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Social Studies Review 1st semster


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What were settlement houses??
neighborhood centers that arose in the late 1800s to offer education, recreation, and social activities to immigrants and poor people
What is the 18th Amendment?
prohibiting the manufacture, sale and transport of alcoholic
Who were Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith?
Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong were jazz composers and Bessie Smith was a Blues Singer
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
worked for the womens suffrage
What was the climate/environment like in the Great Plains?
Flatlands that rise gradually from east to west, Land eroded by wind and water, low rainfall and Frequent dust storms
How did railroads help businesses after the Civil War?
it linked resources, products, and market
How did people adapt to the Great Plains?
By having technological advances
What happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
sitting bull attacked custer
Why did mills in Pennsylvania need a supply of iron ore?
because of the steel industry in Pittsburgh
Who helped immigrants with housing, food and jobs even though they were corrupt?
The People in Settlement houses
Why did people's perception of the Great Plains change after the Civil War?
because of new technological advances people saw the Great Plains not as a 'treeless wasteland' but as a vast area to be settled
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
Captains of Industry (Steel)
Who was Langston Hughes?
poet who combined the experiences of African American cultural roots
What was the temperance Movement?
composed of groups opposed to the making and consuming of alcohol
What was the reason for the growth of cities?
specialized industries including steed (Pittsburgh), meat packing (Chicago), movement of Americans from rural to urban areas for job opportunities
Who was John D. Rockafeller?
Captains of industry (oil)
Who was segregation forced upon?
African Americans
In what region of the United States was the cattle raised found?
In the Great Plains
Why did people move west?
New opportunities and tchnological advances led to westward migration following the Civil War
Where was the textile industry located?
New England

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