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History 230


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political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society
Journalisists who exposed scandal including, political wrongs social and economic scandals
Ida Tarbell
Was a muckracker who wrote about the critical history of Satndard oil
Upton Sinclair
A mucraker who wrote the Jungle a book about the outrages of the meat packing industry
Lincoln Steffens
Wrote The shame of the cities hoping to create mass outrage and reform
public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
A law passed by congress which made consuming,selling,or manufacturing alcohol illegal.
The support of women in the work place and movement for equality
Robert M La Follette
A small town self made lawyer who was a Wisconsin governor who later became elected to the US senate who's goal was to remove corporations from polotics
WEB Dubois
The first black to recieve a PHD from Harvard who was a progressive who aimed to obtain equal rights for blacks buy using the the "telented tenth" educated blacks with higher levels of education
Eugene Debs
Was a socialist leader who spoke out against the war and was sentenced to 3 years in prison under the "Espionage Act"
Woman Suffrage
Was a political reform movement focused on obtaining the right to vote
Theodore Roosevelt
Was the secretary of the Navy who was elected president
Theodore Roosevelt was labled "trustbuster" for Using antitrust laws to prosecute railroad,meatpacking and oil trusts which he believed were exploiting the public
Hepburn Act
gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to set maximum railroad rates
Pure Food and Drug Act
backed by T Roosevelt called for regulation of processed meat and patient drugs after upton Sinclair published the Jungle.
Conservation Acts
Roosevelt believed in wise use of and proctection of water ways, national parks and forests. He also wanted the federal government to retain management of land in public domain.
William Howard Taft
Secretary of war who was backed by Roosevelt for the republican nomination for presidency and won by 1.25 Million votes
New Nationalism
Roosevelts political philosophy it supported child labor laws and minimum wages for women
Bull Moose Party
was a republican party formed by roosevelt supporters
Woodrow Wilson
Was nominated president after Teddy and worked towards eliminating ufair practices such as price discrimination to destroy competition
New Freedom
Woodrow Wilson called for monopolies to be broken up so that the market place could be truely open fair wages and social betterment for all
Election of 1912
William Howard Taft was elected president
Tarrif Reforms
Wodrow Wilson had attempted to restore competition in commerce with the underwood Tarrif which lowered tarriff rates and encouraged imports of items that had become too expensive due to higher rates.
Graduated income tax
incomes under 4k were exempt which meant most farmers and factory workers were exempt and most companies had to pay 1% graduating to 6% to replace lost revenue due to tarrif reductions
Federal Farm Loan act
12 federally supported banks emplimented this act to create a better long term mortgage credit system for farmers who they lent money to at moderate rates
Adamson Act
Wodrow Wilson passed this act which mandated 8 hr workdays and time and a half for over time for railroad laborers
expansion of a nation's authority by territorial conquest
Social Dawinism
Charles Darwin believed in survival of the fitest and that if you were rich or poor it's because it's what you were intended to be because it's what you were fit to do. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
Alfred Mahan
Was the captain of the NEW NAVY which was designed to protect the US shipping business which also required colonies for bases. Blue water to the seas and brown to the shorelines
Hawaiian Annexation
The tarrifs caused declines in profit in the sugar industries and the American Island elite pressed for annexation so that sugar would be conisdered domestic rather than foriegn
Cuban Revolt
The cuban people revolted against the spanish in an economic war by destroying sugar cane fields as theier independance was denied
Spanish American War
AKA Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino war. The US attacked the spanish in San Juan Hill. The US was viewed as being just as against cuban freedom as they were against the spanish as they didn't want an independant cuban government.
Teller Amendment
Disclaimed any US intention to annex cuba or control the island other than for pacification
Platt Amendment
prevented newly independent Cuba from making treaties with other nations and gave the US control over Guantanamo Bay
Philippine Resistance
The philippines didn't want to be ruled by the US as they had been battling the spanish for their freedom. They wanted to be independant
Paris Treaty
In Paris spain and the US entered an agreement of peace. The terms were as such indepenance for cuba from spain and cession of the philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the US
open door policy
gave the US equal trade opportuntity in China
Panama canal
was opened to merchant ships to and from the US from europe and asia
Roosevelt Corollary
Gave the US international police power in frequent interventions in latin america

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