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independence, your own personal freedom, right to choose treatment or not
Vietnam War
Major advances in medical technology
unusual, unexpected
1970 comprehensive drug abuse prevention & control act
required to maintain physical security & good records of drug distribution
Process of evidenced based practice (mnemonic - I Saw A Indian Eating)
Identify problem, Search for best evidence, Appraise the evidence, Integrate it w/clinical expertise & patient preference, Evaluate the decision
In what war did nurses volunteer & instantly become a nurse with no training of any kind?
Civil war
There are usually how many AEB in a nursing diagnosis?
Having the skills, knowledge, and understanding about another culture that allow the nurse to assess and intervene in a culturally appropriate manner.
Knowledge about a diverse culture means knowing what questions to ask is part of Cultural Competence as well as:
measure of existing disease in a population at a particular time
Kefauver-Harris Amendment in the early 1960's
had to provide proof of the drug's safety & efficacy, came about due to the thalidomide tragedies
Side effect
usually mild to moderate & may be transient. It is somewhat expected
Sojourner Truth
After the Civil war, it was this nurse's misssion to aid the newly freed southern slaves:
I Founded the Red Cross in 1882
Clara Barton
Living Will:
Medical treatments, etc., that a person wants if they become ill.
There are typically 1-3 Why's in a careplan these "why's" are referred to as:
R/T (related to)
I Cared for British soldiers during the crimean war 1854-1856 & Decreased mortality from 42% to 2%
F. Florence Nightengale
5 columns to the care plan:
problem, goal, interventions, rationale, evaluation
AEB, in the nursing diagnosis means
as evidenced by
chemical name
atomic/molecular name
HIPAA, privacy act to protect patients, stands for:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
I, Clara Barton, independently operated a large scale relief operation during the war and:
Volunteered with Massachusetts regiment
The nursing process directs care & communication, creates a record that can be used for research, and documentation of:
healthcare needs for insurance purposes
Schedule II
pot - high abuse & dependence but with some medicinal use
Schedule IV
low risk with medical use
Ethics is concerned with motives and attitudes and:
the relationship of these attitudes to the good of the individual
accountability - you'll be held accountable for all actions you perform, nursing practice standards
ethical responsibility of a nurse
ethical principal of respect & trust
regardless of your own beliefs, you trust that your client knows what is best for them personally
Metabolism most often takes place in the:
MASH units formed, casualties were treated close to the front, & Antibiotics and medical advances improved mortality and morbidity during the:
Korean conflict
These things make up the epidemiologic triangle:
Host, agent, & environment
Durable Power of Attorney:
The individual that is appointed to make decisions if that person is unable to themselves
1953 Louise McManas (the 1st nurse to earn a PHD) established the need for research application in nursing & wrote about:
the need for nurses to think analytically.
Why was Project Takeoff initiated?
Michigan ranks 3rd in the nation for obesity, it is the BIGGEST problem we are facing in Kent county
Due to research, using the bladder scan, a non-invasive way to measure whether or not there is anything in the bladder, this is an example of:
evidenced based practice (EBP)
generic name
off brand
Healthy Kent 2010 began with Healthy People 2000, The Healthy Kent 2010 motto is:
Community Health through Community action
Getting the details per situation, getting all the factors is an example of which "habit of the mind" for critical thinking?
contextual perspective
Maslow's Heirarchy of needs (in order from bottom to top): Physiological, _________, love & belonging, ____________.
safety, self-actualization
harrison narcotic act 1914
import & export of opiates
Why is the process of critical thinking continual?
You make one decision which causes something then you have to critically think about THAT.
three times a day
Cultural Competence is the process of developing or acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes, to work effectively within the cultural context of:
individuals, a family or a community from a diverse cultural background which may be different from one's own.
In order to write a care plan, you 1st need to choose an actual:
nursing diagnosis
Adverse effects
All non-theraputic responses, unintended, to the normal dose. May be uncomfortable, annoying, to awful.
as needed
What is the major purpose of the privacy rule?
define and limit the circumstances when an individual's protected health information is used or disclosed. (regulate the exchange of electronic information and protect patient confidentiality)
Not lying when you don't know the answer is an example of which "habit of the mind" for critical thinking?
intellectual integrity
Mildred Montag
As a post WWII solution to the nursing shortage, I developed the ADN & I taught at a college near Detroit:
How long does it take a drug to go through the four phases of clinical trials?
5-9 years
Schedule III
vikaden, anabolics - moderate abuse/dependancy, more medical uses
Potential health threats in Kent Co.
Housing, water quality, air standards, food quality, & health care access
four times a day
Transcultural Nursing
Specialty within nursing focusing on different cultures and subcultures with regard to their caring behavior, nursing care and health-illness values, beliefs and patterns of behaviors.
Complete this rhyme: I founded planned parenthood & enabled you to wrap your wanger, this should help you remember that my name is Margaret _________.
belief that one's own way of life is better than others
Secondary health care (means actual treatment involved, acute care, serious problems) moved much of historically hospital based care to community, examples of this move are:
out-pt surgery, chemo, diagnostics (MRI, angiography), home health care
All levels of prevention are emphasized in Community Based Health care as well as:
Promotion of and preserving health of populations
Defines nursing for a state & is found in the Michigan Public Health Code
The Nurse Practice Act
Acting in what is determined to be someone else's best interest either without seeking the individuals input or ignoring his or her stated preferences
1906 Food & drug act
When you could no longer prescribe an Rx without good reason, federal law regulated taxed .....
Examples of Tertiary health care (rehabilitation)
similarly to secondary much has moved from hospital based settings to community, cardiac rehab out-pt, hospice at home care
learning a secondary culture
In the nursing diagnosis, RT means:
related to
How the drug affects the body
Examples of primary health care (preventation) are well child check-ups, routine physical exams, & prenatal care as well as:
diagnosis and treatment of common acute illnesses, education of community (safety, bike helmets, car seats, drug prevention, B/P screening)
Paradoxical effect
unique response, usually the opposite of intended effect
Cultural Competence means accepting and respecting cultural differences as well as:
Developing an awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, and environment without letting them have an undue influence on those from other backgrounds.
keeping your commitment, come right back if you say you'll be right back
The Grandfather Clause is there to protect a license to practice & is operated under the 14th ammendment; this ammendment states that:
No state may deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law
Controlled substances are substances that are:
strictly monitored
1938 food, drug, & cosmetic act
protects us from mislabeled or use of drugs
Web of causation
complex interrelationships, Increases/decreases risk of disease
ANA code of ethics includes values, integrity, social reform, as well as:
human dignity, commitment to the patient, health safety & rights of a patient, coolaboration to promote health
How does PHI benefit providers?
Minimizes potential for civil and/or criminal penalties and fines
PHI stands for Protected Health Information. What exactly is "protected health information"?
Anything at all that can identify a patient
These are advanced directives:
Living Will, Durable power of attorney
life & death, right to know are examples of contemporary ethical issues, as well as:
research, privacy & confidentiality
I coined the term "public health nurse" in 1893 for nurses who worked outside hospitals in poor and middle-class communities
Lillian Wald
Graduating in 1879, I was the first African American graduate nurse in the U.S.
Mary Eliza Mahoney
Epidemiology is Population focused, applied science, & answers questions like:
who in the population is affected by what disease? What is the occurence in the community? Can causative and risk factors be identified?
measure of the frequency of death in a defined population during a specified time
rate of disease or injury exceeds the norm
twice a day
Evidence based practice
Evidence exists that shows doing something specific works.
The chemical classification of morphine is
Which of the 5 columns in a care plan is your nursing diagnosis?
rightness of conduct, what ought to be, serves as framework
ethical responsibility of a nurse
advocacy - protect & support the patient rights
The physiologic classification of morphine is
CNS depressant
nursing standards of practice
standards governing what you can & cannot do as a nurse
Usual expected amount of disease in a population
advancement of the profession, responsible for practice/delegation
are some of the ANA code of ethics, as well as: personal & professional growth, influence practice environment
patient's bill of rights
statement of the rights to which patients are entitled as recipients of medical care
Using the critical thinking skill, reflection or pondering, avoids:
jumping to conclusions
shared affiliation by groups of people related to geographical location, religion, language, etc
measure of the frequency of occurrence of disease in a defined population during a specified time. Number of sick persons in relation to the population
PHI is an attempt to:
It is an attempt to allow the sharing of pertinent health information while protecting our patients.
For each intervention in a careplan, you have a:
became a spy for the union army & worked in DC as a government nurse
Harriet Tubman
before meals
Cost containment issues & Regulatory Challenges - Access to care are:
Trends for the Future, as well as, Professional Portfolios, & Impact of Societal Influences
Nurses need to be critical thinkers because:
complexity of problems that will be faced
to do no harm to a client above all, so you don't give an IV because it will hurt, ultimately, the patient decides
Pharmacokinetics, often referred to as ADME
the effect the body has on the drug
Schedule I
heroin - no medical use, high abuse & dependance potential
The Broad Goals of Health People 2010 are:
Increase quality and years of healthy life both physically and mentally, Eliminate health disparities
Environmental Challenges & Lifestyle Challenges are trends for the future as well as:
Demographics - aging population, poverty, cultural diversity, urbanization
number of new cases developing in a population in a specified time
I, F. Florence Nightengale, Changed the image of nursing from prisoners, poor, widows, to people with social standing and I:
Wrote "Notes on Nursing" 1859, Founded St. Thomas' Hospital School of Nursing in London 1860, Lady with the lamp
accredidation institution nationwide for all acute care settings, they created the "dirty dozen" dangerous abbreviations:
In 1952, I rearched "Community College Education for Nurses" & we are here (in nursing school) thanks to me:
Mildred Montag
Excretion most often takes place in the:
by mouth
I/O indicators; I/O stands for Intake & Output. Here are some intake & output indicators:
weight, skin turgor, edema, venous filling, tongue, eyeballs, lungs, BP, pulse
learning one's primary culture
Incidental Use and Disclosure of PHI:
Permissible is a bedside conversation overheard by patient's family or the patient in the next bed...but you don't discuss things in an elevator or something
Theraputic classification of morphine is
Phase I is 20 - 80 healthy volunteers, Phase II is ________________patients with the targeted problem, Phase III is 1000 - 3000 patients with the targeted problem (gold standard comparison), & phase IV is___________________.
100 - 300, surveilance of safety & ongoing targets
ethical principle that you as a nurse are promoting for a clinet, like giving them pain meds before PT
Lowest risk
some available without prescription
telling the truth above all
After meals
patient's self determination act
basis for advance directives, knowing you have a right to execute your advanced directive
nursing practice act
defines standards for nursing, protect public health & safety, welfare, protection from unqualified nurses
Vietnam War
Most units used & recruiting efforts were made to maintain enough nurses for the wounded
The 5 R's
rights to passing meds - right patient, drug, time, dose, & route
Dorthea Dix, Superintendant of women nurses for all military hospitals, also:
helped establish 1st hospital for mentally ill & worked to improve treatment of the mentally ill
Linda Richards
1st US nursing graduate
how to use strategies to maximize their potential
In nursing, using "think A-B-Cs" (airway, breathing, circulation) is strategy to make you think critically. It is an example of this critical thinking skill:

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