Some JLPT3 vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- 挨拶
- greeting, salutation
- 空く
- to become empty, to be less crowded
- æšã’ã‚‹
- to lift, to fry
- æœå¯åŠ
- oversleeping, later riser
- 味
- flavor, taste
- éŠã³
- playing
- 集る
- to gather, to crowd around, to extort from
- 集ã‚ã‚‹
- to collect, to assemble
- è¬ã‚‹
- to apologize
- 安全
- safety, security
- 案内
- information, guidance, leading
- 以下
- under, the following, less than
- 以外
- with the exception of
- 如何
- how, in what way
- æ„見
- opinion, view
- ã„ã˜ã‚ã‚‹
- to tease, to persecute
- 以上
- more than, above, since
- 致ã™
- to do (humble)
- 一生懸命
- very hard, with utmost effort
- 糸
- thread, yarn, string
- 以内
- within, inside of, less than
- 田舎
- rural
- 祈る
- to pray, to wish
- æ¤ãˆã‚‹
- to plant, to grow
- 伺ã†
- (hon.) to visit, to ask, to be told, to implore (a god for an oracle)
- å—付
- receipt, acceptance, information desk
- 写ã™
- to film, to transcribe, to duplicate, to imitate
- 移る
- to move (house), to be infected, to be contagious, to transfer (department)
- 裏
- reverse side
- å£²ã‚Šå ´
- place where things are sold, salesfloor, counter (in shop)
- é‹è»¢æ‰‹
- driver, chauffeur
- é‹å‹•
- motion, exercise
- æž
- branch, bow, twig, limb
- é æ…®
- diffidence, restraint, reserve
- ãŠã„ã§ã«ãªã‚‹
- (hon.) to be
- ãŠç¥ã„
- congratulation, celebration
- 応接間
- reception room
- 屋上
- rooftop
- 贈り物
- gift
- é…れる
- to be late, to be delayed, to fall behind scedule
- èµ·ã™
- to raise, to cause, to wake someone
- è¡Œã†
- to perform, to conduct oneself, to carry out
- 怒る
- to get angry, to be angry
- 押ã—入れ
- closet
- ãŠå®…
- (polite) your home, you