English Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- about to occur
- imminent
- to weaken or destroy the strength of
- enervate
- characterized by, or subject to whim, change your mind a lot
- capricous
- to leave quickly/hide
- abscond
- courageously noble in mind or heart
- magnanimous
- expressing a command or a plea, necessary
- imperative
- needlessly repetitive, unnecessary repetition
- redundant
- to win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk
- inveigled
- having a soothing or relaxing tone, pleasing to the ear
- dulcet
- puzzling, not easily understood
- enigmatic
- calling down of a curse, curse
- malediction
- of the same extent, size, or duration as of another
- commensurate
- impossible to penetrate or effect
- impervious
- pleasently pungent/tart
- piquant
- courage in fortitude and spirit
- mettle
- being or taking a roundabout lengthy course
- circuitous
- severe or cruel punishment
- castigated
- cheerfully confident, optimistic
- sanguine
- being both pertinent, relevant, related
- germane