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Alaska (Seward's folly)
This was acquired because Seward saw this as a big stepping stone for increasing US trade in Asia and the Pacific.This was acquired from a sale from Russia for 7.2 million, with each acre with 2.5 cents. this increased America's area by about one fifth.
Spread their culture and civilization- peoples' duty was to spread Christianity
Secure military outposts, one reason why Midway Island was captured.
This was acquired when Americans went to war with Spain because they wanted to protect their investments and they wanted independence.
Boxer Rebellion
A rebellion caused by a group that wanted all foreigners out of China
Spheres of influence
An area usually around a seaport where a nation had special trading privileges, like the US did in China
A policy of avoiding foreign involvement, as supported by Washington in his Farewell Address
Extending a nation's boundaries, which was one of the reasons why America wanted Hawaii
Treaty of Kanagawa
An agreement by Japan with America, that Japan would open two ports to trade with the U.S. and would help shipwrecked U.S. sailors
Sinking of the Maine
When a battleship, the Maine, was suck which primarily gave Wilson war fever to start the Spanish American War.
Monroe Doctrine
A foreign policy which stated that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemishere
A country with its own government but under the control of an outside power.
To add on
Moral Diplomacy
The policy adopted by President Woodrow Wilson that rejected the approach of "dollar diplomacy". Rather than focusing mainly on economic ties with other nations, Wilson's policy was designed to bring right principles to the world, preserve peace, and extend to other peoples the blessings of democracy.
John Hay
The secretary of state who negotiated the idea of the open door policy.
All people have rights and the government is fair-involvement in Cuba
Midway Island
This was acquired because William Seward wanted to expand American trade in the Pacific. He persuaded congress to take over and annex this island.
Yellow journalism
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
Building the Panama Canal
The building of the Panama Canal was important because it would benefit American Commerce and military capability, but Columbia rejected the deal. When America realized Panama was its own nation, Panama accepted the deal. The building was hard because there was a big mosquito disease and the canal had to be dug.
America attained Hawaii by forcing the Hawaiian King to sign a constitution and reduced his power. The Queen Liliuokalani gave up her country because she didn't want to go to war with America. Hawaii became the 50th State
Josiah Strong
A popular American minister/author in the late 1800s who linked Anglo-Saxonism to Christian missionary ideas
Spanish American War
In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence
Claim land they were "meant" to have-why Islands in the Pacific were taken over.
A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
Alfred Mahan
Was a important captain and officer in US Navy
The belief that one race is superior to others.
Theodore Roosevelt "involvement in LA"
When the Roosevelt Corollary was used to involve in the affairs of Latin America.
Foraker Act
The law which ended military rule in Puerto Rico
Platt Amendment
The bill gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there was a threat to life, property, and individual liberty
Roosevelt Corollary
President Roosevelt's bill stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Journalists that "spiced up" their articles to attract readers.
Dollar diplomacy
The policy of intervening in other countries to protect U.S. business interests
This was attained when the Americans won this during the Spanish American War.
Debate over Empire
The debate when America objected to the treaty for Cuba's freedom because it was going to turn the US into a colonial power.
Find new markets for products- America needed to invest into Asia and control the market, they also needed raw materials.
Mathew Perry
A militant leader who commanded a fleet of well-armed American fleets, and brought a letter to Japan demanding them to open its ports to diplomatic & commercial exchange
The queen of Hawaii in 1887 who disliked foreigners entering her country. She didn't want to go to war with America because she knew her people would get massacred.
William Seward
The Secretary of State of who purchased Alaska from Russia.
Francisco Pancho Villa
A Mexican general who wanted to overthrow Carranza and ruin relations with America.
Jose Marti
A Cuban revolutionary who led the fight for independence from Spain.
Woodrow Wilson "invading Mexico"
When Wilson sent a group of soldiers to capture Villa.
Rough Riders
The nickname of the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the Spanish-American War
The policy of moving large numbers of people into camps for political or military purposes.
Revolution and Invasion in Mexico
When the Mexicans rebelled against their dictator Diaz. Because of many events, America had to intervene to protect their investments.
Open door policy
The idea that each country should have equal trading rights in China; any country could use any sphere ; Is ultimately a failure because no-one followed it

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