classical roots- 7
undefined, object
copy deck
- ROOT- glossa, glotta
- ROOT- greek- tongue, language
- diction
- latin- noun- 1. choice of words in speech or writing 2. a person's manner of uttering or pronouncing words
- dictatorial
- latin- adj- dominerring; autocratic, like a dictator
- terms of roots dico, dicere, dixi, and dictum?
- dictorial, diction, dictum, ditty, edict, indict, indite, interdiction, jurisdiction, malediction, valediction
- gloss
- greek- 1. noun- an explanation of a difficult expression in a text 2. verb- (used with over) to explain away
- edict
- latin- noun- a decree or proclamation issued by an authority
- affable
- latin- adj- easy to speak to; approachable; polite, friendly
- terns of roots fateor, fari, and fassum?
- affable, ineffable
- jurisdiction
- latin- noun- 1. control and authority, especially to interpret and exercise the law 2. the specific area of someone's or something's control or authority
- ditty
- latin- noun- a simple song
- terns of roots glossa and glotta
- gloss, polygot
- polygot
- greek- noun- a person who knows several languages well
- indite
- latin- verb- to write, to compose
- dictum
- latin- noun- an authoritative expression of oppinion
- valediction
- latin- noun- a bidding farewell; a leave-taking; a farewell speech
- interdiction
- latin- noun- a prohibition; the act of forbidding
- ineffable
- latin- adj- 1. beyond description; indescriable 2. not to be uttered; taboo
- ROOT- fateor, fari, fassum
- ROOT- latin- to speak, to confess, to admit
- ROOT- dico, dicere, dixi, dictum
- ROOT- latin- to say, to tell
- indict
- latin- verb- 1. to issue a formal charge of a crime 2. to accuse
- malediction
- latin- noun- a curse