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imperialism vocab


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when a stonger country takes over a weaker country
policy of having little to do with foreign nations
sphere of influence
area in China where a foreign nation had special trading privelages and made laws for its own citizens
team up with another country
foreign policy
the way a country deals with other countries
domestic policy
the way a country deals with its own problems
Great White Fleet
U.S.'s ships that were painted white
Seward's Folly
wnated to expand the U.S. into the Pacific - wanted Alaska to become part of the U.S. (purchase of Alaska)
territory in Alaska and part of Canada
Treaty of Kanagawa
granted American demands for kindly treatment of ship-wrecked sailors. It also opened up 2 Japanese ports to trade
add on, such as territory
Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaiian Queen who tried to preserve the islands independence. In 1893, an American-backed revolution overthrew her
Commodore Mathew Perry
President Millard Fillmore sent him to negociate a treay with Japan. Japan ordered him to leave but he didn't
Boxer Rebellion
Boxers attacked forgeiners all over China because they thought foreigners were responsible for al of China's troubles
Monroe Doctrine
The U.S. would not get involved in European affairs <--tried to use to limit European influence in Latin America
The Maine
American battleship that went to Havana to protect American citizens and property. Then was blown up. It was the park of the American-Spanish war
William Randolph Hearst
publisher of the NY Journal and sent and artist to Spain which fanned war fever
Joseph Pulitzer
owner of "The World"
yellow journalism
exaggerated reporting that attracted readers
"Butcher" Weyler
Spanish governer of Cuba. He killed Cubans
choosing not to fight on either side in a war
George Dewey
commander of the Pacific fleet and fought in the Philippines
Battle of San Juan Hill
Americans destroyed Spanish fleet in Santiago Harbor (one of the last battles)
Rough Riders
Roosevelt's voluntary regiment
Platt Amendment
limited Cuba's rights to make treaties or borrow money--gave U.S. control of enable base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Walter Reed
researched yellow fever and proved that Carlos Juan Finlay was correct
yellow fever
disease carried by mosquitos that many American soldiers contracted
William Gorgas
set out to destroy mosquitos breeeding grounds and that decreased the number of cases of yellow fever
Army Corps of Engineers
brigade that built the "Big Ditch" (Panama Canal)
Panama Canal
the 1st place where and ocean-going sea-ship traveled
Pancho Villa
a rebel leader who crossed the border into Mexico. He raided Columbus, New Mexico. He tried to overthrow the Mexican government
General Pershing
drove back the rebels

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