Some JLPT3 vocab 6
undefined, object
copy deck
- 髭
- moustache, beard, whiskers
- 美術館
- art gallery, art museum
- éžå¸¸ã«
- very, extremely, exceedingly
- 引ã£è¶Šã™
- to move, to change residence
- é–‹ã
- to open (as in a bank account, festival)
- 昼間
- daytime
- 拾ã†
- to pick up, to find, to gather
- 増ãˆã‚‹
- to increase, to multiply
- æ·±ã„
- deep, profound, thick, close
- 複雑
- complexity, complication
- 復習
- review, revision
- 普通
- generally, ordinarily, usually
- ã¶ã©ã†
- grapes
- 布団
- bedding (Japanese style), futon
- 不便
- inconvenience
- è¸ã‚€
- to step on, to tread on
- 文法
- grammar
- 貿易
- foreign trade
- 放é€
- broadcast, broadcasting
- 法律
- law
- ã»ã¨ã‚“ã©
- mostly, almost
- 翻訳
- translation, decryption, deciphering
- 真é¢ç›®
- diligent, serious, honest
- å…ˆãš
- first of all, almost, hardly (with neg. verb)
- åˆã¯
- or, otherwise
- 周り
- circumference, surroundings
- è¿Žãˆã‚‹
- to go out to meet, to accept as a member of a group or family
- å¬ã—上ãŒã‚‹
- to eat (pol.)
- 申ã—上ã’ã‚‹
- to say, to tell, to state
- 木綿
- cotton
- 焼ã
- to bake, to grill
- å½¹ã«ç«‹ã¤
- to be helpful, to be useful
- 焼ã‘ã‚‹
- to burn, to be roasted, to be sunburnt
- ã‚„ã›ã‚‹
- to become thin, to lose weight
- 柔らã‹ã„
- soft, tender, limp
- 湯
- hot water
- 輸出
- export
- 指輪
- ring finger
- æºã‚Œã‚‹
- to shake, to sway
- 用æ„
- preparation
- 用事
- tasks, things to do
- 汚れる
- to get dirty
- 予習
- preparation for a lesson
- 予定
- plans, arrangement, schedule
- 予約
- reservation, contract
- 寄る
- to visit, to stop by, to approach
- 宜ã—ã„
- (hon) good, very well
- å¼±ã„
- weak, frail, unskilled
- ç†ç”±
- reason, pretext, motive
- 利用
- use, application
- 両方
- both sides
- 旅館
- Japanese hotel
- 留守
- absence, being away from home
- 鬣絡
- junction, communication
- 沸ã‹ã™
- to boil, to heat
- 沸く
- to boil, to grow hot, to get excited, to gush forth
- 訳
- meaning, reason, circumstances, can be deduced, situation
- 割åˆ
- rate, comparatively, contrary to expectations
- 割れる
- to break, to cleave