JLPT4 Sentence Starters
undefined, object
copy deck
- ã‚ã‚
- Ah!, Oh!, Alas!
- ã‚ã® (ã‚ã®ã†)
- say, well, err
- å¦ / ã„ã„ãˆ
- no
- ãˆãˆ
- yes
- ã•ã‚
- come, come now, well, well now
- 然㗠/ ã—ã‹ã—
- however, but
- ã˜ã‚ƒ or ã˜ã‚ƒã‚
- well, well then
- ãㆠ(ãã†ã§ã™ï¼‰
- so, really, seeming
- 然ã†ã—㦠/ ãã†ã—ã¦
- and, like that
- 然ã—㦠/ ãã—ã¦
- and
- 其れã‹ã‚‰ / ãã‚Œã‹ã‚‰
- and then, after that
- 其れã§ã¯ / ãã‚Œã§ã¯
- in that situation, well then ...
- 誰 / ã ã‚Œ
- who
- 次 / ã¤ãŽ
- next, stage, subsequent
- では
- then, well, so, well then
- ã§ã‚‚
- but, however
- ã©ã†
- how, in what way, how about
- 如何ã—㦠/ ã©ã†ã—ã¦
- why?, for what reason, how, in what way, for what purpose, what for
- ä½•å’ / ã©ã†ãž
- please, kindly, by all means
- ã©ã†ã‚‚
- thanks, how, (very) much, very, quite, really
- 何方 / ã©ã¡ã‚‰
- which, who
- 何方 / ã©ãªãŸ
- who?
- 何れ / ã©ã‚Œ
- well, now, let me see, which (of three or more)
- 何 / ãªã« or ãªã‚“
- what
- ã¯ã„
- yes
- åˆã‚ã« / ã¯ã˜ã‚ã«
- first, at the beginning
- åˆã‚㦠/ ã¯ã˜ã‚ã¦
- for the first time
- ã‚‚ã—ã‚‚ã—
- hello (on phone)