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Theory X
workers thought to be lazy, lacking in ability and motivation, they need to/want to be told what to do
Theory Y
Workers enjoy their work but they desire responsability and independence, they are self motivated and self directed, need less direct control
Theory Z
revolves around the need for trust, loyalty, openness, and positive relationships between mgmt and workers who have the best interest of the organization at heart.
is accepted principles devised to analyze predict, or explain the nature of behavior of a specified set of phenomena.
quality circles
productive performance of the workforce is best when it comes from within rather then being imposed on by the outside.
the customer is always right concept. involves educated, motivated and caring employees/workers whose goal is quality.
is a popular method of viewing the planning process. work in a collegial fashion and establish agreed upon objectives
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory
five different needs in the order of importance are. basic safety and physiologica needs, security or safety needs, social needs, self esteem needs, self actualization needs
physiological needs
food, shelter, warmth, rest, sex
security of safety needs
protection against danger, illness and property and income loss and uncertainty
social needs
belonging, acceptance, friendship, understanding
self esteem needs
pride, achievement, self respect and status
self actualization needs
self fulfillment, self satisfaction, self realization
mcClelland Motivation Theory
there are three essential motivators for workers. 1 is the need for high achievement, 2. is the need for affiliation, 3. power over individuals, processes and things
Preference Expectancy Theory
motivation is connected wo preference and expectancy. rewards are wovern with particular behvaviors, expectancy is the probability that something with happen if behvavior patterns are followed.

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