reading test
undefined, object
copy deck
- 3 stages of reading
- phonological awareness phonemic awareness phonics
- 3 word structure cues
- semantics syntax visual
- alconian boxes
- push markers into the boxes to represent sounds not phonics
- alliteration
- initial sounds
- alphabetic principle
- letters represent sounds
- analogy
- use word families to help them read new words
- automatic word recognition
- predict relationships between written and speech recognize word families
- blends
- 2 letters each sound is heard
- book handling skills
- left to right track print 1:1 correspondence
- bound morphemes
- cannot stand alone
- closed syllables
- ends in a consonent
- concept web
- web or map using prior knowledge
- concepts of print
- print carries meaning permanent text story sequence
- decoding
- sounding out phonics
- digraphs
- 2 letters one sound
- ELL learners
- need to connect new sound to letters
- emergent writing
- begins early models; scribbles writing
- encoding
- spelling
- environmental print
- print carries meaning in many ways in our lives
- etymology
- history of where a word comes from
- explicit phonics
- systematic and sequence phonics program students break apart words to sound them out
- fluency
- accuracy and speed
- free morphemes
- can stand alone
- Gentry Spelling Test
- assesses phonics skills
- grapheme
- written letter
- Greek and Latin roots
- medicine and science words help figure out meaning of a word
- guided reading
- reading as a group; teacher led
- homographs
- same letters; sound same
- homophones
- same sounds; spell different
- implicit
- no set pattern or consistency in a reading program
- inferential comprehension
- infer the ideas the author is trying to convey; predict
- inferential questions
- what can be inferred from text
- informal reading inventory given to one student to check fluency and comp
- letter formation
- teach both upper and lower case
- literal comprehension
- take the main ideas and know what is the cause and effect
- literal question
- question of facts from text
- miscue analysis
- checks deocding and word id strategies
- morpheme
- smallest unit of meaning
- open syllable
- ends in a vowel
- orthography
- spelling study of words
- phoneme
- smallest unit of sound
- phonemic awareness
- seperate phonemes individual sounds blends and segment sound in a word onsets and rimes oral language/sounds only
- phonetic spelling
- spell by ear
- phonological awareness
- chunks oral language number of words or syllables in a sentence syllabication - a chunk clapping out, tap, count syllables
- running records
- checks deocding and word id strategies
- schema
- background knowledge make connections
- schwa
- long u sound a-long whis-tle
- semantic map
- concept web to build on more complex ideas
- story mapping
- take main incidents and relate to text
- structural analysis
- how is the word built
- sythetic phonics
- convert letters to sounds blend pattern
- transitional spelling
- spell by eye
- vowel diphthongs
- odd ball sounds oy, ow, oi, ou
- word structure analysis
- morphemes, affices, roots and base words