undefined, object
copy deck
- ac
- sharp
- adepts/adipis
- fat
- -ose
- full of
- adolescere/adultum
- to grow up
- ager/agri
- field
- ala
- wing
- aestivus
- summer
- agere/actum
- do
- alba/albus/album
- white
- alga
- seaweed
- algor
- cold
- alt
- high
- alvus/alvi
- belly
- ambula/ambulat
- walk
- angere
- choke
- angina
- choking
- angulus
- angle
- anima
- air
- annus
- year
- aperire/apertum
- open
- apex/apicis
- tip
- apis
- bee
- apta, aptat
- to fit
- ap
- bee
- aqu
- water
- arbor
- tree
- arc
- bow
- atri
- entrance hall
- av
- bird
- are
- space
- aren
- sand
- argent
- silver
- aurum
- gold
- auris
- ear
- artus
- joint
- articulus
- (diminutive joint)
- os/oris
- mouth
- bacc
- berry
- bacill
- little rod
- barb
- beard
- bibe
- to drink
- bil
- bile
- brev
- short
- bucc
- cheek
- buccin
- horn
- bulli, bullit
- to boil
- bull
- bubble, blister
- bursa
- bag
- cade, cas (cid-)
- to fall
- cadu
- falling, fallen
- caec
- blind
- caede, caes (-cid, -cis)
- to cut, kill
- cale
- to be warm
- callu
- hard or thick skin
- calx, calc
- heel, limestone (depends on context)
- calcar
- spur
- cancer, cancri
- crab
- cande
- to shine
- candid
- white, bright
- cape, capt (cip(i)-, cept-)
- to take
- capill
- hair
- caps
- box
- caput, capit (cep-, cip-)
- head
- carbo, carbon
- carbon
- cari
- decay
- caro, carn
- flesh
- cartilago, cartilagin
- cartilage
- case
- cheese
- caten
- chain
- caud
- tail
- caul
- stalk
- cav
- hollow
- cede, cess
- to go, move
- cell
- room
- cer
- wax
- cerumen, cerumin
- earwax
- cerebr
- brain
- calor
- heart
- cingere/cinctum
- surround
- cita, citat (cie-, cit-)
- to rouse
- claude, claus (clus-)
- to close
- clav
- key
- cole, cult
- to care for
- cor, cord
- heart
- coron, coroll
- crown
- corp, corpor
- body
- cost
- rib
- cortex, cortic
- bark
- cresce, cret (cre-)
- increase
- coque, coct
- to cook
- cervix, cervic
- neck
- cern, cret
- separate
- cre-
- separate
- cili
- eyelid
- cing, cinct
- to surround
- crus, crur
- leg
- cuba, cubat (-cumb, cubit)
- to lie down
- cubit
- elbow
- cune
- wedge
- cut
- skin
- curre, curs
- to run
- cuspis, cuspid
- point
- dens/dentis
- teeth
- dexter, dextra, dextrum
- right
- digit
- finger
- dormi, dormit
- to sleep
- dors
- back
- duce, duct
- to lead
- dur
- hard
- ede (es-)
- to eat
- ego
- I
- erra/errat
- to wander
- exter
- on the outside
- face/fact (facie-, fic-, fect-), -fy
- to do
- faci (fici-)
- face
- faex, faec
- dregs
- fasci
- bundle
- faun
- woodland god
- febr
- fever
- femur, femor
- thigh bone
- fer, lat
- to bear
- fet (fe-)
- offspring
- ferr
- iron
- fenestr
- window
- fatiga, fatigat
- to grow weary
- ferve
- to boil
- fibr
- fibre
- fil
- thread
- fige, fix
- to fasten
- finde, fiss (fid-)
- to split
- fibul
- broach (safety-pin)
- figibula
- outer leg bone
- flac
- flabby
- flagell
- whip
- flamm
- flame
- fla, flat
- to blow
- flav
- yellow
- flos, flor
- flower
- flecte, flex
- to bend
- flue, flux-, fluct
- to flow
- foli
- leaf
- fora, forat
- to drill
- form
- shape
- fodere, foss
- dig
- frange, (frag-), fract
- to break
- frons, frond
- leaf
- frons, front
- forehead
- frux, frug, fruct
- fruit
- fungus
- mushroom
- glans, gland
- gland
- germen
- sprout
- gingiv
- the gum
- fuscare, fuscat
- dark
- gemm
- bud
- gemin
- twin
- genus, gener
- birth
- gigne, genit
- to beget
- genu
- knee
- furca
- fork
- funde, fus
- to pour
- sacc
- sac
- sacer, sacri
- sacred
- saep, saept
- to separate
- sal
- salt
- sali, salt, sult
- to leap, jump
- salta, saltat
- to dance
- saliv
- saliva
- salus, salut
- health, safety
- salubr
- healthful
- sana, sanat
- to heal
- san
- healthy
- sanguis, sanguin
- blood
- salutare
- to greet
- sande, scans
- to climb
- scapul
- shoulder
- scinde, sciss
- to cut
- sci, scit
- to know
- scribe, script
- to write
- scrot
- bag
- seb
- grease
- seca, sect
- to cut
- sede, sess
- to sit
- sedar, sedat
- to make sit, settle
- semen, semin
- seed
- semper
- always
- senex, sen
- old man
- senti, sens
- to feel
- sequ, secut
- to follow
- sere, sert
- to join
- seri
- row
- seriat
- arranged in regular order
- serpe
- to creep
- serpigo, serpigin
- a creeping eruption
- serr
- saw
- ser
- whey (watery fluid)
- sesqui
- one and a half
- set
- bristle
- sicc
- dry
- sign
- mark
- silex, silic
- flint
- sinister, sinistr
- left
- sin
- curve
- sol
- sun
- solve, solut
- to dissolve
- somn
- sleep
- sona, sonat
- to make a sound
- sopor
- deep sleep
- sorb, sorpt
- to suck in
- sparge, spars
- to scatter
- spati
- space
- spece, spect, specta
- to see
- speci
- sight
- spic
- point of ear of wheat, spike
- spin
- spine
- spira, spirat
- to breathe
- spiracul
- breathing-hole
- suspiri
- deep breath
- squam
- scale
- sta, stat
- stand
- rabe
- to rage
- rade, ras
- to scratch
- radul
- scraper
- radi
- rod
- radix, radic
- root
- ram
- branch
- rege, rect
- to keep straight
- ren
- kidney
- repe, rept, repta, reptat
- to crawl
- rete, ret
- net
- rigor
- stiffness
- rode, ros
- to gnaw
- ros
- rose
- rostr
- beak
- rot
- wheel
- rota, rotat
- to cause to go around
- ruber, rubr
- red
- rug
- wrinkle
- rumpe, rupt
- to burst
- palpr, palpat
- to stroke, touch
- papul
- pimple
- papill
- nipple
- pare, part
- to bring forth, give birth to
- abdomen, abdomin
- body cavity, paunch
- pars, part
- part
- parti, partit
- to divide
- pect, pector
- chest
- acerb
- harsh, bitter, severe
- pelle, puls
- to push
- pelv
- basin
- pend, pens
- to hang