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muscles of the cervical spine


undefined, object
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transverse process of atlas
o of rectus capitis lateralis (prevertebral muscle)
bodies and transverse processes of C1-T3
attatchments of longus colli (prevertebral muscle)
cervical flex
f of longus capitis(prevertebral muscle)
occipital bone, anterior to the foramen magnum
i of longus capitis(prevertebral muscle)
anterior rami of cervical nerves
innervation of longus capitis (prevertebral muscle)
occipital bone, anterior to the foramen magnum
i of rectus capitis anterior (prevertebral muscle)
anterior rami of cervical nerves
innervation of rectus capitis anterior (prevertebral muscle)
cervical flex
f of longus colli (prevertebral muscle)
anterior rami of cervical nerves
innervation of longus colli (prevertebral muscle)
occipital bone
o of rectus capitis lateralis (prevertebral muscle)
transverse processes of C3-6
o of longus capitis(prevertebral muscle)
mastoid process of skull
i of sternocleidomastoid
accessory nerve (CNXI)
innervation of sternocleidomastoid
cervical flex; sidebend & raise 1st 2 ribs
f scalenes (anterior, middle & posterior) of
anterior rami of cervical nerves
innervation of scalenes (anterior, middle & posterior)
1st rib of anterior and middle scalenes: 2nd rib for posterior scalene
I of scalenes (anterior, middle & posterior)
transverse process of cervical vertebrae
o of scalenes (anterior, middle & posterior)
anterior rami of cervical nerves
innervrectus capitis lateralis (prevertebral muscle)ation of
flex of atlanto-occipital joint
f of rectus capitis anterior (prevertebral muscle)
sternal head= manubrium; clavicular head=superior medial clavicle
o of sternocleidomastoid
cervical flex; rotation to opposite side; sidebend to the same side
f of sternocleidomastoid
side bend of the atlanto-occiptal joint
f ofrectus capitis lateralis (prevertebral muscle)
transverse process of atlas
o of rectus capitis anterior (prevertebral muscle)

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