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Social Studies Notecards


undefined, object
copy deck
interchangeable parts
identical, machine-made parts for a tool or instrument
refusal by workers to do their jobs until their demands are met
Trail of Tears
Cherokee forced to walk to Oklahoma
Lowell girls
worked in the mills before returning home to get married
states' rights
The rights of states to limit the power to the federal government
trade unions
association of trade workers formed to gain higher wages and better working conditions
Eli Whitney
American Inventor, invented interchangeable parts and the cotton gin.
slave codes
couldn't gather in groups more then 3, couldn't leave owners land without pass, not allowed to own guns, couldn't learn to read and write
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The change from making things by hand to making them with machines.
foreign policy
actions that a nation takes in relation to other nations
created Greek, Hebrew, and english letters to create 86 symbols of Cherokee alphabet. Used to write Cherokee Constitution.
What was life like for Native Americans in California?
They lived in small scattered groups, they herded sheep and cattle, raised crops, had to work for the missions, many indians died of disease.
What music styles can be traced to the traditions of the South?
Jazz, Country and Rock
movement of population from farms to cities
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
Jefferson signed the treaty to have the United States control of the land vast lands west of the Mississippi River.
Nat Turner
African American preacher who led major revolt. He killed 57 whites. They found him and hung him.
What five groups made up life in the south?
Cottoncracy: rich plantation owners with many slaves and huge houses, Small farmers: plain folks with 1-4 slaves, poor whites: didn't own land but rented it paying with part of their crop, free african americans, enslaved african americans.
cotton gin
a machine that separated the cotton from the seeds
What was the result of the War in 1812?
They agreed to restore prewar conditions. America didn't lose but they didn't win.
How did slaves struggle against the system?
broke tools, destroyed crops and stole food, tried to escape and head for the North, and killed innocent whites.
protective tariff
tax on foreign goods to protect America's industries
What was life like for slaves?
Worked on a plantations where men and women cleared new land and planted and harvested crops, children pulled weeds, collected wood and carried water to field hands, worked 12-14 hours a day, earnings all belonged to their owners.
pride in one's nation
What is the Continental Divide?
A mountain range that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of a continent.
What was life like for African-Americans who lived in the North?
They faced discrimination and had trouble finding jobs.
What was the Lewis and Clark expedition?
It was an expedition to study Louisiana's climate, wildlife, mineral resources, and to learn about the Indian Nations.
Who fought against the US in the war of 1812?
a person who enters another country in order to settle there
What happened in the story Rip Van Winkle
After 20 years, Rip woke up and went back to his town and found out that they were at war and most of his friends were dead.
spinning jenny
machine developed in the 1760's that could spin several threads at once.
What happened in the story Another Factory Girl?
A girl who visits a factory to see her cousin, who is a Lowell girl, and at the end she decides to become a factory girl.
What was factory life like?
They had to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week all year round for a minimum wage.
What does Manifest Destiny mean?
People believed that the U.S. where going to spread all the way to the Pacific Ocean. To believe this you have to think: whites are the best, government is the best, and God is on the side of the White people.
to withdraw from the union
Where was Louisiana?
A few roads west of the Appalachian Mountains, right by the Mississippi Territory.
What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Machines replaced human and animal power, The machines where in factories instead of in a home, Some lost jobs of farming, Kids had to work and had no education.
Indian Removal Act
forced many native americans to move west of the Mississippi
severe food shortage and starvation
factory system
method of producing goods that brought workers and machinery together in one place
How did the Industrial Revolution come to the U.S.?
Samuel Slater, a skilled mechanic, memorized the design of Arkwright's mill and boarded a ship from England to the U.S. and opened a mill with Moses Brown.
policy or attitude that denies equal rights and treatment to certain groups of people
What was life like for women who worked in factories?
They earned less money then the men, most union leaders didn't want women in their rank, people thought they should be at home not in the factories, the union's (many not all) goal was to raise men's wages so their wives could leave their factory jobs.
Who was Sacajawea?
She was a Shosone woman who agreed to accompany Lewis and Clark and serve as a translator.
tax on foreign goods brought into the country
Abigail Adams
Married to John Adams, Protected Women Rights, first lady to live in the White House
Cotton Kingdom
South Carolina through Texas where known as the "Cotton Kingdom" because of their cotton plantations

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