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7th Grade Social Studies Final

Ms. McGovern's social studies 28 page packet


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Powers of State Governments
education, voting, and driving requirements
Interchangeable Parts
Eli Whitney- machine made parts would be alike-saves time and money
Habeus Corpus
The right to have charges filed or a hearing before being jailed
Navigation Acts(18th Century) purpose
forced colonists to ttrade with Britain
Robert E. Lee
General of the Confederates (South)
What was the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention and what did it accomplish?
the origianl purpose was to revise the A.O.C.-the result created a new constitution, gave more power to the national government
pilgrims, separatists who wanted to separate from the church of England
Factory System
brought workers & machinery together in one place. Workers earned wages.
Lousiana Purchase
France, $15 million, doubled the size of the U.S.
Intolerable Acts Colonists Reaction
colonists boycotted British goods
Articles of Confederation
loose confederation of states, weak central government, more power to the states, ended the war, set up a frame of government, (no pwer to regulate trade tax, raise an army/navy make money)
The Trearty of Paris, 1783
British recognized the independence of the U.S., geographic boundaries, and the U.S. fishing rights in the Atlantic Ocean
not legal under the constitutional
The war of 1812 results
treaty of Ghent, status quo
began the age of steamboats
movement of the population from farms to cities
How did Hamiliton defend his plan?
compromise-move nations capital to the south
Limited Government
the constitution of the U.S. specufucally lists what the national government can and cannot do
A draft requiring men of a certain age to serve in the military
study past human events to build accurate records of the past
Kansas Nebraska Act
This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.
15th Amendment
Can't be denied the right to vote based on race
Power of National Government
coin money, raise army/navy, and declare war
Popular Sovereignty
a principle of the U.S. Constitution that states that the people have the to create, alter, and abolish their government. In the mid-1800s, a term referring to the idea that each territory could decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery
Great Britian:
magna carta, 1215, English Bill of Rights, limited the power of the king
a party that wanted agriculture, strong state government, strict interpretation of the constitution, pro-French
The 3/5s Compromise (problem)
How should slaves be counted to determine population? The Southern states wanted them to be counted and the Northern states did not
Stamp Act Colonists Reaction
mobs destroyed the houses of tax officials, riots, and threats
Harriet Tubman
Conductor of the Underground railroad
Bleeding Kansas
Term referring to bloodshed over popular sovereignty in a particular western territory
New York
middle, Peter Stuyvestant, Dutch and British(patroons)
private meetings where canidates are choosen
south, James Oglethrope, debtors
Shay's Rebellion
2,000 famer uprising- sign that the A.O.C. was weak
Literacy Tests
a required test to be taken by African Americans in order to be elligable to vote
Nominating Convention
delegates from all the states choose the party's canidate for president
Women's Rights Movement
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony
Britian felt
they had to tax the colonists to raise money after the French and Indian War
LI/east coast, patrilineal, wigwams, adapted to their enviroment
study of the earth, including its people, region, movement, location, place, interaction
Separation of Power
power in the central government is divided into 3 branchess (legislative, executivem and judicial)
to cancel; to declare a law null and void
Writs of Assistance Colonists Reaction
Massachusetts colonists sent protests to London
Proclamation of 1763 purpose
Banned white settlers west of the Appalachian mts. for protection
Electoral College
electors from a state to vote for the president or the vice president
Daniel Webster
the north, opposed war of 1812, wanted to strengthen the national government
The government the southern states established after they seceded from the Union
to officially approve
the domination of one country over another colonialism
Concluding Statement of the Declaration of Independence
declared the colonists' formal break with Great Britain
Judicial Review
power of the supreme court to declare a law unconstitutional
Total War
Strategy of the North towards the end of the civil war to devestate the South
Alien Act
A law that allowed the president to expel foreigners
Northwest Ordiance
government for the Northwest territory
Important events in the civil war:
Fort Sumter, Battle of Bull Run, Gettysburg, Antietam, Appomattox Surrender
13th Amendment
banned slavery
Separation of Powers
powers of government are divided into 3 branches
Revolution slogan
no taxation without representation
Erie Canal
Reduced Travel time and cost of shipping dropped to 1/20 of what it was before the canal, linked the Great Lakes with the Hudson River
John C. Calhoun
the south, supported the war of 1812, did not want to strengthen the national government
document that sets out laws for a government
Abraham Lincoln
16th president; President during the Civil War; declared war because he wanted to preserve the union, when elected South seceded
Civil War
The war in the U.S. that occured between the North and the South
Andrew Jackson & supporters- Frontier farmers & factory workers in East
spoil's system
practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs
Important people of the civil war:
Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, McClellan, Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson
Townshend Acts(1767) Colonists Reaction
colonists boycotted British goods
loyalty to a state or region rather than the whole country
The Addition of the Bill of Rights (problem)
Federalists wanted to ratify the constition as it was, Anti-federalists feared that there was not enough individual protection in the constitution
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln's 1863 declaration freeing slaves in the Confederacy
Missouri Compromise
1820 -- Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state and Maine would enter as a free state (states get admited my twos)
Protective Tariff
tax on imports meant to protect American industry
Abolition- Movement to end slavery
William Lloyd Garrison, Fredrick Douglas, Grimke Sisters, Harriet Tubman
congress' ability to passa law that the presidenthas vetoed
Statement of Grievance for the Declaration of Independence
complaints directed toward King George III
Townshend Acts purpose
import tax on tea, lead, paint, and paper
a proposed law
National republicans became whigs, Eastern vuisiness people and Southern Planters wanted the government is to spur the economy
policy of not choosing sides in a conflict
Mayflower Compact
government for the pilgrim colony
Declaration of Independence statement of Democratic principles
statement of Democratic principles influenced by John Locke, main ideas
middle, William Penn, Quakers
North Carolina
south, cash crop-tobacco, north and south carolina divided
Kitchen Cabinet
Andrew Jackson's unofficial advisors, met in White House Kitchen
Navigation Acts Colonists Reaction
colonists engaged in smuggling and bribing colonial officials
south, Lord Baltimore, Catholics
Wilmot Proviso
Bill that would ban slavery in the territories acquired after the War with Mexico
triangular trade
the colonial trade route between New England, Africa, and the West Indies in which rum, lumber, and slaves were traded
hoped to reform the church of England (Mass. Bay)
Dorethea Dix
Mental Hospitals and Jails (2nd Great Awakening)
Thomas Paine
it is a common sense that the colonies shouldn't be ruled by a king
Horace Mann
Education movement (2nd Great Awakening)
Gettysburg Address
Speech by lincoln in which he restated the Northern goal in the Civil War
Ulysses S. Grant
an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.
Civil War battles took place in:
the south (most battles in Virginia)
Hamiliton's Financial Plan
assuming all state and national debts and issuing new bonds to refinance the total debt, adding an excise tax on luxuries, adding tariffs on imported goods, creating a national bank to handle government accounts and coin currency
XYZ Affair
american anger over bribes demanded by french diplomats "millions for defense, but not a penny for tribute"
nation in which voters elect representatives
a system of government in which power is divided between the federal government and the state governments
Compromise of 1850
Forestalled the Civil War by instating the Fugitive Slave Act , banning slave trade in DC, admitting California as a free state, splitting up the Texas territory, and instating popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession
South Carolina
south, rice and indigo, north and south carolina divided
God, Gold, and Glory
exploration motive
French and Indian War took place in
the Ohio Valley
Lexington and Concord
American Revolution 1st Battle
Rhode Island
new England, Anne Hutchinson, religious freedom
"let alone"-government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs
Radicals & Tories
Radicals=patriots and loyalists=tories
Northwest Passage
waterways through or around the Americas
an action that is used as an example for others to follow
Freedmen's Bureau
Helped newly freed African Americans
Separatopn of Church and State
Freedom of religion/no religion in government
south, Jamestown, House of Burgess, tobacco
The war of 1812 causes
impression of American sailors and sezure of American Ships, England providing arms to Native Americans in the West, warhawks push for war, conflicts between the settlers and the Native Americans
Roots of Reform
2nd Great Awakening, Declaration of Independence
Grandfather Clause
If your grandfather could vote before 1867, you did not have to take a literacy test
Quartering Act(1765) purpose
soldiers had no right to stay in colonists houses
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederacy
What were the two main criticisms of his plan?
thought the plan would reward speculators, southern states had already paid off debt
The 3/5s Compromise
Every five slaves would equal three persons in determining a state's population for taxation and representation
Stamp Act(1765) purpose
placed taxes on legal documents ex. wills, diplomas, newspapers, cards, etc.
The Slave Trade Compromise(problem)
those against slavery wanted the slave trade abolished. Most Southern states wanted to preserve it.
John Brown
abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858)
Middle Passage
the longest leg of triangle trade, many Africans died in this portion of the trip
The main ideas for the Declaration of Independence
all men have the right to life, liberty, and the pusuit of happiness, government gets its authority from the people, people have the right to revolt
Tarriff of Abonimations
1828 tax on imports HATED tax- South dislike, North like
The war of 1812 events
showdown at Tippecanoe, fighting at sea, Americans invade Canada, march in Washington(Washington burns), the Battle of Baltimore, Francis Scott key writes "the star bangled banner", Battle of New Orleans
Intolerable Acts(1767)
punished colonists for Boston tea party
stirring up rebellion against a government
a group of states or nations joined for a common purpose
a two-house leguilature
Northeners who thought the South should be allowed to leave the Union
Precedents set by George Washington:
title, did not run for 3rd term, cabinet, and neutrality
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
declaration that states had the right to declare a law unconstitional
the right to vote
American Revolution last Battle
Yorktown, VA
Marbury vs. Madison
1803, sumpreme court decision-judicial review
primary sources
diary, journal
Against Alcohol
Delegated Powers
powers given to the national government
Lewis & Clark
expedition to map & explore Lousiana purchase
series if holy wars Christians vs. Muslims
Free Market
prices are not regulated by the government
The Slave Trade Compromise
the importation of slaves would end in 1808
Proclamation of 1763 Colonists Reaction
Colonists defied theorder and continued westward
new England, religious freedom
Harriet Beecher Stowe
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin (showed the evil's of slavery, fugitive Slave law)
Who opposed Hamiliton's plan?
James Madison
Iroquois and Algonquin shared characteristics
spirits in nature, no one owned the land, tribes, clans, sachems, wampums, and the three sisters (corn, beans, squash)
Writs of Assistance(1760) purpose
gave British officials general warrants to search homes for smuggled goods
roads on which tolls were collected
goods leaving a country
Legislative Branch
makes laws, override vetos, and approve appointed judges
Colonies advatages
knew the land and had a motive(independence)
New Jersey
middle, proprietary colony
believing that one group is inferior because of their race
Shared Powers
tax and borrow money
a presidential rejection of a bill
a person who invests in a buisness in order to make profit
Poll Tax
a tax put on African American voters, hoping to disenfranchise them
act/decision that sets an example for others to follow
a party that wanted manufacturing, shipping, trade, wanted a strong federal government, a loose interpretation of the constitution, and were pro-British
Judicial review
declaring a law unconstitutional
Marbury v. Madison
1803, Supreme Court decision that established judicial review
The Addition of the Bill of Rights (compromise)
Anti-Federalist agreed to ratify the constitution if a Bill of Rights was added. The Bill of Rights was added in 1791
Monroe Doctrine
1823, foreign policy statement, U.S. would not interfere in Latin America
Uncle Tom's Cabin
novel about the evils of slavery and the injustice of the Fugitive Slave Law (by Harriet Beecher Stowe)
Klu Klux Klan
Used terrorism and violence to intimidate blacks and other minorities.
The Great Compromise (problem)
How will representation in congress be determined? Small states wanted it to be equal and large states wanted it to be determined by population
to officially accuse a public official of high crimes and misdemeanors
goods coming into a country
Licoln Douglas Debates
1858, Abraham Licoln vs. Stephen Douglas for senator of Illinois
Industrial Revolution
change in the way goods were produced 1800s in U.S., origanally started in Great Britain
Albany Plan of Union
tried to unite the colonies(failed), A proposal for increased unity and cooperation among the colonies
Proprietary Colony
English colony where king gave land to proprietors for yearly payment
finger lakes, matrilineal,longhouses, Iroquois league/confederacy, MOOCS, adapted to their enviroment
loyalty to one's state or are rather than the nation as a whole
officail count of the pop. every 10 years
Indentured Servants
men and women who entered inta a contract to work for seven years in exchange for passage to the colonies
to change
Executive Branch
enforces laws, appoints judges, and vetos bills
colonies exist to benefit the mother country
A person who is on the run from the law
Checks and Balances
each branch of government can check or control the others
Whiskey Rebellion
farmers in PA revolted the whiskey tax, Washington sent miltia- test of strength for the new government
14th Amendment
archaeology study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about their way of life
To free
Henry Clay
the west, supported war of 1812, wanted to strengthen the national government
Concurrent Powers
powers for the national government and states
Judicial Branch
interpets laws, judicial reviews, and declare unconstitional
Corduroy Road
road paved with logs
new England, John Winthrop, religious freedom
The period of the civil war
Quartering Act(1765) Colonists Reaction
colonists wrote protests
Political Science
Study of structure and activities of goverment for social order
The Great Compromise
a bicameral legislature was created. Representation in the house of Reps. is based on population and representation in the senate is equal
New Hampshire
new England, trade and fishing
Land Ordinance of 1785
system for settling a Northwest territory
secondary sources
textbook, book written at a later time
Dred Scott
An 1858 Supreme Court case in which a slave sued for his freedom but the court ruled against Scott because he wasn't a U.S.citizen
Representative Government
people elect people to run the government
National Debt
total sum of money a government owes
Reserved Powers
powers set aside for the states
British advatages
money and soldiers
middle, broke away from Pennsylvania, trade

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