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SS...hyde (camps)

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The largest concentration camp that the Germans made, it contained 3 different camps; Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau), and Auschwitz 3 (Monowitz). More than one million people lost their lives there. Victims had to go through selections to see if they were fit to work if not they were cremated or put in gas chambers 2,000 at a time. If they made the selections they would go to the labor camps and lose their identities by having their heads shaved and all of them wearing matching striped rags and work dresses. They would be housed in primitive shacks with no windows or insulation with a bucket for the bathroom. They would have 5 or 6 inmates on a wooden plank. They would only have watery soup made of leftovers and bread with margarine with tea or a drink resembling coffee. Prisoners were always hungry. They were forced to work at factories, coal mines, construction, kitchen or sort piles of supplies. It was nearly impossible to escape the ca p because there are charged barbed-wire fences and watch towers with machine guns. They also were forced to be involved with cruel medical experiments that lead to death or fatal impairments.
When the SS and the Nazis examined the prisoners to chose those that went to the crematory and those that got to live. They chose the ones in the best conditions at labor camps vary widely depending on the operators
Extermination camps
The Germans used this as a method to carry out their plans for the final solution. They used to use the mobile killing squads but that was mentally demanding so the Germans used this new method. They created camps that had gas chambers that resembled showers so the prisoners were unaware of their certain death. Another method they used in the extermination camps was open pits of flames were they would shove people to burn alive in the flames. The men and women were separated, each person was quickly looked at to see if they could go into forced labor. If you were a young child, pregnant women, elderly or handicapped you had little chance of survival.
Railroad cars
Were a way to transport the Jews and Gypsies to the concentration camps. They shoved hundreds on small cattle cars leaving no space. There was nothing but a bucket for them to relieve themselves and the cattle car was always in extreme heat or very cold. They had little food or water that doesn't even last the whole journey to a concentration camp.
a concentration camp that was not hidden from the view of the public and had no walls hiding it's crimes.
two camps divided into three parts: administration section, barracks and storage for plundered goods, extermination, burial and cremation section. Initially, three gas chambers housed in a brick building using carbon monoxide, three gas chambers added later. Created after Belzec
Wansee Conference
did not mark the beginning of the "final solution" (the mobile killing squads were already mobile) Reinhrad Heydrich held the meeting. never before has a modern state committed itself to the murder of an entire people not one man present objected
was established Dec 1941 the first commadant was Herbert Lange. The camp consisted of 2 parts: administration section, barracks for storage for plundered goods, and burial and cremation site. It operated 3 gas vans using carbon monoxide. The estimated number of deaths is 150-300,000
In order to carry out the final solution Germans would deport Jews. They would be transported by trucks or trains to six camps all located in Poland. Nearly 2 million Jews were taken out of the ghettos. Jews and Gypsies were also being transported from distant countries in Germans control.
Labor camps
- Are camps that the Germans made for the final solution. They would make prisoners work to death under terrible conditions. They would give them little food and water making them always hungry. They also could work at the kitchen or crematories. They would make them work at factories for weapons or cleaning the towns in Germany. They would make them work until death or kill them if they are growing old and weak.
Were only used in Auschwitz for identification. They were not given to prisoners who were going to be killed right away. They keep tract of the prisoners who died by using tattoos. They used many different methods but ended by using tattoos. The camp assigned over 400,000 different serial numbers to prisoners.
was the first of the Nazi German ecterminations camps created for the implementing operation Reinhard. The camp was situated in occupied Poland about half a mile south of the local railroad station Belzec
was a extermination camp. They would gas the prisoners right away making it at first seem as a shower. They would pile the bodies into mass graves of crematories. The other option was to help with the killing process if they thought you were strong enough.
The first concentration camp was first used for political prisoners which consisted of political opponents, German communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists. Later on it was also used for Jews, gypsies and homosexuals. The camp was almost like a tester camp for the other concentration camps. It still had terrible conditions and forced labor like the other camps. It also included a crematory.
"Arbeit Macht Frei"
is the sign over entrance meaning "work makes one free" unfortunately it was quite the opposite
operatioin Reinhard
the code name given to the Nazi plan to murder Polish Jews in the General Government

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