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Theo 1b


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to abolish or nullify a law by authoritative action
only for the particular case at hand, not systematically taking into account other relevant issues or wider application
the ethical view that one ought to act out of regard for the interests of others
the ethical view that holiness or purity is achieved by mandatory abstinence from bodily comforts and material pleasures (e.g., food, alcohol, sleep, sex, money)
without interest in or consequences for civil government
a view which is in some fashion against the law
characterized as a primary conviction from which all other conclusions are drawn or proven
a distinctive approach to ethics which emphasizes and makes decisions in terms of the consequences, goals, or situational factors of one's conduct
the relation between two things of essential identity similarity, coherence or harmony; the lack of change from one principle or regime to another
the position that all of the post-fall covenants made by God are essentially one, centering on God's gracious promise in Jesus Christ, with each successive covenant expanding on previous ones, rather than disgarding them or running parallel to the others; the covenants prior to Christ were marked by anticipation and administered by foreshadows, while the fulfillment or substance was found in Christ's person and redemptive work, establishing the New Covenant today
the relation between two things of difference, dissimilarity, incoherence or disharmony; the change from one principle or regime to another
a distinct administration of God's covenantal relation with man or the age characterized by such
the ethical view that one ought to act out of regard for his own benefit or welfare
the sinful, personal trait of behaving as though one's own interests were of supreme or sole importance
applied "after the fact," .thereby disregarding the previous circumstances, status, or legal character of an event
a Jewish heretical party in the early church which held that, in addition to faith in Christ, one must conform to Jewish customs (e.g., the ceremonial law of circumcision, the Old Covenant festivals) in order, through such self-effort and law-works, to be justified and sanctified
the imperative theory of law which claims that all laws are merely commands of a human sovereign, so that there is no conceptual or necessary connection between law and justice; in this case those within a legal system are unconditionally obligated to obey its laws, however immoral they may be
pertaining to teaching, instruction, or education
the study or theory of punishment, especially the punishment of criminals by the state
a separatist and self-righteous sect in Judaism which prided itself in strict adherence to the Mosaic law, but which attended only to external and trifling details and actually nullified the law by adding to it human traditions
on first appearance
characterized by favoring, supporting, or defending the law
the ethical view that right and wrong cannot be defined in advance for general types of circumstances and actions, so that moral decisions should not be based upon laws; the "loving" . thing to do must be determined by the situation itself, using a utilitarian approach (seeking the greatest pleasure or happiness for the greatest number of people)
pertaining to a goal, aim, or purpose; teleological ethics emphasizes and makes decisions in terms of the proper goal of man or the kingdom of God as man's highest good, etc. (cf. "consequential perspective")
literally "God's law," but recently applied to a particular view of its normativity for today
Epicurean philosophy
originated from its founder Epicurus, who died in 270 b.c. Epicureans did not believe in an afterlife; therefore, one should neither fear death nor believe in supernatural beings. There was no jurisdiction over the state of affairs of humans. That which brought the most felicity now was the highest aim in life. Unlike the Stoics, the Epicureans rejected fate because there were no governing principles or beings that controlled one's destiny. The body was an indispensable part of human nature. Eventually, against the concept envisaged by Epicurus, this philosophy became associated with hedonistic practices because there was no infinite reference point to dictate morality.
Stoic philosophy
was founded by Zeno around 300 b.c. In contrast to Epicurean philosophy, individuals achieve well-being and peace through their consonance with nature (which was in a constant state of change) by having the qualities of bravery, justice, self-control, and a competent intellect. All people have the divine spark of godhood (i.e., the logos) within them. Stoicism was monistic or even pantheistic because of the belief that divinity was so immanent that nature itself was part of the divine spark.
socinian theology
an adherent of a 16th and 17th century theological movement professing belief in God and adherence to the Christian Scriptures but denying the divinity of Christ and consequently denying the Trinity

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