callow
- undeveloped, inexperienced, immature
- bovine
- related to or resembling the ox or cow; both sluggish and patient----an ox or closely related animal
- burgeon
- to put forth to sprout----a bud, a sprout
- captious
- intended to entrap or confuse; quibbling, carping, faultfinding
- plebescite
- an expression of the people's will by direct ballot
- fetid
- stinking, foully odorous
- liturgy
- the prescribed ritual for public worship in any of various Christian churches
- munificent
- bountiful, lavish, generous
- jubilant
- joyful and triumphant
- madrigal
- a short poem which can be set to music; a song with parts for several voices
- ambiguous
- doubtful or uncertain, especially from obscurity or indistinctness; inexplicable; cable pf being understood in more than one way.
- clandestine
- secret, hidden, underhanded, surreptitous
- propitious
- favorably inclined, boding well, being of good omen or auspicious
- hyperbole
- exageration for effect, not meant to be taken literally
- ephemeral
- lasting one day short-lived, transitory
- mime
- an ancient Greek or Roman face, a clown; to play a part with gestures not words
- iniquitous
- unjust, wicked
- ethereal
- referring to the upper regions of space; light, airy, delicate celstial
- jocose
- humerous, joking, facetious
- gargoyle
- a waterspout or ornament in the form of a carved animal-sometimes an imaginary one-projecting from the gutter of a building
- castigate
- to punish, chastise, or rebuke
- enigma
- a perplexing statement, mattter, or person; a riddle
- copse
- a thicket of small trees
- piscine
- of or resembling a fish
- acrimonious
- marked by hard or biting sharpness, especially of wordes, manner, or disposition; bitter
- chagrin
- vexation, disappointment, mortification, embarassment
- piscatorial
- of the fishes, fishing, or people who fish
- burnish
- to polish, to make shiny by rubbing----a gloss or polish
- crass
- grossly stupid; dull; coarse, gross
- harbinger
- a person or thing that comes before to announce what is to follow; to announce
- muse
- to ponder, to meditate
- forensic
- characteristic of or suitable for a law court or public debate, refering to a lawyer skilled in this area
- jingo
- a person who boasts of his or her patriotism, one who favors an aggresive foreign policy
- knell
- to ring, especially for a death, funeral, or disaster; to toll; to summon, announce, or proclaim as if by a knell; the slow solemn sounding of a bell, an omen or signal of sorrow or death,any deep mournful sound
- ecclesiastical
- of the church, or relating to the organization of the clergy
- prelate
- a high ranking ecclesiastic such as a bishop
- imperturbable
- unable to be disturbed or excited; impassive
- fallow
- land plowed but not sowed----left uncultivated; when describing the mind, untrained, inactive
- patrician
- a member of the nobility- noble, aristocratic
- insurgent
- a rebel, one who opposes; rebelious
- cloistered
- secluded; hidden from the world, usually religious seclusion
- mentor
- a wise and loyal advisor, a teacher
- fealty
- the duty and loyalty owed by a vassal to his lord--mostly used poetically in modern language
- quibble
- to argue evasively- a petty evasion