Vocabulary Unit 12
undefined, object
copy deck
- Autocratic
- (adj) absolute in power or authority
- Ponder
- (v) to consider carefully, reflect on
- Venomous
- (adj) poisonous; spiteful, mean
- Laborious
- (adj) not easy, requireing hard work; hardworking
- Brawny
- (adj) strong, muscular
- Sythetic
- (adj) made or put together by people; (n) something artificial
- Humane
- (adj) kind, merciful
- Blanch
- (v) to remove the color from; to make or turn pale; to poarboil
- Concerted
- (adj) planned or performed in cooperation with others
- Lithe
- (adj) bending easily, limber
- Wily
- (adj) sly, shrewd, cunning
- Temperate
- (adj) mild, moderate
- Intolerable
- (adj) unbearable
- Blasphemy
- (v) to act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred
- Maltreat
- (v) to abuse, use roughly, or cruelly
- Subversive
- (adj) intended to undermine or overthrow; (n) one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system
- Illustrious
- (adj) very famous, distinguised
- Irreverent
- (adj) disrespectful
- Contend
- (v) to fight, struggle; to complete; to argue
- Appreciable
- (adj) sufficient to be noticed or measured