JLPT4 Places
undefined, object
copy deck
- アパート
- apartment, apartment building, apart
- 家 / ã„ãˆ
- house
- æ± / ã„ã‘
- pond
- å…¥å£ / ã„ã‚Šãã¡
- entrance, gate, approach, mouth
- ã†ã¡
- house (one's own)
- æµ· / ã†ã¿
- sea, beach
- æ˜ ç”»é¤¨ / ãˆã„ãŒã‹ã‚“
- movie theatre
- 駅 / ãˆã
- station
- ãŠæ‰‹æ´—ã„ / ãŠã¦ã‚らã„
- toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom
- 外国 / ãŒã„ã“ã
- foreign country
- 会社 / ã‹ã„ã—ゃ
- company, corporation
- å¦æ ¡ / ãŒã£ã“ã†
- school
- å· / ã‹ã‚
- river
- æ²³ / ã‹ã‚
- river, stream
- 喫茶店 / ãã£ã•ã¦ã‚“
- coffee lounge
- 教室 / ãょã†ã—ã¤
- classroom
- 銀行 / ãŽã‚“ã“ã†
- bank
- 国 / ãã«
- country
- 玄関 / ã’ã‚“ã‹ã‚“
- entranceway, entry hall
- 公園 / ã“ã†ãˆã‚“
- (public) park
- 交番 / ã“ã†ã°ã‚“
- police box
- é£Ÿå ‚ / ã—ょãã©ã†
- cafeteria, dining hall
- 空 / ãら
- sky
- å¤§å¦ / ã ã„ãŒã
- university
- 大使館 / ãŸã„ã—ã‹ã‚“
- embassy
- å°æ‰€ / ã ã„ã©ã“ã‚
- kitchen
- 建物 / ãŸã¦ã‚‚ã®
- building
- 地下鉄 / ã¡ã‹ã¦ã¤
- underground train, subway
- å‡ºå£ / ã§ãã¡
- exit, gateway, way out, outlet, leak, vent
- デパート
- department store
- トイレ
- toilet, restroom, bathroom, lavatory
- 所 / ã¨ã“ã‚
- place
- 図書館 / ã¨ã—ょã‹ã‚“
- library
- åº / ã«ã‚
- garden
- パーティー
- party
- 病院 / ã³ã‚‡ã†ã„ã‚“
- hospital
- / プール
- swimming pool
- 部屋 / ã¸ã‚„
- room
- 外 / ã»ã‹
- other place, the rest
- ホテル
- hotel
- 町 / ã¾ã¡
- town, street, road
- 店 / ã¿ã›
- store, shop, establishment
- é“ / ã¿ã¡
- road, street, way, method
- ~屋 / ~や
- suffix to indicate shop selling something
- 八百屋 / ã‚„ãŠã‚„
- greengrocer
- å±± / ã‚„ã¾
- mountain
- 郵便局 / ゆã†ã³ã‚“ãょã
- post office
- / レストラン
- restaurant