geog ch 9
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- what refers to the vertical elecation differences in the landscape.
- relief
- what are the three general categories of relief
- low, med, high
- what describes the undulating surface of the earth.
- topography
- what is drawn on topographic maps to show ground elevations (reliefs)
- contour lines
- what order of relief is the large continental platforms and ocean basins.
- first order of relief
- what are masses of crust located aboe or near sea level and include continental shelves beneath the ocean
- continental platforms
- what are areas entirely below the sea
- ocean basins
- what order of relief has continental features such as continetnal masses, mountain masses, plains, and lowlands; ocean features such as continental rises, slopes, abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges, subamarine canyons, and subduction trenches
- 2nd order of relief
- what order of relief refers to local features or landscapes (eg indiviual valleys, mountains, cliffs, and other distinct local features)
- 3rd order of relief
- what describes the distribution of earth's surfaces above and velow the sea by area and elevation
- hypsometry
- what topographic regions is: local relief less than 325 ft, slopes gently into sea on coastlines, plains rise continuosly inland up to 2,000 ft elevation; only on 4 continents
- plains
- what topographic region is:
- elevations over 5,000 ft with local relief less than 1,000 ft, except where cut by canyons
- what topographic region is: local relief more than 325 ft but less than 2,000 ft; near edge of sea may be less than 200 ft
- hills
- what topographic region is: elevation less than 5,000 ft with local relief less than 325 ft; does not usually reach the sea, but if it does, a bluff less than 200 ft high marks the boundary
- low tablelands
- what topographic region is: local relif greater than 2,000 ft, exists on each continent
- mountain ranges
- what topographic region is: discontinuous and stanidng in isolation with intervening areas of local relief less than 500 ft
- widely-spaces mountains
- what topographic region is: discontinuous, stands in isolation from intervening areas of local relief less than 500 ft
- depressions
- 3 categories of of continental crust formation
1. new crust formed in assoc. w/volcanic eruptions
2. accretion of materials that build up around the continental cores
3. tectonic mountains and landforms, produced by active folding and faulting - what is a very old and relativley unchanged body of rock
- a craton
- where a continental core is exposed at the surface is called a....
- continental shield
- what are portions of cratons that are covered by layers of sedimentary rock and which remain relatively stable over time
- platforms
- what are massive chunks of continental crust that become attached to Earth's plates.
- terranes
- what form by accumulation of fragements of oceanic crust form the ocean floor or volcanic island chains forced against adeges of continental shields and platforms
- terranes
- what are terranes that are carried from a particular origin to a new location by tectonic movement. they have different histories from the continent they are attached to.
- displaced terranes
- what are the 3 stresses that act on rocks w/in the lithosphere and are caused by tectonic forces, gravity, and the weight of overlying rocks and cause the earht's crust to deform
tension = stretching
compression = shortening
shear = tearing and twisting - what refers to how rocks respond to tectonic forces
- strain
- what is bending of rock formations
- folding
- what is breaking of rock formations
- faulting
- 2 structural features of folds are
- anitcline and a syncline
- along the ridge of a fold, layers slp[e downward away from the axis of the ridge, forming an.....
- anticline
- persisitent compressional forces can push folds far enough to cause them to overturn and create an.....
- overturned anticline
- the trough of a fold is.....looking sort of like a valley in cross sectionk, where the layers slope downward toward the axis if the fold along the bottom of the trough
- syncline
- what refers to the displacement of rocks on 2 sides of a fracture
- faulting
- what causes an earthquake
- when the crust breaks, the fault line shifts and suddenly releases energy called an earthquake
- the rock units on each side of a fault line are called
- blocks
- 3 types of faults
- normal, reverse,strike-skip
- what fault is this: occurs where vlocks are pulled apart, and blocks move in vertically with one block sliding up (footwall block) and one block sliding down (hanging wall)
- normal fault
- what fault is this: occurs where blocks are subjected to compressional forces and forces one block to slide up along the fault plane rahter than dropping down
- reverse fault
- what fault is this: occurs where movement salong the fault plane is primarily horizontal this is similar to the motion that produces a transform fault
- strike-skip fault
- what does orogensis mean
- "birth of the mountains"
- what is a mountain-building episode that thickens continental crust over millions of years
- orogeny
- what is the last stage of the orogenic cycle
- uplift
- vibrations from earthquakes are transmitted as...... through the lithosphere and through Earth's interior.
- seismic waves
- what instrument detects seismic waves
- seismograph
- which wave is the first wave transmitted and propagated by an earthquake.
- P-wave
- what wave is the wave of earth movements sometime after th p=wave.
- s-wave
- which wave travel fastest in earth's lithosphere during and immediately following an earthquake
- p wave
- what wave actually move particles within the substance or matter they pass through and cause the lateral or vertical ground movements that we feel as earthquakes
- s wave
- what are the 3 different scales for the strength of an earhtquake
- intensity, richter, and moment-magnitude
- which earthquake scale is more descriptive - used to classfy quakes according to damage top terrain and structures due to earth movments
- intensity scale
- which quake scale is the common modern scaled based on the size of seismic waves recorded by a seismograph
- richter scale
- which quake scale is an open-ended, log scale on which each whole number on the scale reps a 10x increase in the size of the wave.
- magnitude