Spanish Final
undefined, object
copy deck
- perro
- god
- aeropuerto
- airport
- mete
- makes
- prima
- girl cousin
- los/los
- them
- hace
- do or make
- padre
- father
- mar
- sea
- metro
- subway
- me dule la cabeza
- my head hurts me
- alrededor de
- around
- hace frio
- it is cold
- aduana
- customs
- fueron
- they went
- nublado
- cloudy
- tirar el balon
- throw the ball
- por encima de la red
- over the net
- la farmacia
- pharmacy
- en la consulta de medico
- in the doctors office
- tarjeta de embarque
- boarding pass
- delante
- in front
- plancha de vela
- wind surfing
- primo
- boy cousin
- garaje
- garrage
- preferir
- to prefer
- mano izeuierda
- left hand
- comandante
- piolet
- cerca
- hear
- veces
- sometimes
- boletera
- ticket window
- lanzar
- to kick/to throw
- a tiempo
- on time
- esperar
- to wait
- expertos
- expert
- pantalla
- screen
- la abuela
- grandmother
- resfriada
- Cold (hot)
- hoy
- today
- fila
- seat
- cocina
- kitchen
- libro
- book
- obra teatral
- play
- actriz
- actress
- entrada
- ticket
- guante
- glove
- peridico
- newspaper
- billette
- ticket
- primer piso
- first floor
- exposicion
- exhibition
- el mural
- mural
- pelota
- ball
- partido
- game
- extran
- foriegn
- en el cesto
- basket
- telesqui
- ski lift
- doblada
- dubbed
- catarro
- cold (sick)
- salir
- to leave
- parar
- to stop
- baston
- ski pole
- golpear
- to hit
- la seccion de no fumar
- section of no smoking
- joven
- teenager
- atrapar
- to catch
- espectador
- spectator
- la agente
- agent
- fueron
- to go
- teatro
- theatre
- hermana
- sister
- planta piso
- ground floor
- consulta del medico
- doctors office
- quantes
- glove
- la farmaceutica
- pharmacists
- hijos
- children
- auga
- water
- cielo
- sky
- tercer piso
- third floor
- mastrador
- counter
- jugador de beisbol
- baseball player
- medicamentos
- medications
- entrar
- to enter
- estacion de esqui
- ski resort
- abrir
- to open
- talon
- luggage claim tag
- pierna
- leg
- la receta
- prescription
- esta manana
- this morning
- hija
- daughter
- sus
- his
- ascensor
- elevator
- equipo
- team
- tiempo
- weather
- vio
- to watch
- medica
- doctor
- tos
- a cough
- abrir
- to open
- bloquer
- block
- meter
- to put in
- abre
- opens
- montana
- mountain
- practicar
- to practice
- estornudar
- to sneeze
- me
- to me
- pie
- shoe
- estacion
- station
- dolor de cabeza
- headache
- bajo
- goes down
- mascota
- pet
- despegar
- to take off
- rodilla
- knee
- cancha de tennis
- tennis court
- mi
- my (pos)
- barazo
- arm
- despachar
- to dispense
- buen humor
- good moood
- telon
- curtain
- el actor
- actor
- empezar
- to begin
- nubes
- clouds
- grados
- degrees
- el tennis
- tennis
- espectactulo
- show/performance
- raqueta
- raquet
- el ano pasado
- last year
- el basquetbol/el baloncesto
- basketball
- puerta de salida
- gate of departure
- te
- to you
- hace buen tiempo
- it is nice weather
- viejos
- old
- quien saber
- she wants to know
- piloto
- pile
- dona
- courteous way of adressing a female
- mano derecha
- right hand
- triste
- sad
- co-piloto
- co piole
- parar
- stop
- segundo piso
- 2nd floor
- avion
- plane
- tia
- aunt
- tirar
- to kick/to throw
- cuadro
- painting
- estoy
- to have
- pildoras
- pills
- ver
- to se/ watch
- nerviosa
- nervous
- taaje bano
- swimsuit
- subrir
- to go up
- control de pasaportes
- passport inspection
- don
- courteous way of adressing a male
- hace sol
- it is sunny
- volver
- to return to a place
- obra
- work
- sexto piso
- 6th floor
- el fin de semana
- the weekend
- antes del vuelo
- before the flight
- esta noche
- tonight
- noticas
- news
- porque
- because
- emison deportiva
- sports program
- red
- net
- balneario
- beach resort
- los abuelos
- grandparents
- escolofrios
- the chills
- balon
- ball
- marido
- spouse
- boca
- mouth
- jovenes
- young
- equipaje
- luggage/suitcase
- ojos
- eyes
- destino
- destination
- esta semana
- this week
- en el farmacia
- in the pharmacy
- vender
- to sell
- entre
- between
- hacer
- to do/to make
- permitir
- to permit
- virir
- to live
- cuarta piso
- 4th floor
- pobre
- poor
- escena
- scene
- sesion
- session
- el receptor
- cathcer
- cuarto
- room
- demora
- delay
- hermano
- brother
- gato
- cat
- comedor
- dining room
- brilla
- shines
- bota
- boot
- escalera
- staris
- tios
- aunts/uncles
- creet
- to think
- reclamo de equipaje
- luggage reclaim
- ayer por la tarde
- yesterday morning
- calla
- street
- comer
- to eat
- octavo piso
- 8th floor
- __ando/__iendo
- ending "ing"
- pais
- country
- devolver
- to return (an object)
- subtitulos
- subtitles
- tio
- uncle
- toalla playera
- beach towel
- volver
- to return to
- contra
- against
- sol
- sun
- asistente de vuelo
- flight attendent
- portero/la portera
- goalie
- banador
- swimsuit
- esquidora
- skier
- al cine
- cinema/movie theatre
- esta tarde
- this afternoon
- estar
- to be
- tracer
- to bring
- la cesto/la canasta
- basket/ball
- la pista
- ski trail
- madre
- mother
- maletero/maletera
- trunk
- estatua
- statue
- las maletas
- luggage
- las semana pasado
- last week
- cree
- thinks
- arena
- sand
- tener
- to have
- revisar
- to review
- butaca
- seat
- suben
- they go up
- lo/ la
- it
- alberca
- swimming pool
- llueve
- rains
- casa
- home
- puerta de salida/ sala de salida
- gate of departure
- revista
- magazine
- los padre
- parents
- dormitoria
- bedrrom
- meter el balon
- to put in/to score a goal
- bate
- bat
- playa
- the beach
- quinto piso
- 5th floor
- el balon
- ball
- enfermo
- sick
- bajaron
- they went down
- campo de futbol
- soccer field
- nieta
- granddaughter
- mal humor
- bad mood
- sala
- room/ living room
- ser
- to be
- la cama
- the bed
- locion bronceadora
- tanning lotion
- cola
- line or row
- hieto
- grandson
- el base
- base
- control de seguridad
- security control
- vuelo
- flight
- porteria
- goal
- el taxi
- taxi
- anteojos de sal
- sunglasses
- el tanto
- point
- dolor
- pain
- nuesro
- our (pos)
- pelota
- ball
- nieva
- snow
- septimo piso
- 7th floor
- esqui
- ski
- escenario
- scenary/set
- venir
- to come
- boleto
- ticket
- familia
- family
- jugadora
- player
- sobrino
- nephew
- hijo
- son
- viaje
- trip
- las gaftas de sol
- sunglasses
- examina
- examine
- buceo
- snorkeling
- me duele el estomago
- my stomach hurts
- jonron
- homerun
- regalos
- presents
- tarde
- late
- hace mal tiempo
- bad weather
- empatado
- field
- perido
- missed
- cansada
- tired
- bascula
- scale
- abuela
- grandfather
- volver
- to return
- esposo
- husband
- estadio
- stadium
- ganar to win
- perder to loose
- ola
- wave
- como esta
- how are you feeling
- me dule la garganta
- my throat hurts me
- artista
- artist
- pelicula
- film/movie
- principantes
- beginners
- contento
- content
- guardar
- stay
- numer del asiento
- seat number
- departmentos
- apartment
- nadar
- to swim
- aterrizar
- to land
- esqui acuatico
- water ski
- platillo
- batter
- tablero indicator
- score board
- despues del vuelo
- after the flight
- cabeza
- head
- invierno
- winter
- ayer por la manana
- yesterday morning
- futbol
- soccer
- salud y el medico
- health and the doctor
- querer
- to want
- consultoria
- doctors office
- aterrizando
- landing
- equipaje de mano
- carry on luggage/handbag
- beisbol
- baseball
- pasaporte
- passport
- privada
- private
- quardar
- to guard
- la piscina
- swimming pol
- en el museo
- in the meuseum
- representacion
- performance
- gripe
- flu
- salieron
- to leave
- autobus
- bus
- anoche
- last night
- facturar
- to check in
- aprender
- to learn
- la pantalia de salidas y lllegadas
- screen of departures arrival
- recamara
- bedroom
- scultora
- sculpture
- crema protectora
- sunscreen
- batear
- to bat
- decimo piso
- tenth floor
- jugar
- to play
- marcar
- to score
- aplausos
- aplause
- fiebre
- fever
- garganta
- throat
- poner
- to put
- jugar
- to play
- naticon
- swimming
- dormir
- to sleep
- ayer
- yesterday
- plastillas
- medicines (liquids)
- desembarcan
- desembarc
- cancha al aire libre
- outdoor court
- juego de tennis
- game of tennis
- tripulacion
- flight crew
- sra.
- mrs
- anaorak
- ski jacket
- la taquilla
- ticket window
- numero del vuelo
- flight number
- tosser
- to cough
- su
- he/she/they (pos)
- encestar
- to put in basket
- ventanilla
- ticket window
- tabla hawaian
- surfing
- ir
- to go
- cancha cubierta
- covered court
- film/pelicul
- movie or film
- anos
- years
- medico
- doctor
- dar
- to give
- nos
- to us
- poder
- to be able to
- despegando
- taking off
- subir
- to go up/to get on
- vieron
- to see;to watch
- verano
- summer
- sr.
- mr
- esta ano
- this year
- tu
- you (pos)
- sobrina
- niece
- la garganta
- throat
- jardinero
- outfielder
- jardin
- garden
- inverno
- winter
- practico
- practiced
- cancha de basquetbol
- basketball court
- novento piso
- nineth floor
- singles no doubles
- singles not doubles
- dribblar con el balon
- dribble the ball
- hace calor
- it is hot
- passar el balon
- pass the ball
- despatcha
- dispenses
- invitar
- invite